Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3678 Game Live 37

Chapter 3678 Game Live 37
So many people in the building couldn't help being surprised when they saw that An Ran dared to come out, thinking about what happened to this woman, aren't they afraid of being attacked by aliens?

Seeing An Ran running so fast and disappearing in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help but react, oh, it turned out to be the boss, no wonder he dared to come out.

The boss is coming out now, is he planning to collect supplies?

It is generally guessed like this. After all, besides collecting supplies, isn’t it stupid to run out now?After all, it's so dangerous outside, who doesn't hide in the protective cover.

There is no one on the road, which makes it much easier for An Ran to go to the destination. Otherwise, there must be someone on the road who sees her running so fast, thinks she is powerful, and cannot beat the alien, and asks her for help. She is too cold-blooded to save her. , her own ability is not high, so maybe there won't be any trouble, it's best now.

Soon An Ran arrived at her destination, used lightness kung fu, and floated in from the wall.

When I went in, there was no one there.

She didn't have to worry about the other party's door being closed and unable to get in, it didn't bother her, she quickly broke through the combination lock and got in.

When I went in, I found that the interior had been renovated, but it was very dusty. It seemed that the owner hadn't been here for a long time.

A villa can be absent for a long time, which means that the owner is very rich, and he doesn't care that the villa is not lived in, and there is dust here.

An Ran is just looking for a place to live, so she won't do any damage to the other party's house. After all, if the owner returns, she will return to Zhao intact, so naturally she can't mess around inside.

Now An Ran found a suspected guest room, cleaned it, and moved in.

Although no one has lived in it for a long time, she has seen that the water, electricity and gas are still available. It is estimated that the owner's property is still paid, but he just didn't come to live in it.

In fact, it’s okay if these things can’t be used—after the end of the world, God knows how long these things can be used even if they are useful. In the end, if the water plants, power plants, and natural gas plants can’t keep them, they will be gone in the end.

And this is very likely to happen. Thinking of this, An Ran cooked all the materials she bought, and stored them in the myriad phenomena.

She didn't save much, because at that time, she considered that it might be inconvenient to cook in the last days. Most of them were ready-to-eat foods, most of which could be eaten directly, and some could be eaten as long as they were soaked in hot water, so An Ran A lot of water was burned and stored.

Things like hot water are needed no matter when.

It took An Ran a lot of time to do these things, and after she finished it, three days had passed.

In the past three days, she naturally didn't do these things all the time. When she saw aliens attacking her protective cover—she put the protective cover on when she first arrived that day—she would also jump out and kill the aliens. In case the other party is unwilling to stop and keeps attacking the shield, it will consume all the energy of her shield.

Relying on the fast speed of Qinggong, although An Ran's current attribute is very low, she still killed the aliens who attacked her shield.

In reality, killing aliens has no experience, and there will be no drops, but she has to kill in order not to let the energy of the shield run out.

In addition to these, An Ran will enter the game every night to continue mining to avoid running out of energy stones. In addition, he also wants to dig diamond ore and continue to upgrade equipment and weapons.

It's just that I don't have time to fight monsters and upgrade these days.

Of course, after finishing these things, An Ran has time again three days later, so she can't fight monsters, it's only temporary.

But even if she fights monsters in the future, An Ran still needs to pay attention to the real situation. Once the system informs her that the shield in real life is attacked by monsters, she will leave the game and deal with the real monsters.

Although only a few days have passed, the reality of the situation is quite dire.

In the past few days, while An Ran was waiting to boil water and cook things, she took time to look at the situation reported by everyone on the Internet. Basically, there were alien attacks everywhere.

And because everyone hid in the house, some aliens began to attack the house.

Unless the lower floors are inhabited and equipped with protective covers, otherwise, if the lower floors are not equipped with protective covers, there is a danger of being attacked by aliens.

And if it is breached, it will easily lead to the collapse of the floor.

Regardless of the size of the building, it is still very dangerous for the aliens to attack all the time, and if there are many aliens attacking together, especially if there are corrosive aliens among them, it is only a matter of time before a building is knocked down.

After discovering this phenomenon, many people ran to the lower floors for security shields. After all, if something happened to the lower floors, what's the use of having protective shields in their own houses?In the end the building still fell down.

Of course, there were a lot of quarrels during this period. For example, many low-level people in high-rise buildings were unwilling to provide energy stones to protect the shields. They wanted the people on the upper floors to provide energy stones and install protective shields.

Their reason is also very simple, saying that if the people above don't do it, that's fine, and the lower floors will be attacked by aliens, and their houses will be gone by then.

The people above questioned them - this is your house, you don't install protective shields, don't you care if your house is broken by monsters?
Those people acted like bachelors, and said, if it’s not possible, go to the top, anyway, you have installed protective shields, and they are still safe hiding in the corridor. The people above want to vomit blood, but they can’t do anything about them. Often, they just collected energy stones obediently and installed a protective cover for the bottom layer.

The reason why these people do this is a kind of psychology of taking advantage of small advantages. There is no way. Now energy stones are very expensive. Many people want to save this and sell it to others in the game to get gold coins and then buy better ones. Equipment and weapons, arm yourself. After all, it’s so dangerous outside now. Who doesn’t want to arm themselves better? Many people regret that they exchanged gold coins for real currency, which was a complete waste. Now they want to exchange them, but no one People are willing to exchange it with them. After all, everyone knows that the currency in reality is about to become waste paper. Who will exchange it with you?

And those things that were not discussed, often have accidents. Many people posted on the Internet, saying that a building collapsed somewhere. It is estimated that there is no one at the bottom, or there are people but the other party is unwilling to install a protective cover, and the people above are not. Willing to give in, he took out energy stones for them to install, so the bottom floor was breached by the alien, causing the building to collapse.

It was precisely after reading these news that many people were afraid, so they honestly collected energy stones and put a protective cover on the bottom layer.

Although it's aggrieved to do so, it's better than the bottom layer was breached by aliens, the building fell down, and it's useless to install a protective cover on it, as it is said on the Internet.

And the above is the house I bought with money before the end of the world, who would be willing to live in the house.

So they all honestly helped the bottom layer get a protective cover.

(End of this chapter)

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