Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3669 Game Live 28

Chapter 3669 Game Live 28
It would be a waste to carry too many gold coins on your body, so An Ran would sometimes come to shop and buy something. ——There are always some newcomers who don’t understand the market, or they are afraid of losing money, so they mark the price too high and cannot sell it, but there are also those who are in urgent need of money and mark the price very low, and some have a large amount of goods and want to sell them quickly. Therefore, if the price is lower, at this time, An Ran will make a move, because An Ran is an old man, and he has a judgment in his heart. He knows the price of something. I won't suffer in the future, so I bought it.

In this way, if you have a lot of these things, you can sell them at a higher price now and resell them to make some money. If you think reselling them is a waste of time, you can keep them all the time and use them yourself in the future. That is to say, if you buy something, you will only make money, not lose money. If you don’t do such a thing, you will be foolish.

So An Ran hoarded a lot of supplies, which made the gold coins less.

Anyway, she has a lot of cabinets, so she doesn't have to worry about having no place to put them.

Because An Ran will set up a stall to sell stones every day, but she can't just sell stones, so sometimes she will sell these bought things with some money, so the gold coins are not spent, and there are always new gold coins to make up for. She can buy more things.

An Ran felt that if this situation continued, she would have more and more gold coins in a short time.

She didn't plan to exchange this gold coin for real currency, because didn't the aliens say that the end of the world would come?At that time, the currency in reality may be useless, so it is better to develop well in the game, make your own attributes high, and make your ranking high, so that you can feel more secure, and let the original body more satisfied.

Anyway, in reality, even if there is a lot of currency, you can’t buy a lot of things, because since the aliens said that the end of the world will come, and some people started hoarding supplies, the government has controlled the quantity and price of things that ordinary people buy, which saves many people from buying in large quantities. Prices have soared, and many poor people can't buy much and can't survive.

This kind of control is not only controlled by the country where the original body is located, but also by most countries in the world, because if it is not controlled, there will definitely be people who will grab supplies. When the time comes, the rich will be able to hoard a lot of supplies and drive up prices. Ordinary people have no money, and after the price rises, they can't buy much supplies. The country doesn't control it. Is it to let those people starve to death?

And the people at the bottom are the majority, if a bunch of people will starve to death, there will definitely be social turmoil at that time. After all, it is conceivable how terrible it is when people are too hungry to survive, so no matter what system A country, even a country with a king, will find a way to ensure that the people at the bottom can buy supplies as much as possible, so that most people will not be able to buy supplies, and if they starve to death, they will be like locusts and destroy all order. There was no way to survive.

In that case, before the apocalypse comes, your own country will be in chaos before the apocalypse, wouldn't it be funny?Therefore, it is normal for countries to control.

In terms of control, it is useless to have more money in reality. Anyway, there are only so many materials that can be bought.

It's better for her to spend the gold coins where they should be used in the game.

In reality, the money saved by the original body is enough to buy supplies.

If the aliens lied and the apocalypse did not come, then An Ran was not afraid that she would not be able to live a good life if she did not convert the gold coins into currency.

In the last days, she can survive. If it is not the end of the world, how can she survive?impossible.

Because of this, An Ran did not exchange the gold coins into real currency. Even though she knew that the value of the gold coins would drop in the future, she did not exchange them. She would exchange them back in the future so that the value of the gold coins could increase, because the depreciation of the gold coins is not It was so powerful that An Ran didn't bother to trade it back and forth.

When An Ran was busy in the game fighting monsters and upgrading, digging mines, and occasionally going to the market to sell something, Li Xinran, who had been silent for a long time, still called An Ran and asked if she had entered the game recently?

Li Xinran was eliminated, and she replied that she would not have to worry about taking her with her when she entered the game, so An Ran immediately said: "I entered, and I found someone to take me to level up, so as not to waste time by leveling up by myself, now Although the level is not the highest, it has caught up with the average person."

Li Xinran felt very uncomfortable after hearing this, and immediately asked to watch An Ran's live broadcast room, wanting to see how An Ran was doing.

An Ran did not refuse, and showed her the live broadcast room.

Anyway, from her level to equipment and other attributes, she is completely shielded, and others don't know her current situation.

An Ran is not afraid that Li Xinran will ask for her live broadcast account, because she has already enabled it to be visible for three days, and the previous live broadcasts cannot be seen, Li Xinran will not know that she has entered the game from the beginning.

In addition, Li Xinran's comments were not visible. Li Xinran didn't see the comments, but thought that An Ran didn't comment. In this way, she couldn't know from the mouths of those old viewers that she had started the live broadcast for a long time.

Li Xinran watched Anran's live broadcast and found that Anran was farming monsters alone. Because Anran blocked all equipment and other things, she couldn't tell what Anran's equipment or attributes were.

And An Ran’s map for spawning monsters, she doesn’t know much about the game at all—before, people took her to farm monsters, and she herself is not the kind of person who likes to play games, so she doesn’t know much about the monsters in the game—so I can't tell which map An Ran is on, and whether the monsters are powerful or not, so I can't figure out how An Ran's current combat power is.

Although I don't know, just seeing that An Ran is not eliminated makes her very upset. After all, she has always been better than this sister before. Now she is eliminated, but the other party has not been eliminated, and her attributes can continue to increase. She is afraid that the other party will be better than her in the future, and it will be the other way around. If she is better than her, she will naturally feel uncomfortable. Now she can't help but hope that An Ran will be eliminated by monsters or players from country A.

It's a pity that her anticipation seems to be of no use. The first thing she does every day is to turn on An Ran's live broadcast to watch the live broadcast. Naturally, I couldn't stand it anymore.

Especially one day, a player from country A found An Ran. She was very happy, thinking that with An Ran's ability, one person would definitely not be able to defeat five players, and she would be eliminated by a player from country A. In the end, her sister exploded. The speed of the hand, the only person who got hung up on the opponent escaped, and was not eliminated by the opponent at all.

This made Li Xinran look at it, and couldn't help being dumbfounded, thinking that this is too powerful!The team that led her couldn't do such a thing, so they could only run away. Now Li Anran didn't run away alone, and even dared to kill the other party alone? !
(End of this chapter)

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