Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 579 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 10

Chapter 579 The reborn girl married her father-in-law 10
Not to mention that Mrs. Shizi is going to act according to Xiaolian's wishes, An Ran saw what the three of Mrs. Shizi discussed, she couldn't help but shook her head, and said to herself, no wonder it is difficult for the original body to remain neutral. People on both sides want to win you over Do things for them, do it, offend people, don’t do it, offend people on both sides, and sometimes, even if you remain neutral, as long as one party deliberately makes out with you, showing that you have joined their gang—— It's like Madam Chengyi treated her just now—the other party didn't know the situation, suspected that you had joined, and would still deal with you, so the original body would be poisoned to death inexplicably in the end, which is normal, it is really a city gate The fire will affect the fish in the pond, and you will not be able to maintain neutrality even if you want to.

However, through the dialogue, she did know where the aunts of Second Lord Luo who troubled her from time to time in Yuanshen's memory came from. It turned out that they were sent by Mrs. Shizi.

Yes, in the world of the original body, Mrs. Shizi probably felt that she had taken refuge in Mrs. Chengyi, and she played this trick. It caused a lot of trouble for the original body. Originally, she was dealing with the battle between Mrs. Chengyi and Mrs. Shizi It's too busy, and I have to deal with the troubles of these women looking for her, it's not annoying to death.

An Ran is not afraid of people finding fault, but if she can nip these people in the bud so she doesn't have to worry about it in the future, that would be the best. After all, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

So An Ran thought about it, and felt that she needed to "communicate" with Luo Li.

So that night, when Luo Lixie was here with An Ran, An Ran put forward her own opinion.

"Why don't you go find the person in your room?" An Ran started with this.

It's not just a Huatou, it's also her sincere words.

Under normal circumstances, in the task world, she must have mental power or spiritual power. If she encounters the matter of having sex with her original husband, she will find a way to avoid it by exerting influence on it. It is impossible to avoid it. Only in the same room.

For example, in this world, she has neither mental power nor spiritual power. If she wants to refuse intercourse, arouse the suspicion of her original husband, and make the character OOC, she can only be what she was before and what she is now, and this is obviously What she doesn't want is not hypocritical. If she doesn't like someone, she has no interest in intercourse. Having done many world quests, she has already looked down on many things and won't care about this. The reluctance is purely lack of interest.

Hearing An Ran's question, Luo Li's face became hot first, then he cleared his throat in a concealed manner, and said with a look of disapproval: "You are the real wife, isn't it normal for me to come to your place more often?"

Well, I’ve come to Anran a lot lately. It’s not his fault. They say wives are virtuous and concubines are beautiful. It seems that as long as the main wife is virtuous, it doesn’t matter if she is beautiful or not. Anyway, as long as the concubine is beautiful, The bed is strong enough.

But for some reason, he always felt that it would be more harmonious to be with his regular wife. As for the common room and the concubine's room (he only has one common room and one concubine's room, it's not that he is not qualified to have many concubines because he is little transparent— Although if there are too many and too much expenditure, the higher-ups will indeed be unhappy, but unless there are more than his own son, the mansion will not let him expand concubines. The reason why there are so few now is because he is still young and has a wife. The second concubine counts a lot), and the length is just like that, not more beautiful than An Ran, and as for the bed, An Ran doesn't get along with him, so recently, he loves to come to An Ran more and more, and has no interest in going to the concubine Ji at all. In Tongfang, it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality. If you have good ones, why settle for poor ones.

It's just that it's hard for him to say these things, so when asked by An Ran, although his face became hot, he couldn't speak the truth, so he could only express it like this.

In fact, he would feel that it is normal for him to be more in tune with An Ran, because after going through countless mission worlds, although An Ran is not busy with dating every mission, XXOO, and has never seriously studied sex skills, but after a long time, practice makes perfect , so even if you don't show it intentionally, the unintentional actions are still more powerful than the inexperienced concubine concubine's intercourse, and Luo Li who is hooked is reluctant to go to other women's rooms.

Hearing what Luo Li said, An Ran couldn't help complaining, thinking that if you really respect your wife so much, in the original world, there are two or three concubines who are fake?

However, future events cannot be used as current evidence, so An Ran only said: "If I asked you to choose one of the two, would you choose me or them?"

This question was asked to Mu Luoli, and he said, "Why should I choose one of the two?"

Originally, among men in this era, who doesn't have three wives and four concubines, why should he make a choice?

An Ran said: "You just treat me as a big jealousy. I don't know if you have other women. If you don't want to choose me, but choose them, then I will close the door and thank you, and no one will disappear."

This can save some trouble.

As for the butterfly because of this, and the murderer can't be found, she can use the mission strategy, anyway, she has already thought about it, and she doesn't want to follow the memory of the original body, and if she doesn't do any butterflies, it doesn't matter if the big butterfly or the small butterfly.

Hearing An Ran's statement, Luo Li couldn't help being dumbfounded, and after a while he recovered his voice and said, "Jealousy is one of the seven things."

How his wife could speak so confidently was completely beyond his expectation, after all, he hadn't realized before that his wife had the attribute of jealousy, so Luo Li couldn't help but blurt out, saying this.

"What, you want to divorce me?" An Ran's voice turned cold.

It is possible not to choose her, but it is impossible to divorce her—she dared to bet that if Luo Li divorced her, the original body would definitely not be able to accept it, and it might affect the mission at that time, so naturally An Ran couldn't let this kind of thing happen.

An Ran wasn't really aggressive, but just like this, it probably leaked a bit of the murderous aura raised in those troubled times, so Luo Li couldn't help but feel that the chrysanthemum was tight, and that a small animal's desire to survive in extreme danger made Luo Li listen. After An Ran said this, she couldn't help shaking her hands and said: "I'm not, I don't, you misunderstood."

Seeing what he said, An Ran felt relieved, and immediately said: "Why didn't you say that just now?"

Luo Lidao: "That's what I said, nothing else."

Seeing his denial, An Ran stopped pestering her, but then turned back to the previous topic, saying: "Okay, let's continue talking about the previous thing, what do you think?"

Seeing that An Ran forced him to make a choice, Luo Li couldn't help being entangled. He frowned and said, "How do you want me to choose? By choosing them, don't you want others to say that I dote on my concubine and kill my wife? But if you want to choose you, not them, they will follow." I, now I have abandoned them again, am I sorry for them?"

An Ran nodded, and said: "It's really inappropriate not to choose them, and what you said is also reasonable, so you should choose them, you don't have to be afraid of spoiling your concubine and destroying your wife, as long as I don't make trouble, it doesn't matter what others say Well."

(End of this chapter)

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