Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 650 The actor's hidden ex-wife 27

Chapter 650 The actor's hidden ex-wife 27 (End)

As soon as these words came out, Li Lu was very angry.

Fortunately, I thought about leaving the relationship with Du Yu before, so I was slowly making arrangements long before the divorce. From time to time, I posted some words on social accounts about melancholy fans who were hurt by love. At this moment, Du Yu Scolding her like this, she said that she divorced because he hurt her heart, and told him not to judge others by himself.

When she said this, Du Yu naturally wouldn't let it go, lest netizens scold him for being shameless again, so he started a spat with Li Lu.

Let's not talk about how the two of them fought, anyway, the two people's personalities are not very good, so netizens are not very patient to watch when they quarrel.

In fact, although Li Lu explained it that way, thinking that she would not be scolded by netizens, people online or offline didn't think so.

While laughing at Du Yu's lack of vision for finding such a woman with no morals, they really thought in their hearts that they couldn't marry a woman like Li Lu.

Therefore, although Li Lu's reputation is not as stinky as Du Yu's, and she has no chance of turning over at all, her reputation of being a mistress and snobbishness is still attached to her head, making her future stardom very bleak, only slightly worse than Du Yu's. better.

As for Du Yu, naturally he didn't have the chance to make a comeback as he thought.

As I said before, he is a round older than the original Qiao Anran, and he is already in his early forties. The longer he is hidden by the company, the older he gets, the less valuable it is to re-launch. Besides, Du Yu has no money to maintain because of financial difficulties. In a few years, it was so bad that I wanted to launch it. Now it is a world of face control, and Du Yu's acting skills are not strong enough to make the audience ignore his appearance, and there is no value in launching it, so Du Yu naturally fell silent like this go down.

Although Li Lu has been hanging around in the circle all the time, she hasn't made a name for herself. She wanted to marry a man with better conditions, but she couldn't find one. A child's outdated director.

Of course, this is not mentioned later.

But at the moment, after all those ups and downs have been settled, this time Yan Yue and An Ran can be together peacefully.

There is also a small episode in this.

But he said that although Yan Yue made a lot of TV shows, he didn't make too many kissing scenes. Some of them were excuses. He didn't really kiss many people at all. When he was in school, he was discovered by scouts and entered The entertainment industry, I have been busy with my career since then, and I haven’t talked about any love affairs. I talked about it once when I was in school, but it was very innocent at the time. He knows very little about it and has to read reference books.

So when he was with An Ran, there were many embarrassing things that broke each other's lips with kisses, and when they went to bed, they didn't know what to do next.

But no matter what, after all, it will be a matter of course with An Ran.

And since they got together, he tasted the wonderful taste of the bed, and he became more and more tired of An Ran. At a young age, he wanted to sing and sing every night, and An Ran was almost collapsed by him. Cultivation, possession of spells, recovery of body at any time, can't repair the backache caused by singing every night, isn't An Ran a little bit unbearable.

Fortunately, Yan Yue had too many film appointments, so he didn't have much time to get bored with her, and soon there was a new movie to be filmed, which saved her from being entangled with the bed all day long.

Not long after "Looking for Immortals" aired, not only many people cut Yan Yue's video, but also many people cut An Ran's video, without her, because An Ran's aura in this drama is too strong, and Yan Yue is with Yan Yue. When we were together, fans of the drama kept using the barrage of women attacking men - and this is exactly in line with the image of the novel. In the novel, the heroine is a very powerful existence. Most people can't show that kind of aura, but An Ran Being able to perform it, book fans who were worried that the live-action performance would ruin the image of the heroine in their hearts, shouted that it was enjoyable to watch, saying that this is the heroine in their minds.

Seeing the popularity of this drama, even Director He couldn't help being proud of his original vision. Although he thought An Ran was suitable for this role at the time, he really didn't expect that he would be suitable to such a degree, so can he not be proud?

And An Ran also exploded in popularity because of this drama.

Although she is very popular, she is not very good at acting. Although she has tempered her acting skills and improved her acting skills a lot, she has no talent in this area. The play path is too narrow, and they are usually characters with facial paralysis similar to the heroine of "Xun Xian Ji". Powerful and facial paralysis have been synonymous with her ever since.

And her relationship with Yan Yue gradually warmed up naturally, and a year later, she married Yan Yue who couldn't wait to marry her home, for fear of being snatched away by others.

It's no wonder that Yan Yue was afraid that others would rob him. After An Ran's popularity exploded, it naturally attracted the attention of many people, and many of them admired An Ran, especially An Ran's powerful aura, which attracted many people. , there are quite a few younger brothers and younger sisters, and one or two said they wanted to marry An Ran, so Yan Yue hurriedly stamped and stamped them and carried them home.

——Actually, there are quite a few fans who are crying and wanting to marry Yan Yue, but people in love are always not above the IQ level, so it is normal to be nervous and want to marry An Ran back home as soon as possible.

There is also a small episode in this.

Before An Ran was on the set of "Military Division", someone was jealous of her good relationship with Yan Yue, and deliberately exposed photos of her and Yan Yue on the set, which caused many Yan Yue fans to abuse her.

Who did it, An Ran naturally found out long ago, but because it was only a trivial matter, An Ran did not have to report it, and in addition, she was busy cleaning up Du Yu and Li Lu at that time, so she did not trouble the other party.

After a long time, An Ran had forgotten about her, but after An Ran became popular, no one asked if she was poor in the downtown area and rich in the mountains, so these people jumped out to catch her popularity, and one or two said that she was in the middle of the day. The film crew, how good the relationship with An Ran is, of course, I don’t forget to praise An Ran, after all, if you want to catch An Ran’s popularity, dare to say bad things about An Ran, and don’t be trampled by An Ran’s fans, so naturally you can only praise An Ran ——Although they didn't want to praise her at all.

And at this moment, An Ran discovered that the person who had tripped her up before was also posting this kind of gossip.

It's fine for others to flirt, An Ran wouldn't even care about this, but how can these people who have slandered her have such a big skin, and have the face to mention their relationship with her?
So An Ran unceremoniously exposed the situation of hacking their own posts that they posted at the beginning through the hands of hackers, so that those hackers could not lose money. Not only did they not gain popularity, but because of such things, Exposure, the reputation is worse than before, but those black people who thought that An Ran didn't find out that they blacked her, and happily followed others behind to get hot, were dumbfounded. They never expected such a result.

(End of this chapter)

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