Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3317 I want to go through chapters 7

Chapter 3317 I want to wear it back 7
Hearing An Ran's plan, everyone was very excited. After all, just thinking about it, one can imagine how frightened those people would be. Because they were in a different place, if they were walking on the road, they would suddenly see something terrifying. The scene, and then there are invisible enemies attacking yourself, even in broad daylight, you will be scared to death.

The more everyone talked, the more excited they became, and they all felt that An Ran's intimidation plan was quite good, and it was better than direct head-on fighting.

Now that the plan was made, everyone followed An Ran to meet the more than 1000 people.

Those dispatched this time are all those who have cultivated internal strength and can use lightness kung fu. Otherwise, they have no internal strength and cannot use lightness kung fu. If they walk slowly, they will not be able to stop the enemy further away. When the time comes, let the enemy discover their place. Not good.

Anyway, with the help of the Immortal Chief's phantom and invisibility talisman, they can see the enemy, but the enemy cannot see them. It will be very convenient to fight at that time. There is no need to dispatch many people, and it is necessary to keep some guards.

It is convenient to have lightness kung fu, otherwise, even if they have a foreigner's kung fu, their bodies are healthier than ordinary people, and they can run faster, but if they run continuously, they will eventually be tired.

Now that there is lightness kung fu, as long as the internal force is still there, you can keep raising your breath and run for a long time. If the internal force is gone, after meditating for a while, the internal force will come back, and you can continue to use lightness kung fu again, which is very convenient.

Soon a group of people came to the place where they were going to ambush.

That's right, An Ran didn't intend to lead the crowd to rush forward until they met each other, but to choose an ambush place to wait for work, so as not to rush all the way, and then encounter the trouble of finding each other again, everyone didn't take a break , don't affect the effect of the action, so on the way to go, it is better to choose a suitable place to start the plan.

This place was chosen by An Ran, and it is also a deserted village.

An Ran felt that such a deserted village was very suitable for making illusions and then attacking them secretly.

For those who don't know, the other party may still think that many people have died in this deserted village, and now the souls of the dead are looking for their lives, and they will be scared to death even if they are frightened.

That's right, the script An Ran arranged for these people is the script of the dead in a deserted village.

But he said that there are [-] people in this line, don't look at the crowd, but everyone is beating drums in their hearts. After all, one or two hundred people disappeared before, and after driving for such a long time, they still haven't seen anyone. , Dead body is not seen, so can they not worry?

Don't mention them, but the soldiers will be afraid of any army that is not capable, and they are not the army, they are just refugees. Don't look at the usual robbing of the food and property of the wealthy families in various places, and even some cities with little combat effectiveness. The siege, but it was a large number of people, more than 1 people pressed up, if only one or two hundred people died, the death rate was only [-]%, only one death in a hundred people, the chance of survival was very high Well, it might be someone else who is sizing up the dead, and he dared to step forward because he would not die.

But now, with only a few thousand of them, if the other party is a powerful master, even if two hundred people die, the death rate is high, and it is easy for me to win the bid, so how can I not be drumming in my heart, I can only be in I prayed in my heart that when the missing brothers were found, the big force that killed them had already left, so they didn't need to fight.

Just like that, when they were watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, and trembling with fear whenever there was a turmoil, they suddenly discovered that this village... there is something wrong with it!

Although this place is dry, people are gone, and animals are hard to see, but there are still movements in the air. For example, the sound of insects, especially the sound of cicadas, is still there, occasionally. I can see one or two birds flying by. After all, even if people are hungry, they can catch and eat birds, but birds can fly, and people don't have the ability to catch them all, so occasionally birds still fly by.

But what's going on at this moment, the whole village is silent, and the feeling of dead silence is a bit creepy.

They didn't feel it at first, but after walking for a while, some careful people noticed it.

When this careful person told this story, everyone saw that it was true. There were nearly a thousand people, and there was an uproar immediately. They immediately felt that this village was a little scary. Can't stop everyone's fear.

Even the leader of a thousand people also felt hairy, so he immediately said to everyone: "Run up and run up, let's leave this village first."

Because of the hot weather, everyone walked and rested. Anyway, they are refugees and not regular soldiers. They have to march in a hurry. Anyway, they take a rest when they are tired from walking. It is normal to take a rest before walking.

Seeing this weird situation now, everyone dared not rest, and ran quickly.

In the end... After running for a stick of incense, the scene was still like this, and then a sharp-eyed person pointed to a nearby house and said, "Did we come back, this house, I have seen it before."

As soon as this person said it, the others thought about it and found that it was true. They seemed to have come back.

"Ghost...ghost hits the wall!" Someone who understands said this.

Although ghosts hit the wall only at night, but in the current situation, it is ghosts hitting the wall, so it doesn't matter whether it is day or night, so this person yelled.

When the phrase "ghost hits the wall" came out, everyone couldn't help but suddenly realized, thinking right, this seems to be a ghost hitting the wall.

As soon as he thought that it was a ghost hitting the wall, someone immediately said: "The previous two teams could not have encountered such a thing, so it's gone! Then let's... what should we do?! Can we go back?"

If there were a thousand people, they might not be so afraid. After all, they really met, and the other party came with bad intentions, so they just tried their best.

But now it is a matter of ghosts and gods. Even if there is no one in the enemy, just this ghost hit the wall, so they don't have any confidence in dealing with it. After all, I haven't heard of anyone who can get rid of the ghost hitting the wall. They won't just be trapped in this place?
The men were terrified at the thought of being trapped in this place.

The leader was actually scared, but at least he was the leader, so he calmed down and shouted: "Don't panic! Mark the intersections along the road! Next time you encounter the same markers, go to another intersection! You can always go out! This village is not a maze! It’s impossible to turn around, and you can’t get out!”

This makes sense, everyone's mood is better now, so they honestly made a mark according to the leader's method.

I thought this method would be useful, but soon, soon, they found that someone was attacking them. After the person died, who still remembered to mark the intersection, and immediately ran like a sheep being chased by a wolf. Running around, they just want to avoid the attack, and the leader wants to stabilize the situation, but he can't.

An Ran has investigated this refugee gang before, and found that although there are more than 1 people in this refugee gang, few of them may be clean. Most of them have killed other innocent refugees and eaten human flesh, so for killing these people, An Ran has no psychological burden.

(End of this chapter)

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