Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3641 Bai Yueguang "stand-in" 29

Chapter 3641 Bai Yueguang "Stand-In" 29 (End)

But An Ran was obviously overthinking, Ms. Ding should be the murderer who killed the original body, because since that day, no one has troubled An Ran.

Although He's father and others often harassed An Ran, it was just harassment, and they did not dare to do illegal and criminal things like Ms. Ding.

In this way, An Ran will be satisfied. After all, we can’t force everyone to be a good person, not JP. In fact, there are quite a lot of JPs in this world, so people like He’s father and others will come to harass them from time to time, which is quite normal. , An Ran didn't care about it.

After that, An Ran didn't care about the mission. Anyway, in the world of the original body, the murderer who killed the original body, and Lu Cha who made trouble for the original body, were all dealt with. He Qiao was innocent. She didn't move. It will be considered that the task has not been completed, and An Ran doesn't care.

I can also take this opportunity to test: If the original body does not know the truth and releases the wrong task, if the tasker takes into account the three views and fails to do it, how will the system judge.

Basically nothing happened after that.

Nothing happened, it happened quickly, and soon An Ran left this world.

Back in the real world, An Ran looked at the task nervously.

Task display - completed.

Speaking of which, this was beyond An Ran's expectations.

Because, An Ran thought that this task was impossible to complete, because she didn't clean up He Qiao.

Even if it's because of her righteousness, she didn't complete the task after all. If the system judges that she didn't complete it, it's normal.

Unexpectedly, she did not clean up He Qiao, and the task was completed.

Could it be that none of the previous taskers insisted on their own three views, and they all cleaned up He Qiao?
An Ran read the wisher's message, and found that it was true. The previous taskers were afraid that if they didn't clean up He Qiao, it wouldn't count as a task completed, so even if they found out the truth during the process of doing the task, there were nearly ten people who took the task. All missions, without exception, have been taken care of by He Qiao.

After Yuanshen knew that He Qiao was innocent, seeing him being unlucky because of her mission made him feel so sad, so even though the missioner completed her mission, she didn't pass it.

After investigation in the system space, it was found that He Qiao was indeed innocent, and the system naturally couldn't let innocent people be unlucky, so it agreed with the original body's opinion that the tasks that were done to the innocent He Qiao were not considered completed.

However, because the original body posted the wrong task, so the tasker's points will not be deducted.

There is a reason why Yuan found out that the task was released by mistake and has not changed it. It is not because she wants to keep hurting He Qiao.

It turns out that since the task is released, if you want to change it, you have to cancel it first and then re-release it. Whether it is canceling or re-posting, you have to pay a high amount of rewards from the original body, and the original body doesn't have one, so you can only follow this The task goes on like this.

There is no way to undo the task. Seeing He Qiao being picked up by the tasker time and time again, the original body is very uncomfortable, so she always wants to see if there is anyone who can stick to their conscience and don't hurt He Qiao. If there is, even if other aspects are not completed Well, she would give that person a five-star rating.

I thought that in order to complete the task and get rewards of life points, no one would stick to their conscience, but An Ran did it unexpectedly, which made the original body very grateful.

Just like what An Ran thought, the original body liked He Qiao, and originally wanted to take revenge on him because he thought he had been scumbag by him. Naturally, she wouldn't dislike He Qiao, as she did in the original world, she had a good impression of him.

When she had a good impression of him, she naturally didn't want He Qiao to be unlucky.

Therefore, for all the people who disregard the three views in order to complete the task, the original body naturally does not want them to count as the completion of the task. After all, thinking of counting their task as completed, the people she likes will be unlucky for nothing. How could she want to do this? The life value is not bad——in fact, watching those people clean up He Qiao made the original body feel very uncomfortable. If it wasn't because she made a mistake in the task, she couldn't blame anyone, otherwise, she would have felt sorry for He Qiao. Trouble with those missionaries.

An Ran saw that the task was completed and had a five-star review, so she felt relieved.

There are endless stories in this world.

After the original body died, Ms. Ding, who killed her, wanted to pretend that she stepped on the wrong gas pedal as she did in her own world, and that's why she crashed and killed the original body.

But just like being found out by the police in this world, in the world of the original body, it was also found out, and then was arrested by the police, and Ms. Ding was sentenced to death for intentional homicide.

——This is probably the only dissatisfaction with An Ran. In her world, because she escaped Ms. Ding's actions and survived, she was not sentenced to death, which made her feel uncomfortable.

The only consolation is that after Ms. Ding came out, her son was defrauded of all his money because he had no one to discipline him and was young. When the society is dead, life is worse than death, and finally died of poverty and disease, which is considered evil and evil.

As for Lu Cha, He Qiao also found out what Lu Cha was doing inside. After all, the original body ran out after hearing Lu Cha's words, and then got into a car accident. The police will definitely find out where the original body appeared. The reason, and then naturally found Lu Cha.

If Lu Cha hadn't done anything wrong, otherwise Lu Cha would have gone in.

And these, of course, let He Qiao know.

Although he didn't go in, He Qiao, who liked the original body, saw that the original body was dead, so how could he not vent his anger on Lu Cha.

Even if Lu Cha argued that even if she didn't look for the original body, Ms. Ding would still make trouble for the original body. Not to mention anything else, those things that Lu Cha did made Yuan Shen sad, and also alienated the relationship between their husband and wife, making it impossible for He Qiao to let Lu Cha go.

Therefore, although Lu Cha was not like Ping An World, he entered because he broke the law, but because He Qiao suppressed the Lu family, it eventually led to the bankruptcy of the Lu family. Unable to stay at home anymore, Lu Cha could only go far away, intending to leave familiar people, go to a place where no one knew her, and find another man with good conditions to marry. After all, with her appearance, it was still possible.

But, unless she doesn't look for rich people, otherwise, sooner or later people will know about it. After all, there are only so many rich people, and it is easy to be found, especially since He Qiao and others have been paying attention to her, so it is easier to find .

So once she finds a rich man to marry, after being found out by He Qiao and her ex-husband who resents her, her marriage will often not be peaceful. He would feel a little uncomfortable, thinking that for a heartless person like Lu Cha, if he had no money in the future, would she treat him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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