Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3290 Cultivating Immortals Wearing Book Girls 20

Chapter 3290 Cultivating Immortals Wearing Book Girls 20
Thinking of this, the King of Chu couldn't help being annoyed, thinking that it would be fine if Cousin Gao didn't come back, but if he did come back, let's see how he troubles her, really, it's fine to elope with someone, and it's even troublesome for him——Yes, no Few people think that Miss Gao eloped, including the king of Chu. After all, a young girl ran out from the back window in broad daylight. Miss Gao was kidnapped, because the back window of Miss Gao's courtyard was not facing the main road, but facing the house. It was impossible for the gangsters to run into Gao's house in broad daylight and take Miss Gao away from the boudoir.

That is to elope, Miss Gao knows the time when people in her family come and go, so she runs away avoiding them, it is still possible.

Thinking that the other party might have eloped, but got himself hurt, King Chu was naturally annoyed.

Others also said that she liked her, and suspected that her disappearance was related to her. In fact, she didn't look for her at all. God knows who she was looking for, but she caused him to bear the stigma for nothing. It's no wonder that King Chu is happy. He planned to wait for her to come back and make trouble for her.

Concubine Gaogui believed her son's repeated denials.

After believing it, Concubine Gaogui couldn't help but feel a little angry. You know, not only did she suspect that her niece from her natal family had gone to find the King of Chu, but even her natal family also suspected this way. Her daughter disappeared, but the Gao family was weak and could not find her, so she asked someone to help her find her.

Then he asked her to ask the king of Chu for help, but she saw Miss Gao.

Doesn't that mean suspicion that her daughter and her son got together.

She thought it was impossible at the time, because even if Miss Gao liked her son, but her son didn't like Miss Gao, how could she hide Miss Gao.

But he was afraid of what might happen, so he asked the king of Chu to question him.

In the end, it was exactly what she thought, Miss Gao didn't look for her son at all.

Her daughter eloped with someone else, Madam Gao had the nerve to ask her to ask her son, she was annoyed when she thought about it, so she asked the Queen of Chu immediately, she brought Madam Gao, and scolded her head and face.

"Your daughter ran away with someone else, and you still think she got involved with my son and asked me for someone! How dare you ask such a question! How did you raise your daughter!"

When Mrs. Gao heard that her daughter was not with the King of Chu, she didn't dare to say anything. Even being humiliated by the noble concubine, she could only bear it.

Although she didn't dare to ask about the King of Chu, Mrs. Gao still loved her daughter very much. She endured the insult from Concubine Gao and said, "That child only likes his nephew, and he won't run away with anyone else. He suddenly disappeared. , I think something happened to her, like being taken away by some villain, please help me, see if I can find her."

The reason why I don't go to the yamen and ask the people in the yamen to investigate, after all, the yamen is manned, isn't it more convenient to investigate, because the girl's disappearance should not be investigated in a big way, lest it spread and the reputation will be bad, so Mrs. Gao will Suppressed the news and secretly asked someone to check.

Mrs. Gao said this, and Concubine Gao Gui felt that there was some truth to it. After all, the child had always liked her son before, so she shouldn't elope with anyone, so I'm afraid something really happened.

If something really happened, it wouldn't be good if my aunt didn't help to investigate, instead she scolded her, so the Concubine Gao then agreed to Madam Gao's request, saying: "I will send someone to look into it."

Seeing that Concubine Gao Gui agreed, Mrs. Gao was very grateful and thanked her repeatedly.

In fact, Concubine Gao Gui didn't have many people in the palace to help Mrs. Gao. After all, a concubine in the harem is still an old concubine who has passed away. The mansion has been away for so many years, and under her guidance, a group of people has been formed. It is not difficult to check a little bit, so the noble concubine handed over the matter to her son.

Although the king of Chu was unhappy because of the disappearance of Miss Gao, he was suspected of hiding his beauty in the golden house, but after the misunderstanding was cleared up, he heard his mother say that something might have happened to Miss Gao, and as a cousin, he agreed to his mother. I'm going to investigate, after all, this is a human life.

But no matter whether it is the Gao family or the King of Chu, there is no way to find anyone. Who told Gao to leave incognito? No one has seen her, so how to find out?
Seeing that everyone was looking for Miss Gao, An Ran originally planned to kill Miss Gao, but thinking of the original world and the tragic experience of the original family, she finally decided to raise Miss Gao until three years later. Until the task is not completed, the soul is squeezed out.

It stands to reason that after the soul of the book-wearing girl is squeezed out, Miss Gao may still be alive, and then she will be released and let her suffer.

An Ran thought of this incident, in fact, Miss Gao was the murderer behind the scenes, and the book-wearing girl was at most the perpetrator, so she wanted her to be alive, so that she would suffer more, so that she could repay the original body's world, and the original body's family would suffer. catastrophe.

So I thought about it for a while, and decided to withdraw the water when the Shuniv girl's pills and spirit stones were all used up and the water could not be cut off, and then give her something to eat from time to time, and raised her for three years. The soul is ejected from this body so far.

Of course, before the time when Miss Gao comes out, it is still necessary to make sure that the cheater has disappeared with the girl wearing a book, otherwise, if the cheater has not disappeared, An Ran will not let her out, lest she let the tiger go back to the mountain, which will cause future troubles , it will be difficult to catch him again.

Miss Gao naturally didn't know that An Ran planned to make her suffer more, so as to avenge the death of her original family and her family, and she was still watching the girl wearing a book in her body working hard to isolate the water.

For the girl who wears a book to fall into such a situation, it is very likely that she will be killed by An Ran. Miss Gao is naturally anxious. After all, she entrusted a girl who wears a book to help her clean up the Cheng'en Gong Mansion, but she hasn't cleaned it up yet. Let her feel good, how can she just die like this, so I am also anxious.

It's just that right now the right to use the body belongs to the girl who wears a book, so it's useless for her to be anxious.

If you don't improve, the girl is still alive, and An Ran's plan is very likely to be successful, but she said that the noble concubine helped the Gao family find someone for a while, and after she couldn't find anyone, she could only say condolences to Mrs. Gao.

Mrs. Gao was very sad when she saw her daughter disappeared for no apparent reason. After all, she was her beloved daughter, so she just said no, how can she not be sad.

But I can't say anything to the outside world, lest those messy people say bad rumors and affect my daughter's reputation, I can only say to the outside world that her daughter is sick and sent to Zhuangzi to recuperate.

Thinking that her daughter might have been taken away by gangsters, and she couldn't rescue her with a big fanfare, Mrs. Gao became even more sad.

(End of this chapter)

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