Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3357 Everyone Has a System 10

Chapter 3357 Everyone Has a System 10
Of course, being able to kill this person with the props in his own system space is also because this person has only completed one mission, and he didn't evolve much, so he can kill him.

To be like Zhao Xiaotian later, with a bunch of high-level props, skills and equipment, she herself has become extremely powerful, and she has to be as weak as the original body. Even if she has props, she can basically kill them with the props she has now. No, unless you spend a lot of life in the mall and buy more powerful props, you can kill it.

That's right, in this world, the price of powerful props in the mall is very high. It is estimated that in this world, powerful props are relatively rare, not as many as in the fairy world and the cultivation world.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, An Ran will not buy those expensive props, lest the mission life points earned are not enough to buy the props.

Of course, the game has just started, and most people are not strong enough. With the weapons she has, she can still kill, so although she is wary of the young man whose name is not displayed, she is not too scared.

The other party does not display her name, but she does. The reason why she shows her name on purpose is to let the other party look up her name on the leaderboard, knowing that she ranks very low in the leaderboard and has not earned many points, so as to dissuade and kill her The idea of ​​earning points.

After all, killing a person is not an easy task. The opponent doesn't have many points, so killing him will make him an enemy, which is not worthwhile.

——Although the other party does not display his name, if he kills An Ran, he will appear on An Ran's enemy list, and will leave a permanent historical message, showing in which instance the other party killed her. Next time we meet in the game, The word "enemy" will be displayed on the head of the other party, unless you never meet, once you meet, others will know that you are her enemy, and they will be targeted, and once the person who is killed chooses to remain anonymous, this person will not You will know that there is a person standing in front of you who wants to target you, because the word "enemy" will not be displayed on the head of the victim, only the head of the murderer will be displayed, so unless there is a great benefit to killing, otherwise the average person will not I will do this kind of enmity, because if I don't do it well, I will bring myself a steady stream of troubles.

Of course, if this person wants to kill An Ran, An Ran doesn't have to worry about having an "enemy" that will cause a steady stream of troubles. He can't mark "enemy", at most he can write a sentence in the opponent's history, he attacked An Ran and was killed by An Ran.

And as long as An Ran remains anonymous in the future, she will stand in front of the other party, and the other party will not be able to find her, because in each game, the appearance of the player is different, which is also normal, because the player enters each copy, using the The game identity of the copy is not the player's own appearance.

So this game not only encourages players to kill each other to gain points, but at the same time, it also restricts players to kill each other. When you let players kill each other, remember that you will get an enemy because of this. If you have many enemies, they will be everywhere. , From now on, in this game, you will be targeted everywhere, and you will no longer be able to play.

But not everyone thinks that killing people is bad, such as the teammate An Ran met this time.

Although An Ran is not anonymous, the other party has seen her name, can find her points, and knows that her points are not high, but when he thinks that with her points, he can advance a lot, this person still wants to do it. Less is more, a strong male player is not easy to kill, and if you finally meet a female player, what are you waiting for if you don't do it.

You know, these game dungeons look scary, so there are very few female players, and most of them are male players. In the subconscious of the public, it is obvious that male players are physically strong and not easy to deal with, while female players have little strength. easy to deal with.

This is also the reason why this person planned to strike as soon as he saw An Ran. In fact, there are too few people who are suitable to strike. It is hard to meet one. Even if the opponent's points are a little less, it cannot be wasted.

As for killing An Ran, he will make himself An Ran's enemy. Unless he never sees An Ran again, or if he sees him, the other party will take revenge on him...

This man doesn't care at all.

For one thing, as long as the other party is killed by himself, he will enter the freezing period, and it will take a month before he can enter the game. Players without the freezing period can enter the game once a week, unless you don’t want to enter too often, otherwise, After waiting for a month, he had entered four games, gained a lot of points, and bought a lot of powerful props, skills and equipment. An Ran just regarded him as an enemy and wanted to retaliate, but he was unable to retaliate.

Secondly, with so many copies of the game and so many people in the world, there is almost no chance of encountering them again. In this way, he is not at all afraid of encountering An Ran again and being retaliated by An Ran.

Since he might not be able to meet him in the future, and even if he did, An Ran would not be able to kill him. Then, facing the points that are so easy to get, he would be stupid and plan to do it.

This person didn't make a move right away, but waited for An Ran to kill zombies all the way and earned a lot of points before preparing to make a move.

After all, it is naturally good to keep Enron temporarily to earn some points.

When it's almost time for Anran to go to the neighborhood, that person is ready to do it. In case Anran receives her parents, there are two people to help, so don't be inconvenient to kill yourself. After all, those two are Lu Anran's parents in the game. If something happened to Lu Anran, she might be desperate to save her. In a disguised form, Lu Anran had two guards, that would be bad.

There are many opportunities to attack An Ran.

The group of them didn't go straight to the neighborhood An Ran mentioned, but eliminated zombies along the way. Because everyone is powerful, they formed a team in twos and acted separately. You were in charge of one area, and I was in charge of one area. They cleaned up the nearby areas. Zombies, get in the car and continue to move forward.

This time at an intersection, because there are four directions, everyone stopped, divided into several groups, and each chose a piece to clean up.

Anonymous chose to go in the same direction as Enron.

In the past, Anonymous saved points in order to concentrate on killing zombies, so as not to be on the same team as An Ran. He had to beware of An Ran being distracted, and always followed others. This time, he suddenly chose to go in the same direction as An Ran. Let An Ran know about this change. Man is not a good thing, he wants to kill himself.

For Anonymous, in such a dangerous world, killing people is too simple, like sneaking behind An Ran, pushing her, pushing her into the zombie nest, and then repairing a wooden warehouse, telling people afterwards that An Ran is dangerous , he opened the wooden warehouse to rescue, but because An Ran got mixed up with the zombies, he missed aiming and hit someone, so he could confess.

(End of this chapter)

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