Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 355 The Imperial Concubine Under Attack 6

Chapter 355 The Imperial Concubine Under Attack 6
An Ran said: "What's the matter, we can just buy it ourselves, and I have saved a lot of money over the years."

When the original body was favored, the emperor indeed rewarded him a lot, except for some jewellery, which could not be taken out, there were also gold and silver, which could be used. An Ran knew that such a day would come, so she was not afraid at all. , After all, you have money in your hands, so you don't panic.

Hearing An Ran say this this summer, he had no choice but to say: "That's the only way to go."

Since the young lady is just talking big words and has no real ability, what can I do, and this is the only way.

An Ran continued: "Propagate these behaviors of the Ministry of Internal Affairs everywhere, and make sure people know how the Ministry of Internal Affairs treated me."

When I heard this for the first time, I still felt excited. When I listened to it again and again, I just felt dull. I thought, what is the point of Miss talking about such nonsense, even if everyone in the palace knows about it? How do people treat you, so what? Apart from making others laugh at you for being incompetent, can it have any practical effect?

But this summer, although she felt speechless about An Ran's actions, she was her servant, and the master ordered her to do what she had to do, so she had no choice but to follow An Ran's instructions.

Fang Hui over there saw that she was forcing Sun Anran like this, and Sun Anran only had such a coping method in the end. She couldn't help laughing and fell down. She said to Fang Nanny on the side: "This is the most useless useless I have ever seen."

"Isn't it? This old slave has never seen anyone more incompetent than Mistress Sun. After she said that, what's the use?"

Seeing that Sun Anran was forced by him like this, it was just such a useless reaction. Fang Hui didn't take her seriously, and felt more at ease. At the moment, she paid less attention to Anran, and focused on hooking up with the emperor. Yes, after all, she still has to complete the important goal of becoming a queen. If she doesn't become a queen, everything is empty talk. When she becomes a queen, it won't be too late to deal with Sun Anran slowly.

When Fang Hui hooked up with Emperor Yongping, An Ran's martial arts practice improved slightly, so she quietly left the palace that day and went outside the city.

Of course, for the sake of convenience, she disguised herself as a man. Anyway, she is very proficient at this. After all, in a world where there are more men than women, she has dressed as a man for a long time.

Of course, she didn't wander around like a headless chicken when she left the palace. She had learned all kinds of things in the palace in the past few months, so when she left the palace, she went to Tang Guogong's mansion and directly looked Tang Guogong.

Of course, because she is a stranger, it is definitely impossible to ask Tang Guogong directly, so seeing Tang Guogong in An Ran is naturally not the normal route, which will startle Tang Guogong who is reading in the study, but unfortunately he has not yet opened his mouth. , and the acupoints were sealed by An Ran.

An Ran smiled and said: "I am the imperial concubine, and I have some important matters that are related to the life and death of the Duke of Tang. I want to talk to the Duke. If the Duke is willing, just blink, and I will untie the acupuncture points for you immediately. And don't call anyone to come in and arrest me; if you don't want to, I'll go right away, and your acupoints will be unlocked in a quarter of an hour. How?"

Hearing the identity revealed by An Ran, Tang Guogong's heart was filled with turmoil. It is estimated that no matter how many things he has experienced in his life, the turmoil in his heart was not as strong as this moment. After all, who would have thought that the imperial concubine in the palace would change her appearance Modified, ran to his house, want to talk to him?Of course, it was even more unexpected that the other party would know martial arts!No matter how calm a person is, it is impossible not to have a murmur in his heart, thinking whether it is rumors that Emperor Yongping, the former favorite concubine, is beautiful, but actually has no brains?From the current point of view, this news is obviously not correct. An imperial concubine who has martial arts and is ready to discuss important matters with him, no matter what, cannot be the worthless person in the rumors.

So after thinking about it, Tang Guogong blinked his eyes, thinking that it would be okay to listen, anyway, the other party came quietly, and the conversation between him and her should not be heard by the emperor, after all, she would never expose herself and cause trouble. The fate of a glass of poisoned wine; as for whether the emperor and the imperial concubine sang double reeds and deliberately let her test him, it should not be possible. After all, Emperor Yongping neglected the imperial concubine and favored the imperial concubine, obviously not acting.

Although he made a mistake regarding the information about the imperial concubine, he cannot doubt all the information.

Besides, there were only the two of them at the scene, even if the imperial concubine was sent by the emperor to spy on him, if he said something that should not be said, and no one else could testify, the emperor would still be able to make a decision based on the imperial concubine's words. Not guilty?Even if he wanted to use the words of the imperial concubine to judge himself, but if he refused to admit it, who could testify that he said those words?What's more, the imperial concubine testified that if this kind of thing got out, the imperial concubine's private meeting with a foreigner would definitely not end well, so this shouldn't be the imperial concubine setting herself up, she shouldn't be so stupid to pay herself, listen The emperor's words, use this method to find out his own tone.

Because he felt that it was unlikely that the emperor had set him a trick, so after careful consideration, Tang Guogong blinked his eyes to show his agreement, and he was willing to talk to An Ran.

Seeing that he agreed, An Ran opened his acupoints.

After Tang Guogong regained his freedom, he did not call anyone to come in to arrest An Ran, but only looked An Ran up and down, and then said: "You said you are an imperial concubine, how do you prove that you are an imperial concubine? I have never seen an imperial concubine."

In fact, Tang Guogong has seen it before. After all, before Yuanshen entered the palace, she was a famous beauty in Beijing. Out of curiosity, many people secretly glanced at Yuanshen at various banquets, wondering what kind of beauty she was. , Tang Guogong did not peek at it, but before entering the palace, Yuanshen came to Tang Guogong's mansion to attend a banquet-although Yuanshen's family is not a big family, but because Yuanshen is a stunning beauty, many people want to see it What does she look like, but she has also received invitations from many big families, and she has participated in many banquets in the upper circle. Yes, pretending not to know each other at this time, I just want to test whether this person is really an imperial concubine, after all, there is still such a saying in this world, what if this person is not an imperial concubine, but someone disguised as an imperial concubine As for his appearance, he didn't confirm his identity, so he started talking with others. If he was so careless, wouldn't it make people laugh to death?

Fortunately, An Ran immediately resolved his doubts, and immediately heard An Ran laughing and said: "Master Guo's words are a bit false, I remember that I have attended three banquets in your residence, and met the Duke three times, but you said you didn't know him Me, what's the point?"

"The imperial concubine I know has never heard of martial arts."

Also, she doesn't have the aura of An Ran, she's just an idiot beauty, but it's hard for him to say this, lest the imperial concubine will be unhappy, so he only said this.

(End of this chapter)

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