Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3680 Game Live 39

Chapter 3680 Game Live 39
Hearing the woman's request, An Ran thought for a while and said, "Okay, just don't bother me. Also, this is not my home, so you can live in it, and you can't destroy things in this house. It's better to live in the house." In the guest room, even if the owner comes back in the future, seeing that we haven't messed up the villa, maybe he won't scold us much."

But I'm afraid the owner won't be able to come back, because if the owner is in the same city, he will come to see the house from time to time, but the house is very dusty. It is far away, and it is inconvenient to go back and forth, so there is so much dust, obviously I haven't been back for a long time.

As for agreeing to the woman's request, it's because, anyway, there are quite a lot of rooms in the villa, so she can just find one to live in, but if it disturbs her, don't blame her for driving her away.

After hearing that, the eldest sister hurriedly said: "I will definitely not disturb you, I will definitely stay in the guest room."

Please ask Anran for help now, help her look around the situation, so that she can transport the supplies to the villa, after all, Anran is entrusted to protect the safety, she can't still use Anran for the supplies, she is not out of her mind, she will not be so brain-dead He intends to use An Ran's supplies, but if An Ran refuses to give them, he will morally kidnap the other party, saying that she would rather die than save her.

Needless to say, there are such people, it seems that others deserve it, and if they don't give it to him, they will be scolded and die.

Asking An Ran to take a look at the surrounding situation, for An Ran, it was just a matter of convenience, so An Ran naturally did not refuse, and immediately helped to take a look.

The eldest sister who claimed to be surnamed Zhang came over with a lot of supplies and said, "Okay, let's take this much first, if it's not enough, then go to get it, anyway, the road is short."

The main thing is, An Ran said that the next door is not her home, and she is also afraid of taking all the supplies there, and the owner of the house will drive them away when they come back, and then move all the supplies there, what should I do if there is no time to move them away? ?So we can't move all of them.

Because those who were eliminated also had backpacks, Sister Zhang moved the supplies very quickly. She moved the usual things in just two trips.

Sister Zhang is really sensible. After she moved in, she was like an invisible person, hiding in the room all the time, except sometimes going downstairs to use the kitchen, and basically never coming out. It can be said that she didn't disturb An Ran.

But Sister Zhang is knowledgeable, and some people may not be so knowledgeable.

On this day, Anran came out to fight aliens again, and the neighbors on the other side saw Sister Zhang enter Anran's house, so they also asked to live in Anran's house.

This person is also the same as Sister Zhang, who was eliminated from the game, but she has a family and was not eliminated, because the other party is not like Sister Zhang, who lives alone. She has more than one person. Husband and wife and a child, it was the old lady of that family who made the request to her.

There were too many people, An Ran didn't want to live with a big family, she was afraid that she would be noisy to death, and she would have no privacy at all, so she refused, of course, the main reason was that there were still people in the old lady's family who hadn't been eliminated from the game, and now There is also a protective cover - if the alien can't get in, there must be a protective cover, and An Ran can see it.

Since there is no danger, An Ran will naturally not bring a large family into this villa and disturb herself.

Immediately said: "You are different from Sister Zhang, you have protective shields, and what are you doing here with me, it's different."

The reason why the old lady wanted to live with An Ran was naturally to save energy stones.

It turned out that these days, the old lady discovered that although she had a protective shield at home, the aliens could still break through the protective shield, and they didn't have 20 yuan energy stones to upgrade to the second-level protective shield, so staying at home is quite dangerous.

But this Li Anran is different, with such a strong combat power, living in her house is not only safe, but also can save energy stones, so that he can buy better equipment and weapons for his family in the future, wouldn't it be good?
In the final analysis, it is to take advantage of others.

So at this moment, seeing An Ran's refusal like this, and no matter how much she begged, An Ran was still unwilling, which was terrible, the old lady immediately scolded.

"This is not your villa. If you can enter, why don't you let us in?"

Listening to the old lady's words, An Ran thought to herself, luckily the old lady was not allowed to enter, otherwise, with the JP character of the other party, living together in the future would not be a fool.

Seeing the old lady scolding now, I don't bother arguing with her. After all, it's meaningless to win the fight. After beating the alien, I went straight into the house. Anyway, the old lady didn't dare to come out. Standing in front of her house and scolding, even if she dared, There is no way to break through her protective shield, so she is afraid of her.

Seeing that An Ran ignored her and left directly, the old lady became even angrier, scolding more and more rampantly, saying: "The poor man who can't afford a villa has occupied someone else's villa and won't let others in too. Sure enough, a poor ghost is a poor ghost, some people are poor for a reason, and their quality is particularly poor!"

Sister Zhang heard it in the room, and she couldn't help being speechless. This old lady, does she understand? Li Anran is so powerful. I am afraid that the equipment and weapons on his body are excellent. Maybe there are many energy stones. People, before the end of the world, can buy a villa here by exchanging any thing for some money.

As far as the weapons, equipment, and supplies currently owned by Li Anran are probably richer than that old lady, they used to belong to a villa. She knows the situation of that family. The old lady’s son opened a Small company, not very powerful people, just because An Ran refused to enter, she scolded others for being poor, never thought that if An Ran's things should be exchanged for money, it might be worth more than the assets that her company boasted on the surface So, not to mention their family's cash flow, not much, it's hard to say who is poor.

At that moment, Big Sister Zhang said to An Ran: "Why don't you stay at my house? The old lady can't ask to live at my house."

An Ran didn't want to depend on others, so she immediately shook her head and said, "No, let her scold you, and you won't lose a piece of meat. If she is not afraid that her voice is too loud and attracts attacks from aliens, she can just scold."

An Ran is not cursing her, but the truth, no, because the old lady couldn't hold back her instincts, and she was still like before the end of the world, a shrew swearing at the street, and soon attracted a strange shape, who has been attacking their house around, but will The old lady's family was frightened, and the old lady didn't dare to scold anymore.

Not only did he not dare to scold anymore now, but he probably would not dare to scold anymore in the future, lest it attract aliens.

Maybe the family will blame her for scolding someone for nothing, attracting aliens, and consuming energy stones.

Because it was the protective cover for attacking the old lady's house, An Ran didn't go out to deal with the alien.

In fact, if the old lady didn't scold her, or else, even if the alien attacked the protective shield of the neighbor's house, An Ran would help kill it if she saw it.

But thinking of the old lady scolding her like that before, An Ran would definitely not help her kill any aliens. Isn't she very powerful with a single mouth, she would like to see if she can force the aliens back with her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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