Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3387 Everyone Has a System 40

Chapter 3387 Everyone Has a System 40
As for the installation of sound wave detectors in public places, it is now being implemented one after another, because this method does have a certain effect, not to mention anything else, at least it can make everyone dare to go to public places, otherwise everyone is afraid of alien parasitism, and everyone I dare not go out.

So now there are almost no aliens in public places. Aliens are hiding at home, relying on food delivery or family care, and the number of these people is decreasing due to house searches by An Ran and others.

There are also some aliens who hid in the deep mountains and forests, and these people are a little troublesome.

After all, aliens can both parasitize and split their parasitic advantages. As long as one leaks, they may make a comeback in the future, so the key is to invent equipment to prevent aliens from parasitizing, otherwise everyone will not be able to sleep at night. Peace of mind—Aliens parasitize people unconsciously while they are sleeping, and dare not parasitize people when they are awake, unless they have to, because they will parasitize people when they are awake, and people will definitely resist, so aliens forcibly parasitize , it will cause major damage to the mental body, serious, and may even die, so aliens basically parasitize people while they are sleeping and unconscious.

Because of this characteristic, everyone dare not sleep all at present. When sleeping, there must be someone who is not sleeping beside him to help guard, so as not to be parasitized quietly.

Not being able to sleep at night, and having to watch the night with others in turns, after a long time, this naturally makes many people unable to bear it. After all, many people cannot bear the upside-down routine, so netizens on the Internet are also urging the country to quickly come up with a defense system. The method of alien parasitism, if it goes on like this for a long time, even if they are night owls, their bodies will not be able to hold on.

Especially for those who are lonely and have no relatives or friends around them, who will take turns to watch the night with? They can only find someone to join the night watch, and ordinary people will be fine. The social fear will be depressed. Don’t find someone to take turns to watch the night, for fear of being parasitized by aliens ;Let's find someone, I'm afraid I don't want to see anyone, it's a dilemma.

In today's society, there is a lot of social fear, so there are more and more people on the Internet calling on the country to come up with anti-alien parasitic equipment as soon as possible, which puts a lot of pressure on all countries.

In fact, even An Ran wants scientists from all over the world to get it done quickly, otherwise her time is approaching and the task has not been completed yet, so she is researching anti-parasitic equipment, occasionally combining work and rest, and when investigating aliens, her mood is not calm .

During this period of time, she has integrated the resources of various countries. Even the resources in the soil collected by some big countries on the near-Earth satellites have been investigated one by one to see if there is any discovery. I bought a resource and exchanged it with life points in the system mall. Using this as a coating on the equipment she made before can slightly improve the mental defense effect of the equipment.

Although it is not as good as the material in the Necklace of Breaking Obstacles, it is better than the material on this planet, which is not bad.

Not to mention complete defense, but at least it can serve as a warning - when there are aliens preparing to parasitize the indigenous people, it can sense it, and if it cooperates with the reminder function, it can wake up the sleeping person at that time. , The home is equipped with something similar to an electric mosquito swatter. If there is an alien spirit, I use an electric mosquito swatter. I think it can protect myself and prevent aliens from forcibly parasitizing.

How else can it be said that the development of space is very important. If you only stay on this planet, you think that there are only these resources in the world. When you go to a new planet, you will find that there are new resources that you don’t know.

Immediately, An Ran hurriedly made this thing - she felt that this thing was useful, maybe if it was made, the game system would feel that she had completed the task.

An Ran thought well. After she made the thing, the system really reminded her that the task was completed.

This made her feel relieved, so she went to see the mission of the tenth ring, but she was asked to hand in this item so that the whole world could use this equipment, so that this planet would no longer be harmed by parasitic aliens.

This task is difficult for ordinary people to complete, because how to hand it in and who is the most suitable to hand it in to?And after handing it in, how do you explain how you made this thing? Also, the resources in it are from near-Earth satellites, how did you get them?

Unless it is handed in on the day when the three-month period expires, if the higher-ups have doubts and ask the player to ask, it's okay to complete the task in just one day.

However, if you do this on the last day, if something goes wrong and you don't succeed, wouldn't it be a waste of time?
But you have to do it in advance, in case something happens after you are caught, such as being killed by a native, you will not be able to play games for a month; , is also unbearable.

Not to mention, the country is now investigating the player's affairs. After being arrested, once it is suspected of being a player, it will definitely not end well.

But this task is not difficult for An Ran, even if the game system does not know, An Ran knows IT technology like this, so for others, how to hand in this invention is a headache, but for An Ran, as long as Pack the relevant materials and upload them to the Academy of Sciences, saying that this is the equipment that can prevent aliens from parasitizing, and let the country arrange manufacturers to produce it quickly, so that everyone can use it.

An Ran was afraid that the people in the Academy of Sciences would not pay much attention to it, so she uploaded it to the security department and the private communication tool of the country's top officials.

Although doing so will make the security department and the country's top leaders feel worried, and will thoroughly investigate the security situation, but as long as you read this information and know that this thing is useful, you will definitely arrange someone to do it, at least try it, just try it, You can know that this thing is useful, and you will definitely get it later.

In addition, An Ran also told them that these materials were not only passed on to their own country, but also passed on to other countries. The source of the data, if you don’t do this for a while, more people will be parasitized by aliens, so it’s done like this.

An Ran had a good idea. When those people saw such a piece of information lying in their devices, they were surprised at first. They planned to investigate this matter thoroughly first, but they heard from An Ran that they also gave the information to other countries, so they immediately Changed the order, and asked people to make things according to the information first, and try it out, while investigating this matter.

At the same time, in view of the fact that the resources came from near-Earth satellites, there were not many resources brought back at that time, so a transport rocket was launched to prepare to bring back more resources.

Seeing that they did what she wanted, An Ran felt relieved, knowing that her mission of the ten rings had been completed, and in the next time, she only needed to kill the aliens with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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