Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 540 Interstellar Colonization Era 9

Chapter 540 Interstellar Colonization Era 9
It's not difficult to deal with them, who made them have a weakness - Brother Xia.

Immediately, An Ran went to find Yuanshen's older brother, and asked him to persuade Father Xia and Mother Xia not to come to her. As long as Brother Xia was willing to persuade, An Ran believed that Father Xia and Mother Xia would not come to her, because they listened to their son the most. .

Brother Xia is naturally unwilling, he is not stupid, he knows that Father Xia and Mother Xia ask his sister for money, which is good for him. After all, if Father Xia and Mother Xia are exhausted to death, who will pay his debts?The younger sister will definitely not pay back, so in order to prevent Xia's father and mother from being too tired, so as not to be exhausted, it is the best arrangement to follow the parents to order the younger sister to help repay the debt, so the current look is like a fool, and the words are high-sounding He said, "Little sister, it's fine if you didn't have money before, but now that you have money, you can see how hard our parents are working so hard? If you still have a conscience, you should have given them money! Why? On the other hand, let me persuade them not to ask you for money? Aren't you heartless?!"

An Ran couldn't help laughing angrily after hearing Brother Xia's high-sounding words, and said coldly: "You still have the nerve to mention the word conscience! If you think your parents are hard, you are a big man, why don't you go to work to make money, and let your parents Repay the debt for you, and now let an underage sister repay the debt for you? You don’t feel ashamed to panic! You also stop talking to me, just say whether you agree or not, if you don’t agree, I don’t mind beating you Meat, you should know, I have level [-] mental power now, it is not a problem to beat you at all."

Hearing what An Ran said, Brother Xia couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. In his impression, his sister has always been good-tempered, why is she so cruel now?

He didn't believe that his sister would be so ruthless, so he still didn't know how to repent at this time, and tried to persuade him, "Sister, what's wrong with you, how did you become like this... Ah!..."

But An Ran couldn't listen any more, and started beating people directly.

Of course it was not a real beating, because he had to use his fist directly to leave scars on Brother Xia's body. When Xia's father and mother saw it, he couldn't help asking about the situation, so An Ran directly used his supernatural power to attack Brother Xia's mind, making Xia Brother Xia was rolling all over the floor with a headache, and before the pain lasted for a few seconds, Brother Xia began to beg for mercy.

"Stop...stop! I promise...I promise, don't prick me!..."

An Ran didn't stop because of his begging for mercy, but attacked him for a full minute before stopping. Seeing Brother Xia who was sweating because of the pain, as if he had been scooped up in water, he said coldly: " I hope you will do what you say. If my parents come to ask me for money after half a year, don’t blame me for being rude. Once they come, I will hit you once like I did today! Also, as you said, they are really good It’s hard work, so I suggest you find a job right away and pay off your debts with them. I know you love to gamble and you can’t control it. Don’t worry, if you can’t control it, I can come and help you control it every day. , hurt three or five times, I promise you don’t want to gamble anymore.”

It was really painful just now, so when Brother Xia heard what An Ran said, his already pale face from pain turned even paler, but now he has seen how cruel his sister is, and knows that the other party doesn't care about brothers and sisters at all. Feelings, after all, he begged for mercy just now, but the other party was able to calm down, saying that he stabbed himself for 1 minute, and he really kept stabbing himself for 1 minute before stopping. His heart is so hard that if he doesn't go to work, I'm afraid he will really come to him and stab himself once a day. If that happens, he will be unable to live. He was really afraid of the severe pain just now, so he immediately promised: "I promise to go to work. I promise!"

Seeing that he was honest, An Ran let him go.

In fact, according to her idea, father Xia and mother Xia were the murderers of Yuanchen. She should have father Xia and mother Xia killed, but she was afraid that Yuanchen didn't want to kill her parents, so she started with Brother Xia.

Because they are parents, it's not easy to beat Xia's father and Xia's mother, so it's okay to beat Xia's brother.

Well, if she really straightened up Brother Xia, Yuan should be very happy, because she should also want to see a brother who is hardworking and promising instead of gambling.

An Ran was afraid that Brother Xia would forget his promise if he left her place, so she went to supervise every day. Brother Xia really didn't want to do anything, but seeing An Ran appearing next to him, she was so frightened that her soul flew away, and she honestly found a job. I did it, although the salary is not much, but at least I have done the work, and An Ran is satisfied. Of course, in order to supervise him, An Ran will go to see him from time to time. After a violent beating and several downtimes, Brother Xia, who was suffering from pain and fear, was really subdued by An Ran, and he started doing things honestly, not daring to bet anymore.

After quitting gambling, that little salary can't be saved to the extent that Big Brother Xia is prodigal, but at the very least, it's not like before, when Xia's father and Xia's mother gave him money to use while paying off the debts. It made Xia's father and mother cry with joy.

Xia's father and Xia's mother didn't know the role of An Ran at all, but when his son grew up and became sensible, he was really overjoyed, and when he saw people, he praised his son's ability, and heard from his son that he was working and rich, so he didn't need to ask his sister for money , although he was not happy, but because of his son's insistence, An Ran did not give birth after half a year, and went to ask An Ran for money, just as if he had never given birth to this daughter, anyway, now that his son is so good, they are satisfied, that unfilial daughter, no Just give yourself the money.

After getting rid of Xia's father and Xia's mother, An Ran continued to study while practicing.

Half a year later, An Ran received an admission notice from the best university in her original country.

And her spiritual power (power) has also reached level six.

Taking advantage of the summer vacation, An Ran was not idle either—she found the husband who killed Yuanchen in her previous life, and planned to get rid of him as well.

Since the task of aliens cannot be solved in a short while, An Ran naturally starts with the simplest solution.

Although Yuanshen didn't say to get rid of Xia's father and Xia's mother, he said that he would take revenge on the husband who killed him, so An Ran would naturally not let him go—even if it wasn't for revenge for Yuanshen, it was just to prevent him from letting him go. He harmed other women, and she would not let him go.

The original husband had already married a wife by now.

That's right, Yuanshen's husband, Wang Bin, is much older than Yuanshen. Before marrying Yuanshen, he married a woman, but that woman couldn't stand his domestic violence and disappeared one day. Therefore, Wang Bin's His temperament was even more brutal. After marrying Yuan, the degree of domestic violence against Yuan was much more serious than that against his ex-wife. So within two years, Yuan was tortured to death by Wang Bin.

——An Ran also didn't understand, how could she always meet this kind of domestic violence man, remembering that she also met in the previous mission world.

(End of this chapter)

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