Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 628 The actor's hidden ex-wife 5

Chapter 628 The actor's hidden ex-wife 5
What is Yan Yue doing now?I was filming a court drama in ancient costumes, and there were palace battles and court battles. Yan Yue played the male lead in it, a military advisor who turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands with rain, and was more intelligent and close to a monster. In some scripts, after assisting the king to come to power, such a character is hidden by everyone. After the king came to power, he resigned smoothly and retired to Taoyuan. He won the favor of the king and left with a lot of rewards. Winner in life.

In this day and age, people love to watch TV with HE endings, at least they have to be open-ended. People don’t like the BE endings too much. After all, life is hard enough. Watching TV and still feeling depressed is still alive. too tired.

Therefore, the ending of this TV arrangement is obviously pleasing. In addition, the heroine is not arranged for the heroine. It is said that it only writes about tactics, not love, but between the hero and the king, and between friends, Even with political opponents, there are quite a lot of rivalry scenes, and this caters to the current hot rotten elements. By then, there will be a lot of male and female CPs of the male protagonist, and male and female CPs on some editing sites, which will drive the ratings to increase. It will get higher and higher—that is to say, the ratings of this drama can be expected in the future.

The reason why An Ran came here was because the crew was recruiting extras. Although the extras might not be able to talk to a big man like Yan Yue, it would be good to have a chance to get in touch and understand the situation, so An Ran Then come over.

Because I was recruiting a group performer, An Ran, who had passed the test in appearance, naturally passed without a hitch. She was arranged to be a maid in the mansion of the hero in the play. She didn't need to memorize lines, but just stood there as a background. Good acting.

Although she is just a background maid without any lines, but because she is doing a group performance next to Yan Yue, she has the opportunity to meet Yan Yue, so the competition is actually quite fierce, but the original body is Miss C Country, and her appearance is naturally better than that of Yan Yue. These passers-by are much more attractive, so it is normal to be able to snatch them.

Now that An Ran had snatched the extra role next to Yan Yue according to An Ran's expectations, then the next development would naturally be as An Ran thought - she saw Yan Yue smoothly.

Looking at Yan Yue from a close distance, especially when he is wearing an ancient costume, with a wide robe and big sleeves, there is indeed a sense of the legacy of the Wei and Jin Dynasties of "Moshang is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world". It is no wonder that those fans are crazy about him up.

But An Ran is not an ordinary person, she has lived in countless worlds, and seen countless handsome men, especially in the fairy world, which one is not a fairy robe, just pick one and put it in the mortal world, it will be fine. It can be said that "people on the Moshang are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world". Cultivators, generally, it is easy to be immortal, but generally they have reached a high level of cultivation, like Nascent Soul, and can completely reshape the body. How beautiful do you think? You can be as beautiful as you want, so, in this case, picking one and putting it in the mortal world will naturally produce such an effect.

Since An Ran has seen countless beautiful men, An Ran is naturally immune to beautiful men, and will not be fascinated by Yan Yue, who is fascinated by Yan Yue, who looks more and more handsome at close range, like the other young girls. Come on, Yan Yue's appearance is indeed good, but it can only be said to be good, not the best-looking, and the handsome men she has met in the past can only be said to be Chunlan Qiuju, each has its own merits.

But that’s fine, An Ran is still afraid of watching the other party at a close distance, and finds that the other party is so handsome that she will cry ghosts and gods. She really fell in love with the other party. After all, seeing too many people hurt by love, she was afraid that she would become that kind of person too.

Now watching from a close distance, An Ran feels relieved when she finds that her feelings towards the other party are normal.

But don't worry, you can't complete the task, so An Ran has to think sadly, how to contact Yan Yue so as not to appear too abrupt.

Speaking of which, she can definitely refer to what others have done, and it's not that there are no references. Look, many maids and extras crowded forward in the arena, arguing for Yan Yue to sign, which can be regarded as a conversation.

However, An Ran obviously didn't want such a conversation. An Ran felt that positioning herself as Yan Yue's fan was not conducive to her future development, so she originally saw that other people ran up to Yan Yue to sign her name and started talking to Yan Yue. She thought this method was good. , So I came up with this idea, took a notebook in my hand, and was about to ask Yan Yue for An Ran's autograph, after thinking about it, he interrupted the idea of ​​autographing, stood there, and didn't go forward.

When I was thinking about how to get in touch with the best, I heard a clear and familiar voice: "Miss, do you want to sign too?"

When he looked at it, it was Yan Yue who misunderstood that she also wanted to sign, and after signing someone else's, he asked her in a friendly manner.

Although she had given up on the idea of ​​asking Yan Yue for an autograph, Yan Yue took the initiative to sign for her, but An Ran didn't dare to refuse. After all, she knew that once she refused, Yan Yue would feel that he was being self-indulgent, and it might make him unable to come down. It's not good for gaining his favorability, of course, if it's spread, his fans will tear themselves apart if they know that she rejected Yan Yue's signature.

She didn't want to be the focus person yet, and she didn't want to make the target person angry, so when Yan Yue said this, she smiled and handed over the book, saying: "Yes, thank you!"

Yan Yue took the notebook, smiled at her, and lowered his head to sign it.

An Ran took the notebook, thinking that it would be good to sign it, now that Yan Yue is very popular, and someday money will be tight, so I'm afraid I can exchange a lot of money with this signature.

Yan Yue naturally didn't expect that someone would want to exchange his signature for money. The assistant brought a package of things, but it was the cold drink that Yan Yue asked his assistant to buy before. Yan Yue saw that the assistant had bought it, so he asked the assistant to share with everyone Even a group performer like An Ran got a share, which can be said to cover everything. No wonder this person has a very good reputation among the same batch of traffic niches. Other traffic niches either caused drunk driving scandals or drag racing scandals. There is also the cheating scandal, so far Yan Yue has not had any black spots.

An Ran has been on the set for a few days, and there is almost no progress. The reason why I say almost is because Yan Yue treats her very well in the eyes of others. Anyway, Yan Yue took the initiative to sign her, and usually thinks of her when there is something. Give her a share, but from An Ran's point of view, it's just that Yan Yue knows how to maintain the public image. Things are too difficult, maybe she should clean up Du Yu and Li Lu first, and complete this small goal. As for the wish of the original body, since she doesn't like to do it, she can do it if she can, and forget it if she can't. Just try to lose tens of thousands of life days.

Just when An Ran was planning to retreat and find trouble with Du Yu and Li Lu first, an accident happened that day—to be precise, it was Yan Yue who had an accident, not An Ran.

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(End of this chapter)

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