Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 523 The Desolate End Times 29

Chapter 523 The Desolate End Times 29
Only Yu Xinran saw that An Ran really had his own evidence, saw the people around him angrily staring at him, and then saw Qian Shengjie's ugly face, couldn't help being frightened, and shouted: "You are framing me, such a recording, the computer A master can make it casually!"

"Oh? It seems that you really don't give up until you reach the Yellow River! Then you might as well take a look at this."

This time it's video.

The video was obviously for several defensive doors, and everyone saw Yu Xinran and Yang Liang coming over, talked to a few guards, and they opened the doors one by one.

Now it is conclusive evidence, Yang Liang, Yu Xinran and others, it is impossible to deny it even if they want to.

Looking at the video, Yu Xinran couldn't help but feel numb. She obviously ordered someone to turn off the camera on the wall first, so as not to leave a video record before she acted. Why is there still a video here in Anran?
She didn't know that besides the open camera, Anran also had a hidden camera, so she took pictures of Yu Xinran and others' actions.

Now that the evidence is conclusive, Yu Xinran couldn't deny it even if she wanted to, so she had no choice but to say nothing.

Seeing that the two of them had nothing to say, An Ran ordered someone to pull out the moles and kill them.

Seeing that An Ran said that she was going to kill Yu Xinran, Yu's father and mother couldn't help accepting that it was her daughter, and hurriedly said: "Of course, Xinran is your sister anyway, although she made a big mistake, damn it, but for the sake of sisters Come on, just spare her life, she is a sister after all."

An Ran said indifferently: "If you want me to treat her as a sister, did she ever treat me as a sister? She actually acted as a traitor and asked someone to kill me."

Yu's father and mother were speechless by An Ran's words, but although they knew that An Ran was telling the truth, and that Yu Xinran's actions were indeed wrong, but it was their daughter, how could they bear to see An Ran kill Yu Xinran, So he couldn't help begging at the moment, saying: "Even if she did something wrong, for the sake of sisters, at least spare her life, don't kill her, just drive her out."

An Ran knew that after Yu Xinran's incident was exposed, Yu's father and mother would react in this way, but as parents, she was not surprised, so she nodded immediately and said: "Since parents said so, I It's not appropriate to just refuse, well, let her and the Qian family go out."

Letting them torture each other is better than killing Yu Xinran himself.

Seeing that Yu Xinran had cheated on her, causing her son to lose face in front of so many people, Qian's mother hated Yu Xinran to death, and was already in a bad mood. Everyone drove out, and couldn't help becoming more angry, saying: "Yu Anran, you have done too much, right? Your sister gave my son a cuckold, and if you guys don't say an apology at the Yu family, you are still going to let our whole family Get out, is this something you can ask people to do? You must be worthy of your conscience! Aren’t you afraid that God will not see you doing this?!”

Not to mention, there were quite a few townspeople at the scene, and they felt that An Ran's move was a little too much, but An Ran was their bread and butter, so even though they felt that what An Ran did was not right, they didn't say anything, thinking maybe it was An Ran was tired of this family eating and drinking for free for several years, and it was normal to want to drive people away, after all, they would not be able to stand someone eating and drinking for free at their own home for many years.

Those who have the same idea as them are Yu father and Yu mother.

When Yu's father and mother heard Qian's mother's words, they couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. They also felt that what their daughter had done was a bit too much, so they couldn't help but said, "Of course..."

An Ran didn't wait for them to intercede for the Qian family, and said coldly: "I will do this, so naturally I have my reasons. Their family has known Yu Xinran's plan for a long time, but they didn't report it. Shouldn't they be kicked out?"

Without looking at Yu's father and mother's surprised appearance, An Ran said to the Qian family: "Your family is doing this, and you have the nerve to mention that you have to live up to your conscience, lest God will not see it. You eat my food and drink mine, and you still treat me like this Back then, I forgot about my conscience, but now that I've discovered it, I'm about to drive you out, remember?"

Seeing that Qian's father and Qian's mother seemed to have something to say, An Ran said: "If you still feel that I have wronged you, I can release the evidence."

When everyone heard An Ran say that the Qian family knew what Yu Xinran had done, they even condoned it. They were surprised, but also angry.

Needless to say, I was surprised, just like what An Ran said, I was surprised that they did this kind of thing to An Ran after eating and drinking An Ran’s food; the anger was that the people of Qingshan Town took their family from outsiders, and their family People actually want to harm the people of Qingshan Town, can they not be angry?Someone shouted loudly at the scene, telling them to get out.

When Qian's father and Qian's mother heard that An Ran was going to release the evidence, they stopped talking. Knowing that An Ran said this, I am afraid that there must be evidence, otherwise they would not have driven them away by name. It seems that it has been a long time ago. Got it.

It's just... I knew Yu Xinran and the others were traitors a long time ago, but I didn't react until now. Is this intentional?Just to clean up Xu Du, right?

Thinking of Yu Anran's kindness and tolerance, knowing that Yu Xinran was a traitor, he had endured it for many years, but did not expose it, until Xu Du called at the door, and then cleaned up together, Qian's parents and Qian's mother couldn't help feeling chills on their necks, and felt that Yu Anran was quite frightening.

On the other hand, Yu Xinran sees that it is impossible for him to stay. Although Xiao Ming is staying, he will definitely be kicked out. When he thinks of the dire and torrid days in the future, he can't help but break the can and provoke An Ran and Zhen He said: "You already knew that I was a traitor, but you didn't say it on purpose, you let us open the door on purpose, just to catch us all, but you never thought that if you do this, if something happens to the people in the town What to do? For your plan, you put the lives and safety of the people in the town at risk, fellow fathers and folks, you still follow her? Follow such a person, sooner or later you will be tricked by her!"

Seeing that some people were really hesitant because of what he said, Yu Xinran couldn't help feeling complacent, and secretly thought that even if you kicked me out, so what, if you stay in the town, life will not be easy!

An Ran knew this matter would be exposed long ago, and Yu Xinran was afraid that she would be so provocative, so she was mentally prepared, and immediately said: "If I really put the lives of the villagers at risk, I will call Captain Lu? After the defense was breached, I was in front of everyone? I was fully prepared to let people in. Of course, if everyone thinks that I am unreliable, you can leave, and I will not stop it .”

Anyway, people who are shaken when they hear other people's provocations, it is better not to keep them.

(End of this chapter)

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