Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3617 Bai Yueguang "stand-in" 5

Chapter 3617 Bai Yueguang "stand-in" 5
He's house is in the suburbs. Grandpa He bought land to build a manor when he made his fortune decades ago. It occupies a large area and is built in an antique style.

As soon as An Ran entered, she was scrutinized by all parties, openly or secretly, and there were many contemptuous eyes.

It is estimated that most people are thinking, a country bumpkin.

This is not An Ran's random guess, but in the original world, many people in the He family think so.

Even in their great-grandfather's generation, the He family members were country bumpkins, and they made their fortunes under the hands of Grandpa He. This family background, however, did not prevent them from being prosperous like those who might have looked down on the He family members back then. Look down on other people who used to be like the He family.

An Ran was not like the original body, because of the various eyes of these people, she was a little uneasy, but followed He Qiao, took his arm, and walked in with her head held high.

From time to time, someone greeted He Qiao, but He Qiao just nodded and did not introduce the identity of the other party to An Ran, but An Ran could also know based on the memory of the original body and An Ran's own guess, that these people were probably He Qiao's same father. Brothers and sisters of different mothers, or uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.

That's right, Grandpa He is not the only son of Father He, but also other sons, so Grandpa He is not worried about his son's future, this son has grandsons again, I don't know how many grandsons there are, and one of them can always be picked Well, it's impossible for everyone to be idiots, and there won't be an heir by then.

I have to say, in a sense, Grandpa He is right, because at least one, He Qiao is quite capable.

It's a pity that he doesn't cherish it. From him to his son, He Qiao has brought suffering to He Qiao since he was a child. After all, if he hadn't indulged He's father in playing with flowers back then, He Qiao wouldn't have lost his family, his parents divorced, his mother... Death, the mistress entered the house, which caused him to live a difficult life since he was a child. Being framed by the two of them since childhood, even if He Qiao was as good as he wished, he was destined not to treat him and his father well in the future. According to He Qiao's character, only Will fight back with fire.

Looking at the big family of the He family, An Ran couldn't help sighing, luckily they don't live together, otherwise they would be no different from the ancient Zhaidou.

Also, there are so many He family members.

Grandpa He is sitting on a big red sandalwood chair in the living room at the moment. He is indeed the self-made helmsman of the He family. Even though he is old now, he is still very imposing.

However, An Ran, who has the memory of the original body, knows that Grandpa He will soon fall into He Qiao's hands because of the He family, and then He Qiao disrespects him, Father He and others, causing Grandpa He to have a stroke of anger.

Although he didn't die, he was lying on the bed unable to speak or walk, and seeing that He Qiao, who had suffered a lot under his and Father He's hands in the past, was in power, he was probably going to die of anger.

Yuanshen didn't understand how He Qiao got He's, because Yuanshen was not a financial professional, so naturally he couldn't understand, but after An Ran came, it was fine, so he used IT technology to check He Qiao's relationship with He's. After doing things, I discovered that He Qiao really knows how to make arrangements.

It's not the traditional way of buying He's shares, because He's doesn't have many scattered shares outside, so it's useless to buy them.

Most of the shares of the He family are in the hands of the He family. All the shares of the He family can be combined to have absolute control over the He family.

This is the case for most family businesses, and the equity of their own family members absolutely accounts for the vast majority.

And among them, Grandpa He holds the most shares and is the largest shareholder.

Father He and other grandpa He's sons under him are the second largest shareholder together.

The rest of Grandpa He's brothers, Grandpa He's daughter, Grandpa He's grandson and granddaughter, etc., have very little equity, and many of them only have a few tenths, which can be completely ignored.

Among them, He Qiao's previous shareholding is the most among the three generations. The reason is that before Grandma He passed away, she felt sorry for He Qiao's poor background. Knowing that in the future, he might not even get the shares of He's father, so he took her into her hands. 3% of the equity was transferred to He Qiao.

And recently, He Qiao also got the equity left by his mother - when he married He's father, the He family gave her 2% of the equity.

And An Ran was surprised to find that there is a setting for this stock, that is, He Qiao must get married to get it.

An Ran guessed that He Qiao married Yuanshen not only because the other party looked like Bai Yueguang, but also to activate this equity inheritance.

In this way, He Qiao has 5% of the equity in his hands, which is obviously the most among the grandchildren of the He family, because even the second generations of He's father only have about 5% of the equity in their hands.

He Qiao only has 5% of the shares. Even if he buys it from the market, he won't get much. In this way, unless he pleases Grandpa He and Father He, or else if he wants to please these two people he hates, he still has to pay for it. It is impossible to get control over He's.

So He Qiao did not take the route of acquiring these shares, but the route he took was more subtle.

As mentioned earlier, Grandpa He, Father He and others have the most shares, but in fact, in order not to lose their shares, but also to cash out their existing money, many of these people have pledged their shares as equity pledges.

To put it simply, it is to mortgage the equity to some financial institutions and get the money, which is said to be financing, but many people just spend it on their own, such as Father He and others.

Even Grandpa He was not exempt. Of course, most of the money Grandpa He raised was used for investment.

But no matter whether they spend it or invest it, in short, they have pledged a lot of equity, on the side of the financial institution.

Especially He's father and other brothers, because they like to eat, drink and have fun, and when the dividends given by the family are not enough, they like to pledge their shares, and then redeem them when the dividends are more.

And recently, didn’t He Qiao suppress He’s stock price, so something happened to these pledged shares—the stock price dropped too much, if the pledged shares fell below the liquidation line, Father He and the others couldn’t get it out. If there is enough margin or additional shares, the position will be forced to close.

In other words, Father He, Grandpa He and the others don't hold the majority of the shares.

However, He Qiao has not yet received all the equity that he has temporarily put in the hands of others, and has completed the change of He's controller.

At present, it seems that Grandpa He is still the largest shareholder, and he also thinks that Father He and others still own the shares, so the entire He family still holds the majority of shares, and the controller of the He family will not change.

But in fact, An Ran saw that even if Grandpa He is still the largest shareholder for the time being, the shares of the entire He family have fallen below 30%. More than 50%, He's can change the world at any time.

As for these things, Grandpa He and the rest of the He family don't know yet. If they knew, they probably wouldn't dare to treat An Ran with such an attitude right now.

(End of this chapter)

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