Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 395 No money and not bad money 8

Chapter 395 No money and not bad money 8
Aunt Wang was moved by what her daughter said, so she immediately said: "Then I will try."

Aunt Wang did what she said, and immediately came to An Ran.

Of course, in order to prevent other people from losing their benefits, of course, she was also afraid that there would be too many people coming. An Ran felt that they were threatening, so Aunt Wang came alone.

Since you can't do it too hard, Aunt Wang thought, then put down your figure, as long as you can get money, it's nothing to put down your figure.

When An Ran heard that Aunt Wang had come to look for her, she couldn't help but be surprised, wondering why she was looking for her?You know, ever since I didn't give these people money, my family has become cold. In the past, in order to get money, these people came here from time to time to see if they could get some money from themselves from time to time; The money can be obtained, and there is no benefit, so naturally no one wants to come.

Of course, it is mainly because I am too lazy to pay attention to them and avoid their greetings. I am a well-behaved person, even if I give everyone money to show virtuousness, but I also want to maintain the face of the wife of the wife, so everyone must come to pay respects in the morning Yes, so every day is more lively this way.

An Ran was different, she didn't want to be a money-scattering boy, and she didn't want to see these people, so all these things were cancelled, and she was quiet. She only cared about her children every day. Anyway, she had three children, so she had to take care of them. Then It also takes a lot of time, just to pass the time, so that I am neither bored nor too tired, otherwise how can I call it a vacation.

An Ran wanted to see what Aunt Wang was going to say, so she let her in.

Aunt Wang's attitude this time is quite different from before, she is very respectful and enthusiastic, she greets An Ran respectfully as soon as she comes, and says, "I have seen my wife."

Although the original body gave money to these people in the past, but because the original body was soft and could not stand up, these people were very enthusiastic when they first took the money, but after a long time, they felt that it seemed to be right, so the money was taken. I don't have much respect for the original body, so now An Ran is a little surprised to see Aunt Wang being so respectful. Please, let's see what she wants to do, so An Ran immediately said: "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Aunt Wang looked at the new jewelry on Miss He's head on the next side, and then said with a smile: "The jewelry on Miss He's head is new, right? It's really beautiful. Madam has a good eye."

Seeing that she didn't answer her own question, An Ran talked about him from left to right, and when she asked about the jewelry on Miss He Er's head, she somehow understood why she came, but she still pretended not to understand, and said: "It's okay , she chose it herself, and I am only responsible for paying for it.”

Aunt Wang praised a few more words, then sighed, and said: "Oh, the ceremony in this house is not as good as once. This time, during the Dragon Boat Festival, no jewelry was distributed to the girls, only a set of clothes was distributed. Even the clothes, the material is not very good, the third girl has no new jewelry to wear, and she has been depressed these days, so the concubine is bold, and wants to ask the wife for some money to buy some jewelry for the poor third girl, so that she won't do anything. Not at all, if you go out and make people laugh, it will be bad for your wife to lose face."

Hearing what she said, before An Ran answered, the second girl on the side became nervous, afraid that her mother would post all the little money in her hand, and let her and her brothers and sisters drink the northwest wind like before.

If you want to change your original body, Aunt Wang might give you the money if she said this. After all, she was afraid that outsiders would laugh at the third girl for not wearing good jewelry, and it was her, the mistress, who hit her in the face, so the second girl was so nervous at the moment. , is also normal.

But An Ran wouldn't be like this, so An Ran immediately said to Liu Lu: "The last list I asked you to count, take it out."

Liu Lu responded, and took out a list, An Ran glanced at the list, and said: "You said that the third girl didn't wear jewelry, so people would laugh at you, I asked Liu Lu to count, I don't know if you have any jewelry in your private room. How much jewelry, but there are more than 100 pieces of jewelry worn on the bright side, such as hairpins, hairpins, bracelets, rings, etc. On the contrary, the second girl only has 100 or [-] pieces. This is also called no jewelry? Don’t call me, wait for me Compared with the number of the third girl, when you bought more than [-] pieces of jewelry for the second girl, let’s talk about your daughter’s lack of jewelry. Let the second girl have as many jewelry as the third girl, it’s okay, the request is not too much Bar?"

Of course, this is not too much. To put it bluntly, there is no such thing as saying that a concubine's daughter must have less jewelry than a concubine's daughter.

So when Aunt Wang heard An Ran say this, her mouth was blocked, and she didn't know what to say for a while, so she couldn't help smiling.

An Ran didn't care about her expression, she just said: "If you don't believe me, just look at this list, I'm right....Oh, by the way, you don't know how to read, it doesn't matter, let Liu Lu read it to you, you Just check it out."

"No... no need, the madam made the statistics, how can there be any mistakes." Aunt Wang forced a smile, and couldn't help regretting that she hadn't guarded against Mrs. Shizi before, so she let the child wear it to compete with other sisters every time she got new jewelry. Let my wife keep it in my heart, so I want to hide it now, saying that it is impossible for me to have nothing.

Because An Ran has said that, Aunt Wang naturally can't say anything, and now she returns home, and the second girl on the other side sees that her mother didn't post the little money she had like before, but on the contrary, she used words to block her. After seeing Aunt Wang, she couldn't help but feel relieved, and said with a smile on her face: "Mother, you are so powerful, you sent her away in a few words."

An Ran smiled and said: "I used to think that I was kind to them. They knew I was good and would treat me well. I didn't expect them not only to be ungrateful, but also to think that they should. It's okay to be disrespectful to me. If I don't give it back, I will still look for you." My father came to pressure me, since I don't know what is good, then naturally I won't give them any more, this is also normal."

Aunt Wang returned home in a feather, and Miss He San was naturally angry when she saw it, and said unhappily: "Why do I have more jewelry than her daughter, so I don't buy it? Most of my jewelry is bought with the money you gave me by your aunt. What does it matter if you only buy things for the second girl and not for me? There are only two girls in our eldest house. She treats me as well as her daughter. How much can I spend, and it’s not as much as those girls? In such a family, the head wife is also afraid that the concubine's daughter and the first daughter's expenses will be the same, and they will not be able to provide for them, so it is normal to treat them differently. If she can provide for them, it is too much to treat them differently? Isn't it because I have no entrusted children? Is she in her stomach, so is she treating me like this? It seems that the virtuousness in the past was all pretended, but now she is showing her true colors? Are you afraid that others will say that she is not virtuous?"

(End of this chapter)

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