Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3380 Everyone Has a System 33

Chapter 3380 Everyone Has a System 33
As soon as the door was opened, An Ran turned on the sonic weapon, and the person who opened the door screamed violently, and the sound of screams came from the room.

Sure, it's aliens.

Since it was confirmed that it was an alien, An Ran's boss asked people to evacuate the people in the bar, lest there would be a fight and innocent people would be hurt.

Of course, I heard someone screaming here, and then heard that there are aliens here, let them evacuate, those people run faster than rabbits, for fear of being parasitized by aliens.

Then An Ran's boss asked people to guard the door, come out and kill one by one, don't go in, lest the aliens' laser weapons or other weapons are powerful, don't kill anyone.

There is no need to worry that the other party will run away through the window. This private room has no windows. The aliens chose such a private room, probably to prevent people from eavesdropping under the window. Unexpectedly, it is cheaper for them, and they can come and catch the turtle.

The aliens were trapped inside, knowing that they would die today, they couldn't help arousing their ferocity. Sure enough, someone pulled out a weapon and started fighting with An Ran and the others outside.

And after they took precautions, the interference of sonic weapons was useless to them—they all put on earplugs at this time.

Usually, during official investigations, they would definitely not be asked to wear earplugs, and then inspected with sonic weapons, which would cause them to be easily exposed, but now that they have been exposed, sonic weapons are not a terrible thing for them, because they only need to plug in earplugs.

Because they were blocked in the door, although the aliens resisted stubbornly, they were finally killed.

Everyone was satisfied, and immediately went in to clean up the battlefield—mainly to pick up the weapons of the aliens. This is a good thing. Although there are laser weapons on this planet, they are far behind theirs. Take them back and study them carefully. developed.

At this moment, An Ran, who had a particularly intuitive sense of danger, heard a soft voice, and in the blink of an eye, saw an alien who they thought they had killed, but it turned out to be alive again. Take something and smoke comes out.

An Ran couldn't help being startled, she didn't know what the smoke was, but she immediately warned: "Toxic smoke, quickly cover your nose and get out!"

These people reacted quite quickly. After hearing An Ran's reminder, most of them quickly covered their noses and retreated, but there were still some people who didn't have time to cover their noses, and then everyone saw that person screaming, and soon his orifices were bleeding. He was dead, maybe within ten seconds, the hairs on the backs of the other people who watched stood up, thinking that if An Ran hadn't reminded him in time, they would have to explain everything here if they didn't find out.

The poisonous fumes used by the aliens are so powerful, I am afraid they are alien high-tech, because there is no such powerful poisonous fumes in the local area, even if there are poisonous fumes, they will not break out so quickly.

This scene irritated the team members, and some people were terrified, took out the wooden warehouses and beat many wooden warehouses inside, fearing that there were still alive.

But obviously, there is no one alive this time. After all, not to mention anything else, even the poisonous smoke can poison all the people inside. After all, the aliens used the bodies of local aborigines. it's the same.

Seeing that the aliens were really dead, everyone felt relieved, cleaned the battlefield again and left.

Because of the death of a teammate, everyone felt a little heavy, but the boss still patted An Ran on the shoulder and said: "You are good, you can find this stronghold. If it weren't for us, these aliens gathered together. Know how to discuss how to deal with us."

An Ran said: "I also heard that this bar is very famous, it's just a coincidence that I came here to experience and see something is wrong."

Naturally, An Ran couldn't say that she was a special investigator, so she said so.

The boss said: "That's because you are good at discovering, otherwise who would have known that such a place would hide an alien stronghold."

After bragging about business with her boss, An Ran went back.

After arriving at his own place, An Ran checked the status of his task completion.

The fifth main quest now appears to have been completed.

Then the sixth mission came out.

The sixth mission has her find the wrecked ship.

In fact, the Special Defense Department heard that the reason why the aliens came here was because the spaceship encountered an interstellar storm and was swept here by the storm vortex. You can also build spaceships.

But all the aliens said that after their spacecraft crashed, the captain dealt with the spacecraft, and then the captain didn't know where he went, and there was nothing in the crashed place.

Officials excavated the crash site mentioned by the aliens, and apart from traces on the ground, nothing was found.

They thought that the aliens were lying to them, but after interrogating multiple aliens one after another, the answer was the same, which made the officials basically believe that these aliens did not lie to them, and they really did not know where the spacecraft went.

That being the case, it is obviously not an easy task for An Ran to find the wrecked spaceship. After all, God knows where the aliens will hide the spaceship.

Although it is hard to find, An Ran can only try to find it in order to complete the mission of the Ten Rings.

She can't go to the place where the spaceship crashed, because since the aliens confessed to the place, the authorities have blocked it, ordinary people can't go in and investigate, so I can only try my best to find the place based on the alien's confession. Find clues.

According to the statement of the aliens, the captain of the spaceship knew that they could not let the fallen planet get their high-tech, so he processed the spaceship, and then threw it to everyone that he was going to find materials and repair the spaceship. gone.

Since everyone believed his words, there was no noise, which means that although the spaceship crashed and suffered some damage, it should be in good overall condition. It turned into slag, and with the technological development level of this planet, I'm afraid it can't be repaired no matter what.

Of course, these aliens are still alive, which also means that nothing happened to the spaceship. Otherwise, wouldn’t these people have died a long time ago, because the mental bodies of aliens are not strong, just like human beings, they are also fragile bodies , easy to die, if the spaceship is broken into slag, they will die.

Otherwise, human beings will not kill the parasitic body of the alien, and the alien will die, because the spiritual body of the alien will die if it cannot find a new parasite soon after the death of the host.

Of course, in order to prevent aliens from escaping and parasitic, they will use electric batons to kill the parasitic body and head of aliens after they are killed. Generally, the alien's mental body can be electrocuted to death; if the mental body has already floated out No need to be afraid, their spiritual bodies can also be seen by human beings, as long as they are shocked with something like an electric mosquito swatter, their spiritual bodies can be electrocuted to death.

In short, the mental body of aliens is as fragile as human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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