Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 533 Interstellar Colonization Era 2

Chapter 533 Interstellar Colonization Era 2
The original body doesn't have cultivation talent, but that doesn't mean that An Ran doesn't have it. Of course, what An Ran has is not spiritual talent, nor cultivation talent, but... the supernatural talent from the previous mission.

Thinking of this, An Ran's expression was a bit complicated. She thought that mental strength and comprehension were the most popular talents, but she didn't expect that supernatural talents also appeared in two mission worlds one after another.

Because when An Ran came, he was able to practice supernatural powers, so he didn't drop out of school to work and earn money. Instead, he used the wood-type supernatural powers in his supernatural talents to produce hundreds of catties of vegetables every day, pretending to be countrymen, saying that they were grown by his own family, Go to the vegetable market.

In fact, the quality of her dishes is much better than those in greenhouses, even better than real rural dishes. After all, she is pure natural without any pollution.

A hundred catties of vegetables can earn 80 yuan. Although it is not a lot, it is enough to maintain her high school expenses and pay back the money for her personal terminal.

In other words, since Yuan Bo has dropped out of school, and An Ran has studied in several worlds, it would be fine if An Ran didn't need to study. It would be nice to concentrate on making money, but An Ran still insisted on studying. The reason why she persisted in studying was because, she After entering the mission, I got to know the world's top civilization Star A, and found that the learning machine of the other party was somewhat similar to the system. She wanted to study slowly, read to aliens, and understand the situation. This is what she continues to study at the moment. The reason, when the time comes, the more you read, the better you will get in touch with these.

An Ran ate breakfast and went back to school.

Since Yuanzheng's parents drove him away and treated him so ruthlessly, after she came here, she just took advantage of this to sever ties with Yuancheng's parents. After all, Father Xia and Mother Xia didn't want to repay her debts, and she didn't want to help them To make money.

Although she has supernatural talent, it is not the same as the spiritual talent in this world. I don’t know if the measurement will make people find abnormalities. An Ran is afraid that people will find abnormalities and make people feel strange. An Ran doesn’t want to cause aliens Pay attention, so here comes An Ran, even though he has a talent for cultivation, but because of the different methods of cultivation, he dare not disclose it. At most, he uses his abilities to secretly earn some money and improve his life.

As soon as he entered the school, he heard heated discussions, and when he returned to the dormitory, he was stopped by his friend Hu Taotao, and said, "Of course, have you heard? Wang Yao in class two has successfully cultivated her spiritual power and has reached the level of one." level."

An Ran nodded, and said, "I was on the way back just now, and heard everyone's discussion."

Hu Taotao's eyes shined with envy and said: "Wow, she is feeling better now, she doesn't need to study, and in the future, she can eat and drink without worrying about just relying on cultivation."

An Ran knew that what she was talking about was that in order to encourage the development of the country's spiritual power, the state provided support to the spiritual power. According to the level, the support was different. Of course, on the whole, the higher the level, the more support. .

But hearing what Hu Taotao said, An Ran still couldn't help but twitched her mouth. The secret path is the earth star, and she has just entered the interstellar world. People think that if she cultivates her spiritual power, she doesn't need to study. In fact, she stayed in a In the interstellar world, the more you enter the interstellar world, the more things you have to learn. The time people go to school will even be extended to about 30 years old, otherwise there will be endless things to learn.

We have entered the interstellar era, if you don’t learn knowledge, but use the backward knowledge of the earth and stars, then you are illiterate in the new era. No, it’s even more useless; of course, if you don’t need to read books as Hu Taotao said, it’s a big mistake. In any age, knowledge is power.

But she naturally couldn't say such a thing, so she just said: "She doesn't plan to come to study in the future?"

Hu Taotao nodded and said, "Of course, you must put all your energy into cultivation so as not to fall behind others."

In fact, Wang Yao didn't come to class since the national test of spiritual talent a few months ago, Wang Yao didn't come to class, but she hadn't cultivated spiritual power at that time, and Wang Yao was afraid that she might not be able to reach it for a while. Mental power is level one, so she just suspended school, kept her student status, and left a way out for herself, but now that Wang Yao has reached the level of spiritual power, she probably feels that there is hope for cultivation, so she no longer suspends school, but directly drops out of school .

"I remember that her grades were not bad, so it's a pity to give up like this?"

"What's the pity about this? No matter how well you study, you can have a high spiritual power of cultivation and make more money in the future? Isn't it that we go to school to make money? Since she already has a way to make money, why should she study?" Hu Taotao said disapprovingly. .

"...That's true." An Ran couldn't tell Hu Taotao what she knew about StarCraft in another world, so she could only say this.

But what she wanted to say was that this Wang Yao had cultivated her mental power for five months. This talent must be at the G level, right?If it is G-level and there is no good cultivation method, it will never be able to break through the 10th level and reach 11th level. In my own memory, this world's subsidy for spiritual power users is completely different for those below level 10 and above level 10.

Below level 10, the monthly starting fee is 1000 yuan, and every time a level is increased, a subsidy of 1000 yuan will be added. Even if you reach level 10, you will only have 1 yuan a month. This is actually not much, because the interstellar era has come, and many interstellar friends People from Earth Star want to buy things, so the 1 yuan is naturally not enough.

But above level 10 is different. At level 11, it will be turned directly to 10 a month. This is also normal, because the mental power needs to break through from level 10 to level 11. This probability is similar to the probability of breaking through when cultivating abilities , there is only a [-]% chance. With such a low chance, there are bound to be very few people who break through. Since things are rare and expensive, it is normal for the state to offer so many subsidies. After all, what you want to open I'm afraid this person will immigrate to countries with high prices.

Of course, Wang Yao can also rely on low mental power to do something, and earn more money than the state gives, but this will definitely affect the speed of cultivation, Wang Yao probably won't do it, After all, before the deadline comes, most people will work hard to pass the level, and will not waste time and delay their cultivation.

That being the case, Wang Yao's achievements in the future will be very limited, An Ran thought, maybe if she studies a good major, she will earn more than the subsidy she received for cultivating spiritual power in the future.

However, if such words are spoken, if they reach Wang Yao's ears, Wang Yao probably doesn't like to hear them. After all, no one likes to hear the truth, especially the truth about the bad future. Most people think that they will definitely practice It went well, and soon broke through level 10 and got a high salary.

 Thank you Hongguoguodudu for the gift~~Thank you for your monthly pass, subscription, recommendation and collection~~Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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