Chapter 3650 Game Live 9
Of course, there is a more intuitive expression - after the first day of the game, An Ran measured the strength of the original body, and finally found that the maximum strength of the original body was [-] catties, and anything over [-] catties, she mentioned Can't get up.

After a few days, she was able to lift 85 kilograms, which shows that she has a little more strength.

Of course, the impact of the game is one aspect, and the other is that she also practiced martial arts herself—although she has to play games every day and has no time to practice martial arts, but in order to cope with the end of the world, An Ran will sleep at night. Practice martial arts, anyway, she is already familiar with martial arts, she doesn't need to think about it, her brain will automatically operate, so even if she fell asleep, as long as she didn't sleep deeply, as long as her brain still responds and receives An Ran's instruction to practice, will automatically practice.

Maybe the martial arts of the last days will be useless in the future, but it is better to practice than not to practice.

After practicing for the past few days, there should be a little benefit to the body, so the strength has become stronger.

He didn't mention the matter of practicing martial arts, but said that the attributes in the game can affect people in reality. Although the memory of the original body confirmed that this matter is true, An Ran's personal experience is still different, so it's no wonder that later, those who played casually In the game, people who are eliminated without paying attention to safety will regret it, because everyone else has become stronger, only they are still the original physique, can they not regret it?

The next morning, An Ran got up early, ate some food, then entered the game, and continued to dig down in her house. At around nine o'clock, she received a message about melon and fruit tea, asking her what she wanted today. Do not continue to fight monsters together.

An Ran naturally agreed.

Immediately, the two of them rolled the dice to decide whether to come to Anran to explore, or go to Melon Fruit Tea to explore.

The final result is that Anran has a lot of points, and Melon Fruit Tea still comes to Anran.

After the fruit tea arrived, An Ran took him to search for resources in another direction.

I walked past the place yesterday, and after a night, new things will definitely be refreshed, so don’t worry that you won’t be able to collect resources if you go again.

However, An Ran wanted to find out the surrounding environment clearly, so she explored in a different direction.

Then Melon Fruit Tea asked An Ran: "There are many monsters everywhere at night. If you want to upgrade, it's best to fight at night. Do you want to try it at night? I heard that the number of monsters killed by those who fight monsters at night It is several times that of the day, and the leveling up and getting supplies is very fast, and many people have learned the skills, unlike us, who played all day yesterday, did not lose a single skill book, and still played less."

An Ran said: "There are too many monsters, I am afraid that we will encounter groups of them, and we will not be able to resist them."

Her task is to survive, not to be busy leveling up.

Melon Fruit Tea heard what An Ran said, and said, "We can call more friends."

"When there are too many people, if you encounter a large group of monsters, they will attack each other, so if you want to fight monsters and upgrade at night, you can bring your friends to do it. I don't do this at night." An Ran said.

She can only mine at night. Compared with upgrading, she needs protective shields more now, otherwise she will not feel at ease. After all, fighting monsters at night will drop more, and there will be more rewards. At home, if the home has no protective shield and is ransacked, then the beating will be for nothing. She doesn't want to work for the thief for nothing.

Although I don’t act with Gua Guocha at night, Gua Guocha’s level will rise very quickly, so he may not fight monsters with her. After all, her level is too low. Wouldn’t it be nice to act with her? Taking her, so that he won't fight monsters with her again, that's what will definitely happen.

Although this would lose a regular teammate, An Ran still did not intend to do such a thing, but refused.

Hearing what An Ran said, Melon Fruit Tea couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, because to meet such a teammate as An Ran who is quite happy to cooperate with, he really wants to cooperate all the time. You know, there will always be garbage in the game, and many people are very unhappy. Reliable, it is really not easy to find a suitable teammate.

Otherwise, why do some people like to team up with friends who play games together in real life? At least they have played games together and are familiar with each other, which is better.

Otherwise, even if they are acquaintances, but the other party does not play games, and now they are playing the game together, the other party is not very good at playing games, and sometimes does cheating things, so it is very important to find a suitable person to team up with Not easy.

Now An Ran doesn't want to fight monsters at night with him. If he wants to fight at night, his level will rise soon, and he will be very friendly with An Ran. In that case, it will be inconvenient for the two of them to fight together. Their team was about to disband, no wonder Gu Guo Cha was disappointed after hearing An Ran's words.

Although disappointed, it is not convenient to force Anran to fight monsters at night, so I can only feel depressed. I want to see if there are people I know in real life in the game, and ask those people if they are willing to fight monsters at night of.

He also didn't dare to team up with strangers to fight monsters at night, for fear of being calculated by others, so as not to make him eliminated, so he only dared to find familiar people to join the game.

Although these familiar people are not necessarily reliable, it is better than looking for strangers and stabbing yourself in the back.

One day passed, An Ran teleported back, while Melon Fruit Tea was offline, ready to find familiar people and continue to fight monsters at night.

An Ran, who was teleported back, went online again to continue mining after hastily eating dinner.

I didn't find the energy stone again today, and I didn't blame the energy stone for falling.

So Anran can only pin its hopes on mining at night.

This is still a bit hopeful, because she has been digging for several days, and she has already dug very deep. According to Yuan's memory, she should be able to dig out the energy stone.

Energy stones are of course scarce, but the degree of scarcity is not comparable to diamonds or even gold. The probability is probably easier than Mithril, and worse than gold.

This is also normal, because in this game, energy stones are used in many places, including the future power system, which is also supported by energy stones. If the probability of players getting them is too low, then how can they play.

The memory of the original body did not lie to An Ran. After An Ran dug nearly [-] floors down, she finally saw the trace of the energy stone. She almost cried when she saw it. It was also packed with piles of stones.

It was already late at night, but Anran wanted to get two energy stones in one go to build a protective shield, so Anran still insisted on not going offline, but kept digging.

Probably because they dug up the number of layers that the energy stone can appear, and after digging for about half an hour, they finally dug up another energy stone, which made An Ran heave a sigh of relief.

That's right, even when it comes to the number of layers that energy stones will appear, they are not everywhere, because these scarce things have a drop rate, and they cannot be everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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