Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3630 Bai Yueguang "stand-in" 18

Chapter 3630 Bai Yueguang "stand-in" 18
An Ran thought this method was good, and decided that every time she met the person Lu Cha arranged, she would show off to him, and directly make Lu Cha who had no money use it die.

In fact, not only is it foreseeable that Lu Cha will die, but now that Miss Cao is so ostentatious by An Ran, when she thinks that her family's business is not good and she has no pocket money, then she hears from An Ran how much money she can get from He Qiao in a year. Tens of millions, she would be stunned to death. After all, tens of millions a year, she has never made so much money since she was a child. She made it in a year. It is fake to think about it.

So like Ms. Liu, after hearing what An Ran said, Ms. Cao was irritated. She couldn't continue the play, and couldn't maintain the smirk on her face. Can you not be angry, for money, you really can do anything."

But she knew that for a money worshiper like Lu Anran, these words were probably useless.

Naturally it is useless, An Ran listened to it immediately, and said: "Yes, I am indeed such a person, after all, I am not like you, a rich lady, and I have money to use, so I don't need to do unlimited things for money .”

The smirk on Ms. Cao's face after listening to these words became more and more unbearable, and she always felt that An Ran's words had something to say.

She really guessed right, because An Ran knew that she had taken Lu Cha's 20 yuan to do such a thing, so she said this on purpose to anger Ms. Cao.

After hearing this, Ms. Cao couldn't take it anymore, and now she couldn't accept that An Ran could earn tens of millions a year, so she hastily left.

Seeing her leaving, An Ran couldn't help but shook her head, the secret passage was too easy to dismiss, much worse than those house fighting masters in some ancient missions.

In fact, sometimes, An Ran was a little bit puzzled, thinking, this task doesn't look difficult, after all, whether it is He Qiao or Lu Cha, it is not difficult to clean up, why so many people did not complete it, and they turned purple What about the task?Is there some difficulty that she didn't notice?
Thinking of this, An Ran felt that she had to be more vigilant, and not take it lightly just because the situation was so good, and then don't capsize in the gutter, that would be bad.

But on Miss Cao's side, after she went back, she naturally told Lu Cha about it.

Hearing what An Ran said, Lu Cha was really as angry as An Ran said. The more she thought about how An Ran could get a lot of money from He Qiao every day, the angrier she became. The idea of ​​leaving, otherwise, just thinking about An Ran getting a lot of money from He Qiao every day, and she was stingy every day, she couldn't stand it.

In particular, she didn't have much money, and she had to spend a lot of money to ask Ms. Cao and others to help her. If she couldn't marry He Qiao and earn money, she would drink the Northwest Wind.

Because of the stimulation and the urgency of having no money, Lu Cha's small movements were more intensive than those in the original world. An Ran saw that Lu Cha's progress seemed to be speeding up.

Every time she goes out, she will encounter something, even in her original world, when nothing happened, something will happen.

These things, either Lu Cha's friends jumped out and said that she looked like Lu Cha, or Lu Cha's friends jumped out and said that she was not as good as Lu Cha, and the fakes were fakes. The conspicuous place near the window of the cafe has a quiet and elegant appearance, and its gestures seem to be measured with a ruler.

An Ran knew why she did this, through monitoring her communication tool, from her communication with others, as well as her own self-talk, she could know the purpose of her doing these things.

Finding someone to say those things to her, and often coming out in front of her with an elegant appearance, is naturally to make An Ran feel ashamed, and take the initiative to back down, so as not to let her go out in person and talk to An Ran about this matter.

But how could An Ran give in on her own initiative? Naturally, she wouldn't do things that the original body didn't do.

She wanted to force Lu Cha to come to her on his own initiative, telling her to back down and fulfill what she and He Qiao had said.

But...before that, what happened in the original body world, He Qiao and Lu Cha met, talking and laughing, she can do some work, she won't be like the original body, she saw it and pretended she didn't see it. Leave like that.

But before this happened, another thing happened first - Father He and others found her.

In fact, during this period of time, An Ran came out frequently. If Father He and the others wanted to stare at her, they should have found her. However, they would sometimes stare at He Qiao to see if He Qiao might get close, so they would run away. I went to pester He Qiao, so I left An Ran's side; secondly, every time they didn't come forward, other people came forward, and it seemed that An Ran had a dispute with those people, and they were afraid that An Ran would be in a bad mood If they rushed forward rashly, they would not be successful, so they stopped, after all, they could no longer make An Ran unhappy, and if they made her unhappy, they would really lose their money.

So the matter of looking for An Ran was delayed again and again, obviously An Ran had been wandering outside, but they never had a chance to talk to An Ran about it.

Until this day, they have not found any trace of He Qiao at He Qiao's side, and they need to go to pester him, and there is no one bothering An Ran's side, so they feel that the time is ripe, and they can look for An Ran.

So, just when An Ran saw that she met Lu Cha again, and Lu Cha was there again, posing by the window of the coffee shop, An Ran heard someone greet her.

"Of course you're drinking coffee here too?"

That's right, Anran drank coffee here first, and then Lu Cha heard about it, so he ran over and sat down by the window that Anran could see, as usual, in a concave posture.

Now An Ran was greeted by someone, and when she turned her head to look, she saw that it was Father He and Mrs. He, she couldn't help frowning, and secretly thought that she didn't look at the imperial calendar when she went out today, and she came across these two rubbish.

She didn't hide An Ran's frown, so Father He and Mrs. He naturally saw it, but they pretended not to see it, and continued to talk to An Ran with smiles on their faces: "If you don't mind, we can sit here for a while Is it? We have something to talk to you about."

An Ran knew what they were going to talk about, so naturally she didn't want to talk to them, so she didn't like the people Lu Cha sent now. In order to catch Lu Cha, she was kind and only said bad things, and asked them to pass them on to Lu Cha. It was nothing more than annoyed Lucha, but he refused directly and coldly: "Never mind, and I have nothing to do, I can talk to you."

Hearing An Ran's direct refusal, Father He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. To be honest, if he hadn't asked An Ran for something, or else, with An Ran's attitude towards him, he would have walked away long ago.

But right now, although he didn't leave directly because of the money, he was quite angry, so he could only hold back as much as possible, and continued to wear a smile that was so stiff that he couldn't bear it anymore, and said to An Ran: "Is there anything, let me first As a father-in-law, sit down and talk to you."

(End of this chapter)

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