Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 508 The Desolate End Times 14

Chapter 508 The Desolate End Times 14
"Stop!" Seeing that those people were about to make a move, An Ran quickly stopped drinking, and started to make a move without saying hello. The gold-type supernatural power was activated, and a dozen small knives shone in front of them, and then went straight to those people. Robber with a gun.

She has combat experience in countless worlds. There is no difference between supernatural powers, cultivation, and spiritual power. They are all about manipulating the energy in the body, so the accuracy is very good. Ordinary people can't use a knife to kill at the same time, unless the knife is enough and the full firepower is covered. , you don’t need to choose, that’s of course no problem, but if you want to choose which ones to kill, you can’t do it, but An Ran is different, she is very good at micromanagement, it seems that they are killed at the same time, but in fact they are not. After one knife kills which one, it directs the other knife to kill the other in less than a second, so it seems to be killed at the same time, but in fact there is still a first and a second, but the speed is so fast that most people don't react.

Before the group of robbers could react, several gunmen were killed by An Ran and fell to the ground.

Others saw that a woman came suddenly, she was a good-looking woman, and before they could flirt, they saw that the woman had nothing to say, so they ruthlessly killed several gunmen, including the robber leader, so they couldn't help Senseless.

Those who were scared out of their wits already started to run away, and those who had the courage to pick up the pistols and confront An Ran, but whoever had the intention was wiped out by An Ran one by one.

Now, no one dared to make a move, and ran away directly.

But Anran will not let these people go, these people are obviously a disaster, if they are released, they don’t know who they will harm in the future, so if they drive away, Anran blows up the car with a fireball; if they run away with their legs, it is easier to deal with Yes, directly with a knife to kill.

After cleaning up all the people, An Ran picked up those guns, and at the same time found some bullets on those people. These things can be handed over to those in the village who are willing to practice. Ability users are useless, but it is not a problem at all to deal with lower-level ability users and ordinary people.

After finishing it, An Ran called the village and asked them to bring some drivers to drive away the vehicles of the robbers, especially the excavators and bulldozers. These can also become important supplies for the village in the future. After all, there is still no chaos outside. These cars are not like those of the real apocalypse. They can be driven directly from the street. If you want to do it, you still have to spend money.

These things were obtained by An Ran after saving people, so there is no problem for her to get them back to Qingshan Village. After all, if it is not because of the folks in the village, let alone these things are obtained because of her, even if she saves people, she will have no problem. She has to collect money. After all, she is not the leader of the country, and she has no obligation to go to various places to save people for free.

The villagers saw that An Ran showed her might and killed the robbers, and now they saw that she was going to take away the robbers' things, so naturally no one had any objections, but Yang Liang was different.

He is actually not stupid, and he also knows that he has no right to speak on these things, but thinking that Yu Anran will come tomorrow morning, but he will not show up, and will show up after he surrenders, which will make him lose face, and now he is ashamed to pretend to be a rescue hero , isn't this deliberately wanting to see your own joke?She probably wanted to see her own jokes a long time ago, and took this opportunity to drive herself away, so that she could be the overlord of the whole town in the future.

——Actually, this is Yang Liang who judges the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. He often imagines that his power level will be higher in the future, not to mention the whole village, the whole town will listen to him, and it will not be like before the end of the world. No one takes themselves seriously, and at this moment, they think of An Ran in the same way.

Although it was only his own guess, it made him more and more annoyed, so when he saw An Ran calling and asking someone to take away the things, he said, "Why do you have people take away all the things? Our Xiaoyang Village The common people here also contributed their efforts, you can’t beat people away because you are powerful, so everything belongs to you, it’s nothing to us ordinary people in Xiaoyang Village, right?”

He usually relies on rice and vegetables in Xiaoyang Village to control his influence, and doesn't pay attention to people outside his sphere of influence at all, but now, he knows that he has the whole Xiaoyang Village talking.

Although the people of Xiaoyang Village didn't want to sell him, but he was a supernatural being, but they didn't dare to object directly, for fear that he would cause trouble for them in the future. Knowing that they couldn't get along in Xiaoyang Village, they already left, and many of them went to Qingshan Village.

An Ran said indifferently: "I don't think there is anything wrong with what I did..."

Hearing this, Yang Liang couldn't help but smile, thinking, the little girl is still a little tender, how dare she say that, these villagers are the most tricky, since he has pulled these people to talk, naturally he has a purpose, because Once An Ran says that he does not take these people seriously, he will definitely annoy them. In this way, people in Xiaoyang Village may not praise An Ran again, which will help him rule Xiaoyang Village in the future; of course If Yu Anran took the reactions of these people into consideration and really planned to give these people something, it would be equivalent to being slapped in the face by herself. After all, she had agreed before that the people from Qingshan Village would come and carry things. As a result, as soon as she said it, she shrank, it was not because she was slapped in the face by herself, and that would also let him breathe a sigh of relief.

So hearing what An Ran said at this time, it seems to be the first approach, not intending to take the villagers of Xiaoyang Village seriously, thinking that in the future, the villagers of Xiaoyang Village will no longer be like before, foolishly praising An Ran , Yang Liang couldn't help being happy.

But he seemed to be a little bit overjoyed, because An Ran continued: "However, if someone thinks it's not good for me to do so, I can also make some compensations—from now on, the people in Xiaoyang Village will enjoy the same purchases as the people in Qingshan Village. Vegetable rights, the price is the same as that of the people in Qingshan Village, if you want, you can buy it in the future.”

An Ran now has a fourth-level ability, and the range of influence that can be exerted has expanded four times compared to the previous level-[-]. Before the third level, it could barely support a village in Qingshan Village. Now, theoretically speaking, it can support four The village is gone, so since this Yang Liang has bad intentions, then she can just draw her salary from the bottom of the pot. She provides high-quality and cheap rice and vegetables. Let's see how Yang Liang can use his supernatural power to control and scare Xiao Yang. The people of the village.

Sure enough, as soon as An Ran's words fell, there was a buzzing sound at the scene. Obviously, An Ran's words caused a shock, and that's right. In the past, Yang Liang's ability level was low, and he couldn't manage the rice and vegetables of the whole village, but only some people. Still old Gao, many other people have no rice and vegetables to eat, so they can only find other ways to survive. Now that An Ran said that they can buy rice and vegetables like the people in Qingshan Village, will the people in Xiaoyang Village not be shocked?
(End of this chapter)

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