Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3604 After the novel is finished 24

Chapter 3604 After the novel is finished 24
——That is to say, An Ran's body is strong, and she didn't really faint. If she wanted to change to a weak one, she was punished by her mother-in-law to stand, and she really passed out. She was stunned, after all, she couldn't stand it anymore and passed out, which was not what she wanted, and she was scolded even for this, why is it so difficult to be a daughter-in-law?
Anyway, Mrs. Li became angry again because of this matter, so she began to punish Anran for copying the female commandment again. She felt that this kind of punishment was not like the last time when Anran was punished to stand and no one could see it, but it made Anran feel sore when writing. better means of punishment.

Hearing Li Chengan's inquiry, An Ran couldn't help being amused, and said: "I don't know either, you can ask yourself to see why she is crazy, and live a peaceful life, but she likes to make trouble every day, and I don't know her Why don't you think I'm pleasing to the eye, and I'm a little annoyed to trouble me every day."

An Ran is not afraid to say this, Li Chengan is not happy, after all, she is still carrying the mission of the original body.

Isn't the original body at a loss? Shouldn't she marry Li Chengan? That's right. As long as she doesn't do anything wrong, she can express her thoughts frankly. As for this idea, will it make Li Chengan unhappy? , then it is out of her scope of consideration.

If Li Chengan knew that Mrs. Li was making trouble for him for no reason, and she said it out, not only would Li Chengan not be on her side, but would be unhappy, then it would mean that the original body really shouldn't marry into the Li family, after all, a mother-in-law What is there to marry to someone who is mean and has an asshole husband, and she has a good background, so there is really no need to wrong myself and marry such a family.

If it's just that the mother-in-law is mean and the husband is reasonable, then you can still consider it.

Hearing An Ran's words, Li Chengan couldn't help frowning at his mother's behavior.

If he didn't know Mrs. Li was such an unreasonable person before, because of An Ran's matter, after contacting his mother a few times, he found that his mother was really unreasonable. He also admired his father and lived with her After so many years, I have not been pissed off.

But it's true, his mother was just in front of An Ran and him, and she was very honest in front of his father, so it was normal for his father not to be mad at him.

Li Chengan began to reflect, why his mother only raped him and An Ran, not his father, because she thought they were easy to bully?No way, both An Ran and him are quite smart, and usually no one would dare to provoke them.

The reason why his mother dared to do this to them now was because she felt that no matter how crazy she was, he was her son and An Ran was her daughter-in-law, so she couldn't do anything to her.

This should be the reason. If his father is changed, his father is her husband. If she dares to make a fuss, if his father is unhappy, he may reconcile with her. Then where else will she find someone with such good conditions as his father? s husband?

Because he was afraid, he didn't dare to be as unscrupulous as he was to himself and An Ran.

Thinking of this, Li Chengan suddenly had an idea.

At the moment, I didn't copy any women's commandments anymore, but went to Mrs. Li's courtyard, pleaded guilty to Mrs. Li, and said: "The daughter-in-law married by the son doesn't please the mother, and makes the mother angry every day. The son is here to make up for the mother." no."

Mrs. Li couldn't help but feel relieved when he heard him say this, and said: "It's good that you understand, I said it before, I don't like the daughter-in-law you are asking for, you are the one who insists on marrying her."

It's just that she can't make the decision, because this marriage was decided by Mr. Li, and she has to obey her husband when she gets married and obeys her husband, so she has to hold her nose and admit it.

But in her heart, she has always disliked the original body, that is, the current An Ran's.

Especially when she saw her son defending An Ran like that, she was even more displeased, and naturally made trouble for An Ran again and again.

In the end, she was happier. After listening to Li Chengan's next words, she couldn't be happier.

Immediately, I heard Li Chengan say: "Since mother doesn't like Sanniang, I'll apply for a foreign job, let her stay away from mother, so that mother can't see it."

Li Chengan had been working in the Central Academy of Beijing because he was a prostitute before, but if he wanted to be transferred outside, it was also possible, and he didn’t have to transfer too far away, as long as he left his mother, so that the two of them would not always have conflicts. As the saying goes, Yuanxiang It stinks nearby, but if it is far away, it may be better.

Of course, Li Chengan didn't have to leave.

Because he made a bet that his mother would not let him go, because his mother was only his son, and she was reluctant to let him leave.

So when he said this at this time, he had two intentions. If his mother was willing for him to leave, then he would leave. As he himself said, take the person away, and the smell will be far away, and the matter will be settled; If his mother is not willing for him to leave, I believe that his mother will be honest in the future, and will not cause trouble for nothing, and trouble An Ran, because he also has something that his mother fears, that is, leave, leave far away, his mother As long as you are afraid of him leaving, you will be honest.

Li Chengan obviously guessed what his mother was thinking. When Mrs. Li heard what Li Chengan said, her expression changed, and she threw the cup on the ground and said, "I thought you had a sex change, and you really came to make amends. , Ganqing is here to threaten me, what's the matter, do you think that if you say that, I will be afraid and bow my head to Tang Sanniang? Do you like to get out or not! I don't care if you are in Beijing or not!"

Although she was really worried about Li Chengan leaving, Mrs. Li knew that she couldn't show it, or she would be controlled by Li Chengan, so she said so at this time.

Hearing what his mother said, Li Chengan pretended to be innocent and said: "I'm not threatening mother, but I really intend to leave."

This is also the truth, if his mother doesn't care about him and just wants to trouble An Ran, then he will really take An Ran away, lest the two of them get together and have conflicts every day, if this continues, he is afraid that he will be bored to death, Of course, I was also afraid that An Ran would be annoyed to death.

——I don’t know why, but women in this era seldom dare to reconcile with their husbands, but Li Chengan always feels that An Ran will dare to reconcile with him if he feels annoyed, and he doesn’t want to lose this wife , so naturally he didn't want An Ran to be annoyed to death by his mother, but as a son of man, he couldn't scold his mother too much, so he planned to arrange it like this, separated, that's fine.

Sure enough, after he said this, Mrs. Li's expression became visibly flustered.

She only had such a son, so naturally she didn't want him to leave, she was afraid that he would not come back after being gone for many years, and when he came back, he would go to his own funeral, which was not what she wanted to see.

However, if Li Chengan really didn't want An Ran to stay with her and cause conflicts, he really had the ability to take An Ran away. After all, he had already passed the Jinshi examination and was capable of leaving, but he was not like those whose children were incompetent. If you can't make a living by yourself, you don't have to worry about him daring to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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