Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3684 Game Live 43

Chapter 3684 Game Live 43
It now appears that the official prediction was clearly correct.

It's just that the prediction was right, but many people didn't save energy stones, so even knowing this is useless.

At present, Li Xinran hurriedly asked Li's father and mother to "borrow" the energy stone because he had not upgraded to the second-level protective shield.

But Li's father and Li's mother have just been upgraded to the second-level protective cover, and they are about to save energy stones to upgrade to the third-level protective cover. Now they have only saved a little bit, and they are still far from the third-level. The youngest daughter asks them for it, and they can't see it. Save, I can only give it, but it is actually very embarrassing in my heart, because they don't want to die, but fortunately they have already upgraded to the second-level protective cover, and the damage caused by the flamingo to the second-level protective cover is the same as that of the alien. The damage caused by the super protective cover is the same, and it is still within the controllable range.

And because there are few people in the countryside, there are also few flamingos. If flamingos attack their houses, they can rely on the second-level protective cover. Killing the flamingos will solve the crisis, so they are not dangerous for the time being.

However, when the eldest daughter said that there may be more powerful monsters attacking next, they need to upgrade to the third-level protective cover. They are afraid that they will not be able to dig so many energy stones for a while, so they will be upgraded to the third-level protective cover, so they will use the saved Naturally, they were very embarrassed in their hearts.

What's even more difficult is that the energy stones they saved were not enough for 20 yuan, and the youngest daughter asked them to ask An Ran for them, but they really didn't want to ask, because they definitely couldn't ask the eldest daughter for energy stones, and they must borrow them from her, after all, the eldest daughter knew, They have already been promoted to the second-level protective shield, and there is no shortage of energy stones. Why are they asking her for energy stones now?

However, there is a conflict between the eldest daughter and the younger daughter. It is impossible for the eldest daughter to save the younger daughter with energy stones, so they can only borrow them, and they still have to pay them back in the end.

That is to say, not only can they not save energy stones, but they will also help their youngest daughter return the energy stones borrowed from the eldest daughter in the future. In that case, when will they be able to save energy stones to upgrade the third-level shield?

Thinking of this, they felt a little sad.

As parents, it is true that they love their children more than themselves, but they hope that their children will also have the same idea and love them more than themselves.

But obviously, the little daughter they always thought was very good, obviously loves them more than she loves herself, she loves herself and her husband's family more than them, otherwise she wouldn't keep asking them for energy stones They also need to save energy stones to exchange for gold coins, upgrade equipment and weapons, and enhance attributes, let alone, if they can't save so many energy stones, they won't be able to upgrade to the third-level protective shield in the future, and when the monsters are more powerful , She doesn't care how they deal with it, whether they will die or not.

It is this realization that makes them sad.

It was only then that they realized that the youngest daughter, who had always thought they were very good, was not good to them; on the contrary, the eldest daughter, who had always thought that they were not good, was the one who wanted face and would not ask them for scarce things.

Now, they already believed what the eldest daughter said, and the younger daughter sent someone to hunt her down, because it seemed that the younger daughter's character was not very good.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help secretly rejoicing that the eldest daughter was not eliminated by the people sent by the younger daughter. Otherwise, the eldest daughter would be killed by the younger daughter at this moment, and life would be difficult.

Now An Ran heard that Li's father and Li's mother asked her to borrow it, so she borrowed it from them.

Anyway, Li's father and Li's mother said to borrow it, and it will be fine if they can pay her back when the time comes.

If she keeps borrowing but doesn't return them, she will definitely not pay attention to them. After all, this is a scarce resource, and she needs to save her own life. After all, after saving for such a long time, the energy stones she has saved are not enough to build a third-level protective shield. of.

The third-level protective shield not only doubles the defensive life range, but also requires more energy stones. Although it is not as outrageous as the ten-fold increase from the first level to the second level, it also needs a hundred energy stones.

Although An Ran kept a set of energy stones before, but after the end of the world, she was busy upgrading monsters and collecting equipment, and did not dig out many energy stones, so it is not enough to upgrade the three-level protective shield at the moment, because before, there were In order to prevent the protective cover from losing blood too quickly, she spent 22 energy stones to upgrade the second-level protective cover. In addition to the first-level protective cover, she spent a total of [-] energy stones.

And she has not dug up 22 energy stones for so long, so it is not enough to build a three-level protective shield.

The third-level protective shield is not enough, and the energy stones to upgrade the fourth-level protective shield in the future are still far away, so naturally she can't waste it, and she has to work hard, otherwise, in the future, I am afraid that she will not be able to upgrade to the fourth-level protective shield. With more powerful monsters like that, she will be exhausted and have no time to fight monsters and upgrade in the game.

So Li's father and Li's mother want to return to the Holy Mother, if they want to help Li Xinran, they will help, she will not care, after all, she is their daughter, but, you can't keep asking her for energy stones, because she doesn't have enough energy stones, after all, she has no energy stones. Great enough to help them regardless of themselves.

If it is true that they are short of energy stones, then she can help them, but if they are short of energy stones to save Li Xinran, and then asked her to give them to her, making her unable to survive, then she can't help them just because they are parents. After all, it was impossible for her to kill herself indirectly in order to save Li Xinran.

Besides, if Li's father and Li's mother really want to save their little daughter, they will let her die. Such parents don't want to help.

But for the time being, because Li's father and mother's second-level protective shield is still enough, so after saving for a few days, the energy stones saved are returned to An Ran.

But An Ran knows that if Li Xinran doesn't have enough protective shields for the third level in the future, I'm afraid that Li's father and mother will ask her to borrow them. Even Li's father and Li mother don't know if they can save the energy stones for the third-level protective shield. After all, they have been filling in the huge hole in Li Xinran's house and lent many energy stones to Li Xinran's house. They said they borrowed it, but they never took it back. It is obviously difficult for the two of them to afford the expenses of the two protective shields. It is not necessarily necessary to save enough expenses for the third-level protective cover.

Thinking that Li's father and Li's mother would not have enough energy stones, and they would ask her to borrow them, and how she should deal with it, An Ran couldn't help frowning, thinking that the original task would not be easy, and she even accompanied such a pair of parents who deceived their daughters , is really annoying.

Anyway, An Ran was already thinking about it, and she would directly refuse at that time, regardless of whether it would cause the death of Li's father and Li's mother. Would the original body be unhappy and not give a five-star review? Not to mention the five-star evaluation, it would be too bad to deduct life points if you haven't even completed the task.

Fortunately, there will be no such troubles for the time being. There is a lot of time between the third random mission in the game and the second random mission. This time should be enough for most people to upgrade to the third-level protective cover. If The reality is the same. Some people don't need to worry about it, but there are also some people who are not enough. People like Li Xinran's family need to worry about it.

(End of this chapter)

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