Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 560 Interstellar Colonization Era 29

Chapter 560 Interstellar Colonization Era 29
why?It stands to reason that the non-Afar tribes come from various planets in the interstellar, and the Alpha tribes expel the non-Afar tribes. The mother country of the non-Afar tribes should support their descendants. In this way, the entire planet should be the enemy of the Alpha tribes. That's right, why do some people still support the Afar people?

the reason is simple.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. These non-Afar tribes who immigrated from the home planet to the civilization of Star A, not everyone has no grievances on the home planet. Standing together, trying to find their bad luck.

There are also some who want to please the Alphas, thinking that if the Alphas win this war, and they stand on the side of the Alphas, after the war, there will definitely be their benefits, so they help the Alphas This is a kind of betting on the fate of the country.

There is another kind of people who want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and reap the benefits of the fishermen. The reason why this kind of people help the Afar tribe is because they are afraid that no one will help the Afar tribe. At that time, the Afar tribe will lose. The country is not the most beneficial, it is best for the two parties to fight to the death, and internal friction is the best, so they will help whichever party is weak.

When Shining Civilization ends, the pressure on Star A civilization will be much greater, but it is not completely under pressure, because with the end of Shining Civilization, many civilizations that do not deal with Shining Civilization will also end, supporting Star A civilization, so The third interstellar war finally broke out, and the entire interstellar war became a mess. Big countries participated in the war, and small countries were not spared. They were forced to stand in line from time to time. In serious cases, they even asked to send troops to assist in the battle, or the people at home were arrested as cannon fodder. Like Earth and Stars.

An Ran felt that the time had come. On this day, the people from Star A came to arrest the ordinary people of the earth star. When they were about to load the group of earth star ordinary people who were crying into the interstellar transport ship, an incident broke out.

——That's right, the cannon fodder is transported by a commercial transport team without weapons. After all, no one has ever thought about it. Who would dare to cause trouble at the backward level of local stars, so naturally they will not send military starships with weapons Come and transport these people.

And this is also the reason why An Ran and others dared to fight, because the opponent's equipment level is very low, as long as they can beat these transportation teams, if they want to stop them, they can stop them successfully. No one dared to stop them, mainly because they were afraid that they would not be able to withstand the anger of Star A civilization after being stopped.

As an aside, although no one dared to stop the transport ship of Star A, after such a long time, the internal struggles in various countries have become more and more intense, even the Yan Kingdom is no exception. The common people in many places either spontaneously or in the wild With the support of the forces, she started to do things, and the top management couldn't take care of them at all. This is also the reason why An Ran is rioting now, because once she riots, her team and mechs will be exposed. If it was a calm time before, she might I have to be a little bit more cautious—although she and Shen Weitong have higher levels of spiritual power, and their mechs are also more powerful, but the state machine is not playing around, so it is natural to be afraid, but now that troubles are happening everywhere, she is naturally even afraid She is not afraid anymore, because she knows that the high-level executives will not dare to touch her after weighing the power comparison between each other, lest she not go to trouble with the A-star people, and it would be bad to go to them instead, so I know they After the incident, the first reaction may be to covet their mechas, but afterward, it seems that they can’t do it. It is very likely that they are sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers, and let them fight with A star. Knowing that they might do this, An Ran chose this moment to start an incident.

"What do you want to do! Is this trying to rebel?! Dare to mess around, be careful we call someone to destroy the planet!" Seeing dozens of old-fashioned mechas appearing in front of them, the leader woman said to let them put down those mechas. Cannon fodder, the captain of the transportation team of Star A Civilization is not afraid at all, and just opened his mouth to threaten like this.

An Ran said: "None of us wants to rebel, but these ordinary people don't want to go to your side. You are all advanced civilizations that respect human rights. Shouldn't you respect their ideas?"

The captain of the transportation team couldn't help laughing and said: "Who said they don't want to go? They all voluntarily signed a labor contract with our interstellar labor service company. If they don't want to, they will sign this kind of contract? Volunteering to go to our place is also a good idea." Can it be called disrespect for human rights?"

An Ran sneered and said: "Don't think that I don't know about your nasty methods, allocating quotas to Earth Stars, threatening Earth Stars with how much labor they will provide, and attacking Earth Stars if they don't provide labor. You said it was voluntary, but the people who went there at the beginning may have voluntarily. After all, there are always some fools who think that if they go to you, they will develop and immigrate to your civilization in the future. At worst, they can make a lot of money. Money, return home, but now, everyone knows that there are many people who go there, and there may not be one person in ten who survives, so now, basically no one wants to go voluntarily, and you still tell such lies , don't you think it's funny?"

Seeing what An Ran said, the captain of the transportation team couldn't help but grimaced, and said, "So what if you're a liar? How dare you resist? If you dare not listen to us and annoy us, we'll go back and tell the higher-ups, who will send troops over here." Take care of you, do you think that your broken mechs can resist? By then, more than the people you handed over may die! More people will die than now, not only will no one thank you for what you did, but also Blame you! So think about it carefully, should your brain get hot and come to stop us!"

An Ran sneered and said: "If you don't do it, how will you know the result?! Anyway, if you continue to draw like this, you will sooner or later get all the people from Earth Star! If this is the case, why not give it a try."

Regardless of the large number of people on the Earth planet, but there are so many planets in the Star A civilization, there are too many places that need manpower. Seeing that the sky is so bloody, and the birth rate of the Earth stars has dropped over the years, to be honest, when the time comes, the people on the Earth star It's really possible to draw light.

Seeing that An Ran was not afraid of threats, the captain of the transportation team couldn't help becoming angry from embarrassment. He pointed at An Ran and said, "Don't make a toast or eat a fine wine!"

Immediately, he ordered his subordinates to put on civilian mechs, took out anti-theft guns and pointed them at An Ran.

Although they are transport fleets, not military starships, according to interstellar conventions, merchant ships cannot be equipped with weapons, but in order to guard against star robbers, all ships are equipped with anti-theft guns, and civilian mechas are also available. It really kills, but it has a stun effect. It can stun the enemy and give them time to escape. It can't deal with star thieves with super firepower. Not powerful, more than enough with this anti-theft gun.

(End of this chapter)

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