Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 3693 Game Live 52

Chapter 3693 Game Live 52
There are fewer and fewer materials, which has also spawned another industry-many people have begun to find ways to manufacture materials at the base.

Of course, there is still a surplus of clothes and the like. Everyone manufactures materials, and the most important thing is to manufacture food.

Because no one grows vegetables after the end of the world, vegetables are extremely scarce now, and everyone wants to grow a la carte.

There is no way, although everyone has a backpack, but the backpack can only be used in reality after the end of the world begins, and it cannot be used in reality before, otherwise, everyone has already stored a lot of vegetables in it, and there will be no shortage now up.

But because backpacks appeared only after the end of the world, and then they were deformed, most people dared not go out and put vegetables that were not broken at that time into backpacks, so vegetables are naturally in short supply at this moment.

They talked about growing vegetables, but it was inconvenient to grow vegetables in the cramped space, so all they could do was grow bean sprouts or get some mushrooms.

Now fresh vegetables can sell for a lot of money. Anyway, bean sprouts are definitely more valuable than beans, and you won’t lose money if you sell them. What’s more, Sister Zhang has stockpiled soybeans and mung beans before. Base buys beans.

Sister Zhang is doing this right now.

Of course, she didn't know how to do it before, but she had watched a small video on the Internet before, and she had seen it before. It was not difficult in her memory, so she took some beans to experiment, and after three experiments, it succeeded. Since then, she has been distributing bean sprouts at home, so as to reduce the burden on her parents, so as not to have her elderly parents provide her with house rent every month.

Ms. Tian saw that Sister Zhang’s business was good, and she was eager to try it out and wanted to sell some, but later found out that buying beans at the base made a limited amount of money, so she immediately gave up this hard work, thinking that it would be more profitable to mine in the game honestly , if you are lucky and dig out gold ore or even diamond ore, your life will be easy, which is more reliable than growing bean sprouts outside.

An Ran neither mines nor grows bean sprouts. She still fights monsters in and out of the game every day to earn points for the base, because she has already calculated that the points earned by mining are not as many as fighting monsters. There are a lot of points, especially the points of Flamingo. Playing for one day is almost ten times that of mining for one day.

As for the vegetables, she must have considered them when she stocked up. There are some, so she doesn't have to worry about running out of vegetables.

Sister Zhang and Ms. Tian are also lucky to follow An Ran, and they can eat some vegetables along with them. Of course, they will not eat An Ran all the time. Some energy stones, after all, vegetables are expensive now, have always taken advantage of the people in the same dormitory, it is not a long-term solution, don't make people run away, An Ran not only has vegetable supplies, but also is so powerful, they naturally can't lose this thigh.

You must know that although the base asks everyone to abide by the law, the officials are also busy fighting monsters and upgrading, and sometimes they don't take care of the base, so sometimes some hidden crimes will happen.

Even though the criminal may be able to punish the law in the future, the crime has already happened. No matter how the criminal punishes the victim, the victim will not be able to return to the past. Sister Zhang and Miss Tian depended on her. With An Ran around, basically no one dared to provoke them, because An Ran was out killing monsters every day, and many people knew that she was powerful. In this way, who would dare to provoke her and her friends.

The roommates are so knowledgeable, which is why An Ran is willing to live with them. It is also the reason why she knows that there may be an end in the future, but she did not go back to the countryside before the end to live with Li's father and mother.

Because she knew that if she wanted to live with Li's father and Li's mother, she would not be as comfortable as living with Zhang Dajie and Miss Tian. She would probably be mad at Li's father and Li's mother's virtue every day.

If the original parents are as reliable as Sister Zhang's parents, she would go back to her hometown as soon as she entered the game and live with Li's father and Li mother, so as not to worry about the safety of the original parents in a different place.

But because the two are unreliable, An Ran doesn't bother to live with them, and takes care of them if she can. If they are too deadly, she has persuaded them, and they don't change, then let them die.

Anyway, that's what she planned.

Time passed quickly. Early in the morning, there was a vision from the sky, and then many enhanced versions of frost beasts fell from the sky. They were the third wave of monsters that appeared in the game.

If the flamingo can fly and is fast, it is difficult to fight, then the Frost Beast can't be beaten at all-the Frost Beast can freeze people, and then make them stand and be beaten, so the people they meet, either fast, Dodge its attack, or the blood is thick, and it will not be killed by the opponent during the five seconds it freezes.

But the Frost Beast can not only freeze people, but also has a very high attack. If it doesn't dodge the opponent's attack, it can be killed by the opponent within five seconds.

If you encounter a group of frost beasts, it will be even worse, basically you will not survive.

The Frost Beast's attack was stronger than that of the flamingo, and the third-level protective shield would be broken, so when the base saw the third wave of monsters, they raised the base's protective shield to the fourth-level.

It takes two hundred energy stones to upgrade to the fourth-level protective shield. For ordinary people, it may take several months to dig out from morning to night. But for the base, they rent out the house and collect everyone's money. For the monthly shelter fee, there are still enough energy stones to upgrade the shield.

An Ran saw that the base would not be in danger, so she didn't care too much, and immediately asked Li's father and Li's mother about the situation there.

An Ran knew that they hadn't upgraded to the third-level protective cover, but said on purpose: "I haven't contacted you recently, but I think you should have already upgraded to the third-level protective cover. In addition, there are few monsters in the countryside, and the third-level protective cover It should be enough, right?"

An Ran guessed that the base near Li's father and Li's mother would pick them up, but unfortunately, the base near Li's father and Li's mother has not yet completed this task.

It was almost too late, but now that the Frost Beast has appeared, its attack power is even stronger. The people in the base don't know whether they dare to come out to pick them up. It is estimated that Li's father and Li's mother will stay in the country for a while.

Li's father and Li's mother couldn't help being a little embarrassed when they heard An Ran's words. After a long while, they hesitated and said: "The energy stones are not enough. I don't know if there are any extra energy stones. Can you lend us some."

An Ran said indifferently: "You can dig up at least [-] energy stones a month, and then Li Xinran's in-laws will return your energy stones, no matter what, you should have [-] energy stones long ago, and you can upgrade to the third-level protective cover. Don't have enough energy stones to upgrade to the third-level shield?"

Li's mother couldn't help being a little embarrassed when she heard this. Can she tell An Ran that she and her father "lend" the energy stone to those relatives and friends, and now they haven't returned it?Of course not, so at the moment, I can only say: "...we have been a little lazy recently, and we haven't dug that much."

(End of this chapter)

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