Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 646 The actor's hidden ex-wife 23

Chapter 646 The actor's hidden ex-wife 23
Just like what Yan Yue's manager was worried about, not everyone wished him and An Ran well. There were some girlfriend fans who were not happy to see that he had a girlfriend, and one or two said they would quit the fan.

Naturally, Yan Yue wouldn't be so stupid as to say "you can take off your fans, I don't care". After sending this message, he didn't say anything more.

As for An Ran, who was captured by Aite, since he agreed to his pursuit, he naturally would not fail to respond, and immediately wrote the same words as Yan Yue: "Today is really a happy day, we are together. @凯越."

The original body is naturally not this social account, An Ran does not want to use the previous social account of the original body - there is no way to use the original body, because the original body must be used for the task, other things, as long as it does not cause OOC, she You can do whatever you want - so I registered a new account, and it has been enabled since the previous "Military Division" crew.

Because she is a newcomer, even if "Military Division" brought some fans, but the number is pitifully small, plus she didn't buy fans, so there are only tens of thousands of fans, but this time, because of her relationship with Yan Yue, this account The number of fans is increasing by leaps and bounds.

However, under Yan Yue's account, fans rarely scold her, and at most say they want to take off her fans. Under An Ran's account, there are a lot of people scolding her. Most of these new fans are Yan Yue's fans , I added her at this moment because I came here to scold her specially, anyone who doesn’t add her fans can’t scold her under her account, so I can only add fans first and then scold her—it’s a bit dark to say A sense of humor.

These gangsters scolded her in the same old way, nothing more than scolding her for being shameless, seducing Yan Yue, etc. Of course, some of them went too far, some attacked her personally, some cursed her to die, and some scolded her black history , There are many ugly pictures of her in PS.

These are all drizzle, and An Ran, who is coming over with strong winds and waves, is not afraid or caring at all.

On the contrary, Yan Yue saw so many people besieging An Ran, he was a little worried, and wanted to speak out to support, but An Ran stopped him, saying: "The more you support me, the harder they jump, so don't say anything, let's pass us Yes, so they see that you don't speak up to support me, and think that you have so much affection for me, maybe you can still have a little psychological balance, and just scold me for a few days."

As soon as Yan Yue heard An Ran say that if he didn't support her, the gangsters thought that he had so much affection for An Ran, so they couldn't help being anxious, and said: "I don't want to be misunderstood that I don't like you."

"You like me, as long as you get my approval, you don't need to get the approval of so many people, let them say what people outside say, can you still let the whole world bless you and me? How can we have such a big face." An Ran laughed.

After hearing An Ran's words, Yan Yue's previous anxious expression could not help but eased, and he said with a light smile, "You are right, as long as you like me, that's all. I don't need people from all over the world to bless us."

He posted earlier just because he was happy and wanted to share with others, so it doesn't matter if he gets everyone's blessing or not.

Of course he doesn't regret posting that post, because like he said before, he didn't want to hide An Ran, so posting it late is worse than posting it early.

But Yan Yue doesn't intend to do nothing. Although he can't directly speak out against those black fans, Yan Yue still has to do something to save the country with curves. After all, he doesn't want to watch the person he likes being scolded.

So Yan Yue immediately asked Xiao Chen to send someone to release the clip of An Ran saving him on the set.

The camera was shooting at that time, so the danger that occurred was naturally seen clearly.

In fact, An Ran rescued him more than once, but the car was in danger, and the two times when he was almost poisoned by someone were not filmed, Yan Yue naturally would not have saved this matter, and sent a draft at the same time as the video, say it.

He told the general process of his relationship with An Ran. It was nothing more than that An Ran rescued him, and later discovered that someone had harmed him. Because of An Ran's good skills, he hired An Ran as a bodyguard. After that, An Ran rescued him several times. Until the murderer was caught, and in the process, he gradually fell in love with An Ran.

At this time, Zhou Ye was sentenced, and Yan Yue handed down the sentence.

These news immediately caused an uproar among the moons. Although they had heard from the gossip that Yan Yue was suspected of having an accident during the filming of "Xun Xian Ji", they did not expect that someone from the "Military Master" crew thought It hurt him, and thanks to Qiao Anran's repeated rescues, he didn't have any accidents, otherwise Yan Yue would have died sooner, even if they hadn't taken off their fans at this moment, there would be no one to be fans of.

Qiao Anran saved their idol three times. Unless they were really sunspots, Yan Yue's true fans would not gossip about Qiao Anran again. After all, without Qiao Anran's rescue, their idol would have died.

So not only no one scolded Qiao Anran anymore, but one or two went to Anran's account to thank Qiao Anran for saving Yan Yue's life, and some people even pretended to be enlightened and said, "No wonder Yue Yue wants to be with you." Together, does Yue Yue want to save his life and promise him with his body!"

And some people also found out the background of An Ran's family - the family opened a martial arts gym, so one or two said that it turned out to be the daughter of the martial arts curator, who grew up in such an environment, and would have a good kung fu. No wonder.

Many people even watched the scene where An Ran flew to rescue Yan Yue, and felt that An Ran was so handsome, her boyfriend was full of strength, and she was crazy about sex, saying that if Yan Yue hadn't taken the lead, or else they would marry An Ran.

Yan Yue saw that it was as he expected, and after the disclosure of these materials, there were indeed fewer people scolding An Ran, so he felt relieved—well, although people discovered that An Ran was good, many people said that they would rob An Ran of being her husband , made him look a little jealous, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he knew that once he told people that An Ran was good, many people would definitely fall in love with An Ran.

As the turmoil calmed down, Yan Yue and An Ran began to live a sweet two-person world.

However, he was obviously overjoyed too early. This declaration of intimacy between him and An Ran had already annoyed someone. Who was this person? It wasn't Du Yu who was married to Li Lu at this time.

Before Du Yu and Li Lu were scandal-ridden, film appointments, advertisements, etc. not only decreased, but also the price was not as high as before, which caused the income of the two to plummet.

In the end, the two had no choice but to obtain a marriage certificate and get married. They wanted to rely on this kind of news to attract media attention.

Sure enough, the two were well-known before. I heard that the two were really married, and they really got a lot of attention in the media. Although it was not as good as Yan Yue, it was better than the lack of interest before. This made Du Yu think , I have made the right move with this move.

Just when he was struggling to regain his popularity, he saw the news that An Ran said that he was with Yan Yue, and his mood suddenly turned bad.

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(End of this chapter)

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