Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3611 After the novel is finished 31

Chapter 3611 After the novel is finished 31
Moreover, because the emperor also got good medicine from Li Siniang when Princess Pingyuan and her son were sick, so that Princess Pingyuan did not die before her son grew up, and her son grew up healthy.

Of course, Master Li Er didn't have such good luck, but he also lived until his son was in his teens.

Because Princess Pingyuan is still alive, and the old emperor is also alive. Sure enough, even if Princess Pingyuan's son grows up and is doted on a little lawlessly, but because Princess Pingyuan and the old emperor are protecting him, no one can do anything to him.

Or An Ran saw that when he was in his 20s, he had already learned to bully men and women. He was afraid that in the future, when the old emperor died and the new emperor would take over, he would be liquidated and his family would be implicated, so he made a move once and secretly set this up. nephew's sack, beat him severely, and fed him a pill, told him that the antidote should be taken once a year for this pill, and if he continues to do illegal and criminal things, he will not be given an antidote. Medicine, let him die of pain.

After An Ran made him hurt once, he became honest. Although he still had nothing to do and spent all day fighting cock and dog, he did not dare to do illegal and criminal things.

And as long as he doesn't do illegal and criminal things, An Ran will naturally not care about how he lives. Anyway, with the support of Princess Pingyuan and the long-lived emperor, his life will not be bad in the future.

And the development after the second room was indeed as An Ran expected, because the son of Princess Pingyuan did not do anything illegal or criminal, so both the emperor and Princess Pingyuan were satisfied with this child, so when they were still alive, The son of Princess Pingyuan is indeed living a carefree and wealthy life.

However, Li Chengan stayed in the cabinet for 20 years after entering the cabinet. At that time, the emperor had already lived in his nineties. Both An Ran and Li Chengan knew that no matter how long the emperor lived, he had reached the limit of this era—even if he had a system, I'm afraid it's useless, because there shouldn't be any medicine for immortality in that system, or the old emperor wouldn't be getting older year by year—plus, the princes see that the emperor has reached this age, and they are fighting for the big position. It continued to heat up again, so Li Chengan retreated bravely.

The children of Li Chengan and An Ran are naturally grown up now, and they also retired bravely with the rapids. The father and son concentrated on taking care of the third generation at home, and waited for the emperor to pass away, so that the third generation could take the imperial examination. Dodge this final storm.

And just as An Ran and Li Chengan speculated, soon, the emperor's body had problems. No matter how much he asked Li Siniang for good medicine in the system, he couldn't get it back, because he was almost a hundred years old, and in this era , it can be regarded as extremely long-lived, and the body functions have reached the time.

Of course, the main reason is that Li Siniang is dying too, she is about to die.

Before the emperor was afraid that many people would know about Li Siniang, so after the third division was handed over to him, he had been handed over to the secret guards for secret protection and placed in a remote courtyard of the palace. After all, the palace has a high safety factor. , he was afraid that someone would know the existence of Li Siniang's system, and risk running to snatch it from him.

In addition, when he is placed in the palace, he can also know her situation at any time, so as not to be placed outside, he does not know her situation, in case she is controlled by others, what if he only handed over a little of his things?
So it's best to place it under his nose.

Because he didn't dare to let too many people know about Li Siniang's situation, the emperor naturally didn't dare to bring too many people around Li Siniang to let her collect emotional energy. He was afraid that Li Siniang's existence would be exposed and someone would rob him of Li Siniang.

No wonder the emperor was so worried that someone would rob him of Li Siniang. It is true that the Li Siniang system can produce good things, who would not covet it?Once someone covets it, someone will naturally take the risk to snatch it.

Even if he is the emperor, once there are too many coveted people, he will be hard to guard against, so he naturally has to be cautious.

And in this way, because the emotional energy obtained is less, it is only enough for him to use, not enough for Li Siniang to use, and it has been shut down all the time, which has caused Li Siniang's health to become worse and worse in recent years.

In fact, if the emperor really wants Li Siniang to use the things in the system, he can think of ways to let Li Siniang collect more energy.

However, the emperor did not dare to let Li Siniang collect too much energy, for fear that if she collected too much energy, she would buy something good and run away.

It's not that the emperor thought too much, but that Li Siniang would really do this - when she first entered the palace, Li Siniang had lied to him, secretly accumulating energy, and then tried to use teleportation to escape (in fact, teleportation is better, you can run away Farther away, but the price is too expensive, Li Siniang can't afford it, so I had to buy teleportation), fortunately, he placed Li Siniang on an island in the middle of the lake. After Li Siniang came out, she found that there was water all around, and she instantly withered.

After that incident, the emperor ordered Li Siniang to be punished severely, and then let her be cured with the things in the system, and then warned her to be more honest, or he would break her legs and hands next time , to see where she can escape.

Li Siniang was intimidated, and then she didn't dare to continue to make trouble.

And the emperor was also intimidated. Every time he took people around to play with her emotional energy, he would always control the number of people to a certain level, just because he was afraid that Li Siniang would accumulate energy and make something wrong.

At the same time, he also threatened Li Siniang from time to time, asking her if she was secretly accumulating energy again. If she did something like this again, don't blame him for finding someone to clean her up.

Li Siniang was afraid of torture. After being frightened twice by the emperor with this method, she no longer dared to secretly accumulate energy. After that, she honestly provided the emperor with things from the city, thinking that the emperor would rely on her to give things anyway. If you don't kill her, that's fine too. Let her live on the island in the middle of the lake.

But living on the island in the middle of the lake all the year round and unable to come out, Li Siniang's physical condition is naturally getting worse year by year. She is willing to give her good food. After all, Li Siniang's food is too bad. When the time comes, she will be in poor health. What should she do if she dies?After all, he couldn't guarantee that if Li Siniang died, the system would be in his hands.

Not only does it not work if the food is good, but because she lives on the island in the middle of the lake, Li Siniang inevitably suffers from rheumatism, and the pain is unbearable. The emperor was afraid that she would die, so he allowed her to spend some energy and buy some pills to cure her. Got rheumatism.

After tossing like this, Li Siniang is only about 60 years old now, and she is about to die.

And Li Siniang is dying, and the emperor is also about to die.

Seeing that the emperor was about to die, the person who had been coveting the system in the dark finally jumped out, trying to get Li Siniang away before she died, and get some good things before she died.

If you are lucky, you might be able to get the system after Li Siniang's death.

(End of this chapter)

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