Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3619 Bai Yueguang "stand-in" 7

Chapter 3619 Bai Yueguang "stand-in" 7
He Qiao had finished talking with Grandpa He, and when he came over, he saw such a scene.

The members of the He family were pointing and pointing at An Ran, and An Ran was playing games there calmly.

And before He Qiao could say anything, the group of people came over, one by two complained to him, saying that his wife only had money in his eyes, and that he would take it out in the future to make a joke of the He family and let him take good care of her. .

Lu Anran only has money in his eyes, he already knew this, he had complained about it before, but he didn't expect that this shortcoming can also become an advantage, because when he came here just now, he had seen it, Many people have unhappy emotions in their eyes.

If he could make the He family unhappy, then he would be happy, so when he heard these people's complaints, he said disapprovingly: "What's the matter, don't any of you like money? If you don't like it, you can give her the money. ...Second Aunt, do you like money?"

Second Aunt Weiwei, I dare not say that I don't like money.

He Qiao turned to look at Mrs. He, and said, "Aunt Gao, you were the first to say that An Ran lost money, right? I really didn't know that Aunt Gao was such a person who treated money like dirt. After all, you When following my dad and being one of his female companions, isn’t the monthly rent quite high? If you treat money like dirt, you shouldn’t have to pay the monthly rent at that time, can’t you accompany my dad for free?”

Mrs. He couldn't help but look ugly when He Qiao mentioned what happened when she was a third and fourth child, especially when she heard He Qiao refer to the money she earned for warming the bed as monthly rent, she was even more annoyed. After hearing He Qiao's words, people looked at her secretly with all kinds of eyes, but she couldn't say anything, lest she take He Qiao's words and make He Qiao speak more and more vigorously, and others would stare at her more and see jokes. I don't want to be seen as a joke, so I can only ignore him.

——Although Mrs. He is in the position, the He family members know her background, so although they don't say anything on the surface, there are actually many people who look down on her in private, so at this moment, being pointed out by He Qiao, there will be Many people looked at her secretly with the kind of eyes that made her displeased.

"It seems that Second Aunt and Aunt Gao also like money. In this case, it's not normal for my wife to like money? Besides, who in this world doesn't like money? I like money too. Otherwise, what would I do with my hard-earned money. It’s just that some people are hypocritical, and I’m too embarrassed to say it, but my wife showed it directly. Speaking of it, my wife is still honest.… If anyone of you says you don’t like money, don’t Take the company's dividends, or don't let me look down on you."

The more He Qiao talked, the more he felt that this was the case. Although this Lu Anran worshiped money, she was better than Mrs. He. She said that others fell into the eyes of money, as if she didn't love money. If she didn't love money, she would To be a mistress, and in the end, do everything possible to get the mistress to be the top?She doesn't love money, so she will let her son do everything possible to seize the heir of the company?Don't you just know that if you become a boss, you will be richer in the future?Such a person who has fallen into the eyes of money, is ashamed to say that others have fallen into the eyes of money?Hypocritical, too hypocritical!It's not as honest as Lu Anran.

With He Qiao's output like this, no one dared to talk about this topic anymore, especially a woman like Mrs. He who was in the upper class of the mistress, even less dared to bring it up, for fear that He Qiao would reveal their old background and make them look bad.

Seeing that these people had nothing to say, He Qiao took An Ran to dinner.

I went back after eating.

On the way back, He Qiao asked An Ran about her experiences in the He family, mainly to ask if she had been bullied.

"Didn't you see that I'm the only one who bullies them, and they dare to trouble me? As long as I have no skin or face, they can't do anything to me. After all, they can't hit me."

After hearing this, He Qiao nodded repeatedly, and said with a smile, "That's the way it should be, that's the right thing to do."

One must know that before coming here, he was still worried that An Ran would be bullied by those people and would not fight back, so he would be very upset.

Originally, he was not happy about An Ran always teasing him, but now, after hearing An Ran's theory that daring to tease him means he doesn't like him, and he won't pester him in the future. Being able to withstand the siege of the He family, he felt that the money was well spent, and he didn't have to worry that An Ran would haunt him three years later, nor that An Ran would be bullied by the He family.

Because he felt it was worth it, He Qiao began to tolerate An Ran's behavior of pulling wool, and even increased the pocket money given to An Ran from [-] per month to [-].

So when An Ran plucked his wool again, when Assistant Li reported to He Qiao, He Qiao said: "In the future, as long as the money she earns does not exceed twice my budget, there is no need to report."

Assistant Li couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and said, "You mean...follow her?"

He Qiao nodded and said, "She's worth the price."

Assistant Li didn't know why his immediate boss went to the old house with Lu Anran, and his attitude changed 180 degrees. However, he is just a small assistant, so he just needs to follow the boss's order and do things, and he doesn't have to worry about it. .

An Ran didn't know that He Qiao's attitude towards her had changed, but even if she knew, she probably felt that this was expected. After all, she was not Bai Yueguang's substitute. OK, isn't that normal?

So it's not surprising that He Qiao is not as indifferent as before, dislikes her for worshiping money, but often asks her to go out to banquets. Anyway, every time you attend a banquet, you might have to buy new clothes and jewelry, and then she She had another chance to pluck wool, so she was naturally very happy to see it.

This day An Ran went to the banquet with He Qiao again.

Because An Ran had attended several banquets before, she thought that this banquet would be the same as before. She herself—that is, playing tricks that only children can do, which does her no harm, and she never takes it to heart—did not expect a new situation.

The main reason why celebrities and ladies in the upper circle look down on An Ran is that He Qiao at this time is still not showing off, not exposing to the outside world, and the companies he owns are worth no less than He's companies.

So in the eyes of outsiders, he is the boss of a certain company under the He Corporation. Although he has some status, he is not that high. It is hard to say whether the He Corporation will be in his hands in the future.

Since He Qiao's status was average, they naturally wouldn't be afraid that He Qiao would be upset because they looked down on his wife.

If they knew that He Qiao's own company was better developed than He's, they probably wouldn't dare to be cold and violent against An Ran, lest they offend He Qiao and cause trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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