Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3383 Everyone Has a System 36

Chapter 3383 Everyone Has a System 36
Needless to say, the final result of this kind of development is that Ding Jianguo died, was ejected from the game by the game system, and ended up being frozen for a month before he could enter the game.

And his huge amount of points was also given to An Ran to help An Ran go further.

This made Ding Jianguo regret it, thinking that if he knew this woman was so powerful, he shouldn't have troubled her. After all, freezing for a month is enough to make him fall behind many people. You must know that before he got a better The weapon (bow and arrow) has always been ranked very high in combat power, and now it is fine. After a month, I don't know if he can maintain the ranking.

Thinking of this, can Ding Jianguo not regret it?It's a pity that it's too late to regret it now, after all, An Ran has already killed him.

After An Ran killed Ding Jianguo, seeing that Zhao Xiaotian had no other dog legs on the ranking list, he continued to search for news about the alien spaceship.

As time went by, the program she compiled listed several key suspects for her. These objects need to be checked by An Ran on the spot to confirm them. Right now, An Ran went to check one by one according to the distance from her.

Of course, these people are not, and yes, if they can be found out easily, then the countries have already found out.

Also, I don't know if that person knows that his companion told him that he has a space ring. If he knew, the other party would be vigilant, maybe he would not wear it on his hand, but hide it on his body?When I tried to find it, I couldn't find it.

So it's really looking for a needle in a haystack, and you don't know when you'll find it.

But the captain probably didn't know that the officials of various countries were looking for him, because the officials of various countries kept it secret, and it was not easy for ordinary people to know.

Speaking of it, this task is quite difficult. This sixth ring task only rewards [-] points. It is still so difficult. If An Ran didn’t want the blood-devouring suit, otherwise it would not be a waste of time to do this task. It's not cost-effective, so it's no wonder that these tasks, people are too lazy to do the main task before they find out that there are good things, it is really not cost-effective.

In fact, this is also very normal, good things are not so easy to get, you must know that not all dungeons, perfect treasure chests, can open 3S level props, skills and equipment, and some props, skills and equipment have no effect. That's great, if you want something good, and you need a 3S level, the options for dungeons will be much smaller, so it's normal that it's not easy to get them, otherwise, wouldn't everyone be able to get them, and then there would be masters all over the place.

An Ran looked at the suspects one by one, and soon she found a very suspicious person.

The reason why this person is suspected is because the other party has changed jobs.

It stands to reason that changing jobs is common these days, so there should be nothing suspicious about it, but the job he changed again was a titanium mining company.

Although the other party used to work in a mining company, and now he is working in a mining company again, it looks normal on the surface, but titanium ore... as far as she knows, it is something that can be used in aviation.

An Ran felt that this was a bit suspicious.

She didn't know what the alien spaceship was made of, but titanium ore can be used for aviation on this planet, and I'm afraid it can also be used for aviation on alien planets, and this man wore the same ring as the captain and ran to Working for a titanium mine company is naturally suspicious.

That alone may not be very suspicious, but the key point is that this person seems to be deliberately avoiding the surveillance, and it is difficult to find his shadow in the surveillance; even the communication tools seem to be shielded, so it is impossible to see him from the camera In such a situation, this behavior made this person even more suspicious.

Being so careful, the reason why An Ran was able to find the other party was because the other party had left a video in the production workshop, so she found it twice.

Yes, he seldom went to the production workshop, only twice, and the production workshop would definitely be monitored, which made An Ran discover that this was also a person wearing a ring on his hand.

If it weren't for this monitoring, An Ran would not have found this person at all.

It is estimated that the other party is so cautious, so the officials of various countries probably have not found him for the time being. After all, they are not like themselves, they have strong video screening capabilities, and they are not even like themselves. Video, if they want to collect videos from all over the world, they may have to break through the defense one by one. After all, if the defense is not breached, how will they know the data in the other party's surveillance? After all, most people will not upload the surveillance to the Internet, and let anyone Watch, if you want to watch, you can only figure out your own way.

Immediately, An Ran came to this titanium mine company and began to monitor this person.

This person is renting near the company, so it is not difficult to monitor him.

It is easy to investigate whether the other party is an alien, but it is not easy to investigate whether the other party is the captain of the spaceship he is looking for, so An Ran has to take a look.

After three days of investigation, An Ran felt that this man named Li Ke was most likely the captain of the spaceship.

The reason is that after this person went to work, she secretly searched his residence, and then found something in his residence.

Although Li Ke is very cautious in his work, it is estimated that all important things are placed in his space. Even if he uses the machines in the space to make any spaceship parts with materials, there are none outside.

However, after Anran checked carefully, some debris fell on the ground. Although Li Ke cleaned it, there was no trace of not cleaning it. Anran spent some life points and asked the system to scan it for her. In the dust, some things that were not found on this planet were swept up, basically confirming Li Ke's identity.

After confirming Li Ke's identity, the next step is to find the wrecked spaceship. It's not difficult. She just needs to hide in Li Ke's house and wait for him to take out the spaceship to repair it one day. After all, An Ran believes that it is impossible for him not to The spaceship was taken out and repaired.

This mission is for her to find the wrecked spaceship, not get rid of the wrecked spaceship, so as long as she sees the wrecked spaceship, the mission should be completed.

An Ran's guess was correct. Li Ke was really the captain of the spaceship. He found some materials and planned to repair part of it, so he did plan to take out the spaceship for repairs.

However, the place at home is too small, so it is impossible to take it out, so I can only go outside to repair it.

Although there are satellites outside that can be seen, it is not safe, but fortunately, the spacecraft has an invisible function, so it cannot be seen outside the scene.

So on this day, seeing that the materials were almost prepared, Li Ke prepared to release the spacecraft for repair.

It happened to be a long National Day holiday, so no one would think it strange for him to go out for a trip. They only thought he was going on a trip, but they didn't know that he was going to repair the spaceship.

At that moment, Li Ke bought a plane ticket and went straight to the largest desert in China. In name, he wanted to see the desert scenery, but in fact he wanted to release the spaceship in the desert.

(End of this chapter)

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