Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3273 Cultivating Immortals Wearing Book Girls 3

Chapter 3273 Cultivating Immortals Wearing Book Girls 3
There are also children in the second room, under the precepts and deeds of the adults, they also hate the Cheng'en government. People say that the marriage of An Ran and others should be good in the future, and they will say things like "what's so great about a good marriage, isn't it just luck to reincarnate?" Is it in the Duke's Mansion? If my family is also in the Duke's Mansion, my marriage will be fine too," or something like that.

Then he is also cursing the death of all the people in Duke Cheng'en's Mansion, so that they can get the title of duke - it is estimated that the adults often preach this theory in front of the children, so the children also think the same way.

In short, Erfang is full of resentment towards Cheng'en Gongfu. If there is anyone in this world who is looking forward to the death of Dafang, it must be Erfang, because if Dafang is dead, they can get what they want knighthood.

So... is it true that Erfang did this?
An Ran guessed in her heart.

But if it was really done by the Second Household, how did they manage to kill everyone in Duke Cheng'en's mansion without revealing any traces, and finally passed the inspection by the people sent by Dali Temple and the Queen Mother?

An Ran, who couldn't figure it out for a while, decided not to think about it for the time being, and planned to go to the palace to take a look when she had a chance.

This opportunity is coming soon.

In a few days, it will be the Dragon Boat Festival, and there will be a banquet in the palace. Some famous people in Beijing can enter the palace to participate in the palace banquet.

As the Empress Dowager's natal family, Cheng En Gong's Mansion was naturally also invited, so An Ran also had the qualification to enter the palace.

An Ran prepared to use this opportunity to arrange the puppet in the palace, right next to the emperor.

She was thinking that the emperor also had the ability to kill people invisible, and if his hidden guards killed people, even if someone in the court saw it, they would not say anything about it, so he was the most suspicious person in the palace.

Today the palace is full of people like real-world tourists visiting the Forbidden City. There are people everywhere. Sometimes when they meet people they know, they will greet each other and chat for a while. The palace is like a vegetable market, very lively.

Although the palace has always been solemn, when a banquet is held, there will definitely be conversations, that is to say, it will definitely be lively, so the masters and masters in the palace will not spoil the fun and say something.

At that moment, An Ran followed Mrs. Cheng Engong, and was led by the eunuch to the Empress Dowager.

The Chen family is currently in full swing, so people along the road greet them, and the people they go to meet are also people that ordinary people can't see, such as the queen mother, the emperor and so on.

Although the banquet hasn't started yet, the Queen Mother has already arrived at the palace where the banquet will be held. After all, it will take too long to come from the Compassionate Ning Palace until it starts. You know, the palace is very big, and there is a distance between the palace and the palace. It's also very far away, and it takes a long time to walk in a chariot. In case it's time for the banquet, the queen mother came in a hurry.

When An Ran and others entered, there were already many imperial wives sitting beside the queen mother, and there were also some widows of the former emperor who were like the queen mother—twilight concubines.

Of course, those who can sit here are all dignified and have a good relationship with Queen Mother Chen, otherwise, those with lower status and her husband's dead concubine can only celebrate the festival in their own palace at this moment.

Many of the people at the scene, Yuanshen knew many of them. After all, Yuanshen often went to the palace with his mother to meet the queen mother, so he knew many of the concubines in the palace. Mrs. Cheng Engong often took her to various houses to play, so she naturally knew them all.

The better thing about this era is this, although men are superior to women, but at least women don't have to sit in an embroidery building, can't see people for a lifetime, and have a little freedom of communication.

An Ran recognized that the person sitting not far from the Queen Mother's head was Noble Dowager Concubine.

During the period of the first emperor, Concubine Gao Gui was still very favored, and she also gave birth to a son, who is now the King of Chu.

Although he has been crowned king of Chu, the other party is only 14 years old now, and has not yet reached the age of weak crown. If the first emperor is still there, he is probably still living in the prince's house in the palace.

But now that the first emperor passed away, it is not suitable to live in the palace, so even though he is only 14 years old, the king of Chu still lives in his prince's mansion, but he just goes into the palace every day to greet his biological mother.

Concubine Gao Gui saw that he was young, and was afraid that if he left her and lived alone in the Prince's Mansion, the eunuchs and maids in the Prince's Mansion would lead him badly, so someone specially sent someone to watch him, and then asked him to pay his respects sooner or later, so that She knows his condition.

Because the other party is only 14 years old now, when the crown prince ascends the throne, he will naturally be younger, and there is no question of competing with the crown prince for the throne, so even though Concubine Gao was still favored at the time and was named a noble concubine, but because of little conflict of interest, there is no big conflict with the crown prince. The relationship between the Empress Dowager Chen is also good, so after the new emperor ascends the throne, she will naturally still have her dignity. This is also the reason why the noble concubine is sitting not far from the head of the Empress Dowager Chen. This position highlights the She has a good relationship with Queen Mother Chen.

Of course, there is a deeper and more secret relationship - Concubine Gao Gui intends to marry the niece of Empress Dowager Chen's natal family for her son, King Chu, who is the original body.

Concubine Gao Gui would do this, naturally for the sake of her son and her natal family.

The son married the niece of the empress dowager's natal family, so he hooked up with the Chen family. It's a good thing for the son and his natal family. There is a prince and concubine, and my own family has a relationship with the Chen family and the Queen Mother, a win-win situation.

Concubine Gao Gui has already spoken out about this matter, and Empress Dowager Chen has not expressed any objection, if not for a series of changes in Cheng Engong's mansion later, or the original body is probably going to marry the King of Chu.

In the original world, the king of Chu later married a cousin of his natal family.

Will marry a cousin, An Ran thinks it means a noble concubine, because in this way, although her natal family does not climb up to the Chen family, but it is not bad to be able to produce a prince and concubine.

And the reason why after telling Queen Mother Chen that she wanted to marry the original body, she was able to let her son marry someone else when the original body was still alive, was not blamed by the Queen Mother Chen, probably because the affairs of Cheng Engong's mansion were too serious. Strangely enough, Empress Dowager Chen understood the empress dowager's fear, so she let her give her son and found another marriage.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and the cousin of the king of Chu came over immediately.

Concubine Gao Gui's natal family is not noble, and her official position is also low. Logically, this kind of occasion would not be possible, but because of Concubine Gao Gui's relationship, they still came because she called them into the palace.

It happened that the King of Chu was also here at the moment, so An Ran paid attention to the interaction between Miss Gao and the King of Chu, wanting to see if there was any affection between the two. No accidents happened in Duke Cheng'en's mansion. Concubine Gaogui still kept her original idea and planned to propose to the King of Chu to marry her, but she planned to refuse, because she didn't want to beat the mandarin ducks and marry someone who belonged to her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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