Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 419 No money and not bad money 32

Chapter 419 No money and not bad money 32
An Ran didn't want her child to be picked up by the temple. When she became a young monk, she didn't know if she would be bullied, so she hugged the child and inquired about it. She heard that there was a family without children, and that the family's character Yes, I gave the child to that family.

It was a well-to-do family, although not very rich. I don’t know if it’s because of the good relationship between the husband and wife. Anyway, even though they don’t have children, the family has enough money to afford a concubine, but the husband didn’t buy a concubine to have children. On this point, An Ran believed that this family should be a family with good character, as outsiders said, otherwise the husband would have bought a concubine to have a child after seeing that his wife had never had a child——An Ran also looked specifically at it, not her husband If there is something wrong with the body, it is true that the wife has something wrong with her body. After all, if the husband has a problem, not buying a concubine to have children does not mean good character; It's rare, and deserves a good evaluation of character.

But she said that not long after An Ran put down the child, she was discovered by the family. Seeing that someone had put a child in front of her house, and it was a long and cute child, she was naturally very happy, so she happily hugged her in on the spot. The whole family was happy. up.

After all, although there are many orphans in this era, but because of the traffic congestion and lack of information in this era, it is not necessarily lucky to find orphans around, let alone such beautiful orphans, so it is normal for them to be happy to raise them.

An Ran didn't let go of the child, and it was over. Later, she paid attention to the situation of that family from time to time. She originally thought that if the family was not good, and she would treat the child badly in the future, she would find someone else to raise her, but she obviously Picking the right person, that person treats the children very well, although the family is not as rich as the earl's mansion, but it is still very good, the life of the children is very good, this makes An Ran feel relieved.

For such a good family, An Ran originally thought that good people would be rewarded with good rewards, and that they should secretly give them some money, but she was afraid that having too much money would lead to bad things, so under the contradiction, An Ran had no choice but to stop doing this, and only thought about it. Yes, just guard their home and help them when their home is in danger, no money will be given.

This era is very unfair. For the affair, Wu Dandan retired and went back, and the end was miserable, but Mr. He Wu did not punish him, and lived well. Although Mrs. He cried in front of Mrs. He, Mrs. He Although people knew that their son did something wrong, they didn't care much about Mr. He Wu. They only said that Wu Dandan was not good. If she hadn't been shameless and seduced Mr. He Wu, such a thing would never have happened. He also said that men are like this. She shouldn't think too much, so as not to hurt her body, Mrs. He Wu has nothing to do, so she can only forget it.

In fact, she just felt that she couldn't bear it. After all, her husband and her sister-in-law got together, and she felt that she had slapped her in the face severely. Although she felt uncomfortable for her husband to have other women, but he had concubines. There is actually no difference between having a few women outside, so at this time she cried, one is because her face was lowered, and the other is because concubine Ji is a decent woman of her husband, she can't control it, and she can't do anything if she feels uncomfortable They, now that a person who is not a serious woman of her husband comes out, she can take care of it, and the discomfort in her heart can be vented naturally, and she doesn't have to hide it like she did with her husband, concubine Ji.

And Mr. He Liu hated Mr. He Wu to death. After all, his wife and brother got together. It was like pressing his face on the ground and stepping on him. How do people in the house think of him? I'm afraid many people are making fun of him When he thought of this, he naturally hated Master He Wu to death.

However, Mr. He Liu is just a little transparent in the mansion, and his biological mother and aunt are not very favored, and Mr. He Wu is a son-in-law. No matter how much he hates Mr. He to death, there is nothing he can do about him. He can only knock out his teeth and blood swallow.

Soon Miss He San got married.

As An Ran guessed, how could an unreliable person like Uncle Zhongyong help Miss He San to find a reliable marriage—in fact, Miss He San's husband's family was unreliable, and this has already been revealed before At that time, Mrs. He asked the other party for support, if you don't want to give it, don't give it. In the end, the money was given, but she was not willing to spend more money, so she withheld the bride price for Miss He San. This is called What's the matter.

When returning home, Miss He San was nothing in front of outsiders, and she had a very good relationship with the new uncle. After all, she is a person who wants to save face, so how can she let others know that she is not doing well? When I met her aunt, I burst into tears, saying that the new uncle was lustful, and everyone in the family who was a little bit pretty was lewd, and he even redeemed the girls in several buildings to be concubines. , but because he is the only son, he is especially doted on, so his parents don't care about it, and let him live in darkness in the house. Although the money is indeed rich and his life is not bad, but facing such a husband, it is natural for any The third girl still couldn't bear it.

So, sometimes things can't be controlled by people. Miss He San thought at the beginning that she just needs to marry a rich family, and it doesn't matter if she is a merchant with a low status. Now, seeing Miss He Er's status in Beijing has risen, she has regretted it At the beginning, she only chose merchants, not to mention, with such a husband, she regretted it even more.

But what's the use of regretting, the road is chosen by oneself, unless He Li comes back, or surrenders to the uncle, otherwise he can only face the reality in the future, but it is estimated that with the ability of Miss He San, neither dares to come back with Li , I couldn’t subdue my husband, and in the end I could only look at such a husband and live with bitterness.

Soon after Miss He Er gave birth to a child, An Ran went to visit her, and by the way, she took care of the prince and concubine's health.

Miss He Er seemed to be in a good mood, and she told An Ran, "Mother, thanks for your good words, the old lady and the old man seem to be in good spirits on happy occasions, and their health is getting better and better. Nothing will happen, that is to say, we can stay in the mansion for a few more years and enjoy some shade. Our wife sees that we have not all suffered. If we live in the mansion for a few more years, at least we can earn some money and come back in a good mood. Much better, not complaining like before."

Of course, what Miss He Er didn't say was that the people in the big house saw that the old lady and the old man had recovered a lot, and they looked like they couldn't die for a while, and their faces were a little ugly. They originally wanted to separate the family early and inherit the throne at that time. , Let the second room get out of here quickly, so as to save the day and night, as if the eldest room owes them 800 million.

An Ran listened, and said with a smile: "That's good, that's right, sometimes there are some things that can't be changed, then we have to look forward."

(End of this chapter)

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