Chapter 652 Reality 2
An Ran was taken aback when An Xin asked her about her boyfriend, but she still shook her head and said, "No."

"Sister, you are 30 years old, it's time to talk."

An Ran said: "I'm bored at home writing novels all day long, and I don't get in touch with people. Where can I get someone to talk to me?"

An Xin smiled and said: "My sister must trust my vision, I will introduce a few to her."

An Ran said: "Let's talk about it later, I don't have this idea now."

That's what he said, but in fact An Ran didn't plan to find a boyfriend in reality at all.

If before completing the task, she might still be old enough to get married and have children, but now that she has completed the task and cultivated the truth, she will never talk about it again.

There is no way to get married sometimes during missions. In reality, Mother An doesn't dare to take care of her anymore. Grandpa Qiao won't take care of her. No one is urging her to marry. She is happy and carefree, so naturally she won't think about that trouble matter, concentrate on training.

An Xin looked at An Ran and said that she didn't have this idea for the time being, so she couldn't help but "puchi" smiled, and said: "Sister, you are so funny, you are already 30 years old, and you don't have this idea yet, so when will you have the idea of ​​getting married? You said, the older you get, the less you can find good ones."

An Ran looked at An Xin as a matchmaker, and said helplessly, "I really don't want to talk about it for now."

An Xin looked at An Ran's insistence, with a look of lack of interest. She is not An Ran's parents, so naturally she would not urge her to get married, so An Xin stopped bringing up this topic right now.

However, after looking at An Ran's complexion, An Xin couldn't help but secretly wondered, thinking of her sister, who spends all day in front of the computer, and is getting older, how can her complexion be so good? In the book, she never knew how beautiful her skin is. What it looks like, but looking at her sister now, her sister's complexion is really skinny, with collagen all over her face, she is said to be 30 years old, she looks like she is in her early twenties, younger than her Standing with her, others still think she is a sister, An Ran is a sister, and I don’t know how to take care of it. It feels like time has stopped on her since her sister was 25 years old, and she didn’t let her aged.

An Xin was so curious, so she asked.

After listening to her inquiry, An's mother thought in her heart, how else can she maintain it, she will be able to do magic tricks.

It's just that she didn't dare to say this, so she could only murmur in her heart.

After hearing her question, An Ran couldn't explain it to her. It was because of her cultivation, so she could only laugh and say, "Maybe it's because I like to eat pig's trotters? Don't everyone say that it's good to eat pig's trotters?"

An Ran did love to eat pig's trotters before, so An Xin listened to it, but she didn't doubt it, she just sighed and said: "Then it seems that I can't learn from you, I don't like to eat pig's trotters."

Afterwards, An Xin kept talking to An Ran. The rest of the An family, including An's mother, were wary of An Ran, for fear of what An Ran might do to them.

An Ran didn't mind either, after lunch, An Ran left.

Seeing that An Ran didn't do anything, she really left after wandering around. The An family never thought of what An Ran was doing when she came back. They were full of suspicion, wondering if she was really homesick, so they came back to have a look?
It wasn't until at night that Grandma An had no dreams for the first time in two years, and she slept until dawn, that Grandma An realized what An Ran had done this time when she came back this time—it was to relieve the hands and feet that had been done to her!
Grandma An has long felt that she has been having nightmares because of An Ran's tricks, but there is no evidence, so she can only guess on her own. Now that An Ran has returned, her nightmares have stopped, and she is finally convinced. What that dead girl did to me!
At the same time, I was also secretly startled, thinking about what An Ran did in the past, quietly, but now it is blatantly blatant, after all, she will come quietly this time, and quietly relieve her of the nightmare technique, she has no idea that she did it of.

But she came back openly, and she didn't have any nightmares that night. Any fool would know that she did it, but she wasn't afraid of it being exposed at all. What does that mean?It means that she has become stronger and stronger, and she is not afraid of being discovered by her at all, and this thought, can Grandma An not be startled?
Immediately, Grandma An told An's father and An's mother about this discovery - of course, as always, she did not tell An Xin, so as not to worry An Xin.

Father An frowned and said, "Since that's the case, let's keep the water in the well and the river in the future, so as not to make any troubles."

Grandma An was scared by An Ran for two years, she nodded immediately and said: "Well, let's pretend that our family has never raised this person."

——Until now, Grandma An still thinks that An Ran was raised by An’s family. In fact, she spent all of An’s mother’s money, so dogs can’t change eating shit. Corrected, fortunately, although she didn't correct it, she didn't dare to provoke An Ran anyway, which is gratifying. Otherwise, if she provoked again, An Ran would file a record with Chu Fei, and if she was dealt with again, it would not be a nightmare. Little tricks, but other, more terrifying means.

Mother An also nodded, and said, "I also pretended I never raised this daughter."

She was also terrified of An Ran and didn't want to have any contact with her anymore.

After a pause, she continued: "By the way, her biological father, Jin's family, found me that day and asked for An Ran's contact information. I told them."

When she said this, she looked a little gloating.

Grandma An and Father An knew that she had always hated the man who cheated in marriage, so now, when the other party came to ask for the contact information, Mother An immediately gave it to her. Taste the terror threats their family has received over the years.

Grandma An heard what An's mother said, and praised An's mother for the first time in these years, saying: "You are right, you should find something for her to do, don't stare at our house all day."

After hearing Grandma An's praise, Mother An couldn't help being happy, and immediately smiled and said, "I think so too."

It's no wonder An's mother wanted to harm An Ran's biological father, because I heard that after the scumbag cheated, not only did he not get retribution, but in the past 30 years, he started a business, and it grew bigger and bigger. He became a rich man on the rich list. She married a young and beautiful wife, and she, even if the conditions of the person to marry are mediocre, and her life in Anjia is also very unhappy. Being married so poorly and living such an unlucky life every day makes her feel too unbalanced, so Seeing the contact information of An Ran's biological father looking for An Ran, I hurriedly reported it, secretly thinking that you don't know what kind of devil An Ran is, and when the time comes to bring this devil back home, if you dare to bully her, you must It's up to you! ——At that time, he can indirectly help her avenge her.

So when An Ran went back to practice with peace of mind, her biological father, Jin Hong, had already obtained her contact information, and was going to pick up the eldest daughter who hadn't been raised since she was born.

Just when the people from the Jinhong Sect came over, An Ran had already entered a new mission world because it was time for a break.

(End of this chapter)

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