Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3364 Everyone Has a System 17

Chapter 3364 Everyone Has a System 17
Going to the oil storage base to get gasoline is a difficult task.

The reason why it is difficult, needless to say, is naturally because, near the oil storage base, who dares to use wooden warehouses or shells, for fear that open flames will lead to the oil storage base, instead of wooden warehouses or artillery shells, only cold weapons and zombies will be used. Hand-to-hand combat is naturally much more difficult.

At present, everyone in the rescue team gathered together to discuss how to act.

This time to support the arsenal, there are quite a few people. With so many people transporting oil, it is possible to transport a lot of oil back.

That's how you get the oil.

The temporary captain of the rescue team said: "We must attract the attention of those zombies outside the safe range of the oil storage base, and eliminate them outside the safe range. As for the few sporadic ones, it is not a problem for us to fight in close quarters."

The proposal of the captain of the rescue team won the approval of most people.

Immediately, according to the suggestion of the rescue team leader, some of them waited behind and sniped, and some went to the oil storage base to attract the attention of the zombies and lead those zombies to the main force.

Using this method, the zombies near the oil storage base were quickly wiped out. After all, zombies are not like humans. If someone lures them, they will naturally follow them. It's really thanks to the lack of intelligence of zombies, otherwise it would be really hard to deal with.

Most of the rest are the zombies in the oil storage base, and the zombies that were attracted to them after a while.

Fortunately, the oil storage base was located in the suburbs in consideration of safety, and a large area around here was uninhabited, so during the process of moving oil, even if zombies were attracted, there would not be too many Yes, everyone can be killed by hand-to-hand combat. After all, the members of the rescue team are different from those students An Ran met in the game. They are all experienced in many battles. , it is not difficult.

Soon everyone entered the oil storage base, and after killing the zombies inside, they began to fill the oil tanker with oil and prepare to transport it back.

There are talents in this field in the rescue team, so that they can help transport oil back wherever they encounter oil. At present, special personnel will drive these oil tank trucks, and other people will follow behind the oil tank trucks to protect them from zombies getting too close. Yes. The oil tanker hit and an accident occurred.

Pulling back so much gasoline naturally relieved the oil shortage of the city A base, and then the city A base sent other people to the already safe oil storage base to bring back a lot of oil.

Although there is no shortage of oil for the time being, there is no oil here in City A. After a long time, there will still be problems. Therefore, the current base plans to usually fight zombies nearby and drive electric cars to go out. Try not to drive oil cars to avoid long distances in the future. , When the car needs oil, it runs out of oil.

Electric vehicles don’t have to worry about running out of electricity, because in City A, among other things, water resources are still abundant. The hydropower plant is now operating normally, and there is plenty of electricity.

Fortunately, before the zombie crisis, the country vigorously promoted electric vehicles. Now there are a lot of electric vehicles in the city. Otherwise, the city would be full of fuel vehicles. Now that the gasoline is gone, the cars will be useless.

After returning safely, the main task was changed to rescue the nearby city B base.

This is the ninth mission, and the reward is [-] points, which is very generous.

Because the base in city A has not received news of the accident at the base in city B, no such task has been assigned yet.

Seeing that there was no official arrangement, An Ran prepared to go and have a look by herself.

Anyway, she is a brave person, and she is not worried about whether the base in City B is two to three hundred kilometers away from here, and if she passes by herself, she will encounter danger on the way.

At that moment, An Ran talked about this with the base, and then set off—she signed up for the base rescue team before, so naturally she couldn't go anywhere, and she didn't tell the other party, so she asked for leave according to the rules.

After asking for leave, An Ran got a car and set off.

There were also dangers on the road - she had no spiritual power and could not use her spiritual sense to scan the front, but there was danger, so one time, the car was driving and drove to a place with a large group of zombies.

Although An Ran is powerful, she is not a god. She is not afraid of encountering a large group of zombies. In addition, she doesn't want to stay here to kill zombies and accumulate points to waste time. After all, she still has to do the main task, so when she finds a large group of zombies, she immediately turns around , found another way, and did not confront the zombies head-on.

It's also because Anron's technology is good. Seeing a large number of zombies, they turned around and ran away smoothly. Some people might panic when encountering such a situation. In the end, don't have time to turn the car around, and then they will be surrounded by zombies.

During the journey of two to three hundred kilometers, this time was more dangerous. Others, such as the car ran out of gas, refueled once in the middle, and was surrounded by a few zombies, it was a trivial matter.

Soon came to the base of City B.

Before arriving at the base in city B, An Ran knew why the base in city B needed someone to rescue him——outside the base in city B, like the base in city A, there were a lot of zombies gathered.

It stands to reason that if the base in city B has sufficient ammunition and manpower, no matter how many zombies there are, it will not be a problem, just fight.

But now that rescue is needed, there must be something wrong that they can't cope with.

An Ran didn't care about these, she helped kill the zombies when she saw the place, anyway, no matter it was a rescue mission or she wanted to enter the base, she had to kill the zombies, otherwise she just wanted to go in to understand the situation, there were so many zombies around, she couldn't get in what.

On the third day of An Ran's killing, other people also came to the rescue, probably because they heard the news of City B calling for help.

At first, An Ran didn't care. Anyway, the place is so big and there are so many zombies, so let's kill them, and it won't affect her earning points.

Until she saw a player's name.

Wang Biao.

This person is Zhao Xiaotian's number one dog leg and thug. Sometimes Zhao Xiaotian can't separate himself from doing things, and he tells him to do it. And this person, relying on Zhao Xiaotian's power, often bullies men and women and does evil. thing.

In the later period, he also followed Zhao Xiaotian and immigrated to those countries that condone powerful players to break the law and commit crimes. He did a lot of dirty things and took a lot of lives on his hands.

The original body did not dare to resist Zhao Xiaotian, of course it was because Zhao Xiaotian was powerful, and it was also related to Zhao Xiaotian and a group of thugs. He felt that he was not such a powerful opponent at all, so he could only accept his fate.

Thinking of this, An Ran's eyes dimmed. Because she had too many points and she was too high on the leaderboard, she was afraid of attracting the attention of powerful people. Trouble would affect her completion of the main task, so she also planned to hide her name for the time being - anyway, she made a lot of money. With less points, I don't want to kill myself by fishing players for the time being—now, seeing Wang Biao, An Ran decides to reveal his name to attract this person's attention.

Since this person has misbehavior, seeing how many points he has, I'm afraid he will definitely trouble her. If he kills the other party at that time, he can freeze the other party for a month and slow down the speed of his strength growth. Reduce Zhao Xiaotian's power.

(End of this chapter)

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