Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 369 The Imperial Concubine Under Attack 20

Chapter 369 The Imperial Concubine Under Attack 20
People who did not expect An Ran to turn around, not only this summer, but also many people, such as the people in the imperial dining room who listened to Fang Hui's orders and gave An Ran bad food and vegetables, and those who gave An Ran rotten vegetables The members of Ye Zi's House of Internal Affairs, seeing An Ran Xianyu turning over now, became terrified.

At that time, they heard An Ran say harsh words, but they didn't take any actual actions. They even laughed at them. Now that it's all right, they have turned around. I'm afraid that the cruel words can really be put into practice, so can everyone not be afraid? ?

If there was no movement at that time, they could still be lucky, thinking that Sun Huanggui and Dowager Sun might not do anything to them, but at that time Sun Anran publicized their actions everywhere, and they all publicized like this, and they still hoped that at this moment An Ran, who has already developed, will let them go. Is it possible?After all, people have been talking like that in front of them. At that time, if they were not dealt with, they would not be dealt with. Now that they can be dealt with, if they are not dealt with, it would be embarrassing.

It's not that they think too much, but the reality is really not optimistic. One of the most obvious signals is: they knew the situation was not good, so they sent people to Sun Taifei's palace to plead for mercy, even if they gave more gifts, the other party would not confiscate them.

If the gift is accepted, there should still be room for change. If the gift is confiscated, it will be even more terrifying. I am afraid that there is no room for change. So it is no wonder that these people feel that their good days are coming to an end.

The people who didn't want to be driven away by An Ran from such a luscious place like the Imperial Dining Room began to bite Fang Hui out one by one, and swore that it was Princess Fang who ordered them to do these things, so that An Ran saw that they were also involuntary and forced by the powerful Concubine Fang at that time, so she was able to let them go.

These words reached Fang Hui's ears, and she was almost outraged, but she doesn't have any power now, unlike what she could do to these people with the backing of the emperor at that time, so she can only let these people pull herself out.

But how could An Ran let these people go because of this, so just as these people expected, their good days are indeed coming to an end.

Dealing with them safely is not just a matter of retaliation, but such black sheep should not be kept in the first place. After all, what are they doing to keep them, and continue to bully other vulnerable groups in the future?
So not long after An Ran took over the Phoenix Seal, she had already recorded in the Imperial Kitchen, the House of Internal Affairs and other places, and cleared up the black sheep who behaved badly. It's troublesome, but people who have bullied other concubines who have fallen out of favor can't help applauding.

Even Jin Xia was very happy, and immediately said to An Ran: "Those guys, I want them to go away a long time ago, how crazy they were to us before, now it's okay, let's see them bully us again by listening to Concubine Fang Gui. Before they knew that things were going badly, they even tried to bribe me with money, wanting me to say good things in front of the lady, hum, now that they know they are afraid, why did they go there before?"

Moreover, she would rather not have the money, but also watch them fall, because that would make her feel the uselessness she suffered before.

An Ran nodded and said, "I said I'd let them go, and I will naturally do what I say."

Hearing An Ran's words this summer, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching, and Miss Secret Dao started talking big again. If it wasn't for Miss's luck, the little emperor agreed to her to be in charge of the Phoenix Seal. okay.

It's just that Miss does have this ability right now, so she won't complain about An Ran this summer.

"However, they are all small fish. The hardships we suffered at that time were caused by them, but they also obeyed orders. The one we really need to deal with is Princess Fang Gui." An Ran said.

Now the market is basically stable, so An Ran is not afraid of what she said, what will happen to Fang Hui's ears, anyway, she just wants to jump up and down, but she can't jump up, so she can say whatever she wants .

Since An Ran didn't intend to keep it secret, this word finally reached Fang Hui's ears. Even now that Fang Hui is down and out, there are fewer people who provide her with information, but money can turn ghosts around. Fang Hui gave enough money, and she would still tell Fang Hui what she knew.

Fang Hui's income has been greatly reduced now, so she can't spend gold and silver in the palace like before, but because she has been paying attention to An Ran's movements, she is not reluctant to spend money on An Ran's side. Speaking openly without keeping it secret, it is normal for Fang Hui to receive the news.

As soon as Fang Hui heard An Ran's words, she was not in the mood to complain like she used to. An Ran would only speak harshly, and would not do anything, because now she could do anything, so once she said it, she might really be like her. What I said to the maids around me without shame before, I really know how to do what I say, so that I will be like the people in the Imperial Kitchen and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I am about to be unlucky?In this way, Fang Hui didn't have the mood to complain about An Ran's big words, but immediately became vigilant, thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

Fang Hui, who felt that she couldn't solve it, asked Nanny Fang to call her natal family, and wanted to hear what they planned.

Afraid that she would be useless, the Fang family was going to treat her as an abandoned child, so Fang Hui said bluntly, "Now that the little emperor is still so young and still has a lot to do, you should ignore me and let me be manipulated by her in the palace." If you go down, there will be no one in the palace to help you manage the relationship with the little emperor in the future."

The Fang family really wanted to give up on Fang Hui. After all, Emperor Yongping passed away, and Fang Hui couldn't win over the little emperor. In addition, he offended Concubine Sun, who is currently in full swing, and he didn't know what would happen in the future, so The Fang family generally believes that Fang Hui is useless, and now that Xia Hui has no source of income from Emperor Yongping and needs to rely on family support, the Fang family can no longer spend a lot of money for her to squander in the palace and do useless work. .

But at this moment Fang Hui's words made the Fang family hesitate again. After all, the little emperor is only seven or eight years old. Who knows what will happen in the future. If Fang Hui works hard and can handle the little emperor, then they have to give up now. If Fang Hui loses, it will be a loss.

The Fang family hesitated, discussed again, and did not mention giving up Fang Hui. They only said that they would continue to provide her with financial, manpower and material support, and would not just watch her be punished by Sun Huanggui.

With the guarantee from her family, Fang Hui breathed a sigh of relief. If she was in danger in the palace, and her original mother's family would not help her, then she would really want to be salted, and she would be punished by An Ran. She doesn't want to be defeated by an NPC in a book, or an NPC with a brainless vase whose brains are not as good as hers. That would be too embarrassing. At that time, she had vowed that she would slap the heroine and author of the original book, but now she was going to be slapped in the face, even if no one knew, she couldn't bear it just because she felt ashamed, so she must not be slapped by Sun Anran. Go on.

But there are some things that she didn't think about.

(End of this chapter)

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