Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 655 The Woman Who Was Raided 3

Chapter 655 The Woman Who Was Raided 3
So when Anran finished class and went to the carport to push the cart, she found Yang Mo leaning against the pillars of the carport, calling out to herself—in fact, Yang Mo didn't want to call out at first, thinking that Anran would stop when she saw her , As a result, people glanced at him and ignored him at all. Seeing that he was about to get in the car and leave when his legs were crossed, this was obviously not possible, so he had to stop An Ran.

"What's the matter?" An Ran was secretly wary, thinking that this fight had been staring at her for several days, and she stopped her again today, wouldn't it be revenge?Although he was the only one next to him, but if he was really a person with a background like the rumors, she believed that he could find powerful people and make trouble for her, so he had only practiced for a short time, and he was not much better than ordinary people An Ran, of course, was on guard secretly, in case of being retaliated against.

Yang Mo twitched the corners of his lips, and said with a mocking smile, "Student Yu, it seems that you have amnesia. You beat me a few days ago, and you asked me why? Do you think you beat me that way? If you give me a meal, nothing will happen?"

An Ran secretly thought: I really came here to find fault, so I became more vigilant.

While guarding, he said: "Oh, what are you trying to do? Want to get revenge?"

Yang Mo said: "I haven't planned to do anything yet, but I want to tell you that if you don't apologize honestly and make my young master happy, then I'm afraid, without still have good fruit to eat."

Seeing that he actually wanted to attack her family, An Ran couldn't help but feel a chill on her face, and she was about to explode, but considering that she was only at the first level of Qi-refinement stage, and it was not yet time to speak harshly and do cruel things, she really wanted to kill this guy. It's too much to offend, don't be unfavorable to mother and father, at least wait until the third level of the Qi refining period, you can use illusion, and it's not too late to be unscrupulous, so immediately put back the murderous aura, and said coldly: "As you like."

I didn't bow my head when I said this, I'm afraid Yang Mo will not be satisfied, but the words are not fierce, so it shouldn't arouse the other party's high hatred value, and it shouldn't be detrimental to father and mother. The reason for making such a judgment is because Although this guy's private life is not well-received, there have been no rumors of him bullying others, so as long as he doesn't get into too much trouble with him, nothing will happen.

When An Ran's face turned cold, Yang Mo only felt that the blood in his body was frozen. Subconsciously, he felt the threat from An Ran, but before he could react, An Ran's expression faded, which finally made Yang Mo relax. tone.

But when he realized that An Ran had already left, Yang Mo couldn't help but angrily thumped the pillar of the carport, feeling that he was too useless to let An Ran go just like that.

Not reconciled, Yang Mo stopped An Ran again the next day.

This time, An Ran had lunch and was walking in the school woods.

Although An Ran went back to eat in the morning and evening, she ate at school at noon—although it was very close to home, it would be better if she could save two trips.

Seeing Yang Mo appearing in front of her again, An Ran couldn't help being speechless, thinking that she was here to do the task, to deal with the raider, how could she meet such a difficult person before she met the real master? Nougat.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing Yang Mo stretching out his right hand to stop him, An Ran said helplessly, thinking that this guy is really good enough, after being beaten up like that by her last time, he still has the guts to look for him , aren't you afraid to beat him up again?Or, not afraid of being beaten?
Yang Mo said: "Yesterday you left before you finished speaking, so I naturally want to tell you what I will say later."

An Ran sighed, and said, "Okay, tell me, I'll listen."

Anyway, don't let him talk, he's afraid he won't give up, and wants to beat her up again, but they haven't done much to her right now, and she doesn't hit people for no reason, so I can only listen to what he said.

Yang Mo said: "Actually, I want to ask, why did you reject me? Whether it's appearance or other things, I think I have a certain charm. People who like me in school can line up from here to the school gate. Why are you indifferent?"

In fact, this is something he has always been unwilling to do. You must know that he has always been invincible, and no one has refused anyone he wants, until he encountered a big nail here in An Ran.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so Yang Mo asked this.

An Ran thought he was going to continue to say something threatening, but turned out to be asking such a naive question, she couldn't help laughing, and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense? You are not money, how can everyone like it?"

Yang Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, and said speechlessly: "Although I am not a banknote, but if you follow me, you will have a banknote, so I am not much different from the banknote. In this case, according to your theory, you should like me more what."

An Ran couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard this, and said, "Let's wait until the day you become money."

Then he pushed Yang Mo's hand away, ready to leave.

Yang Mo saw her stretching out her hand, but he took advantage of the situation and was about to pull her into his arms.

He always felt that he was careless last time. As long as he pays attention, he will not be hit by An Ran. After all, An Ran is a girl. He doesn't believe that she is petite and stronger than him. Muscles are strength. He doesn't I believe that An Ran, who has no muscles, has much strength in his hands. After all, he has practiced before, and he is not a nerd who reads all day and has no strength to restrain his hands. So this time when An Ran stretched out his hand, he was on guard. That's it.

Seeing that Yang Mo still dared to tease her, An Ran couldn't help being speechless again, thinking about what was going on with this kid, thinking that if she hit him once, wouldn't she hit him twice?
So seeing Yang Mo pull himself into his arms, he elbowed him, and Yang Mo fell to the ground in pain, his face turned pale from the severe pain.

An Ran wanted to hit him a few more times, but his little face turned pale from the pain, so let it go, and just said coldly: "How dare you be dishonest with your hands and feet, if you do it again in the future, hit it once."

Yang Mo really didn't expect that he was still beaten by An Ran under his guard, and the beating still hurt so much, he couldn't help but feel depressed, at the same time, he also thought, it seems that this Yu Anran really has a lot of tricks in his hands, but he has never heard of her before. She's so powerful. The investigation report didn't say that she beat people so badly. I really don't know how she can be so powerful. It seems that there are real people in this world who don't show their faces—yes, Yang Mo didn't feel that at all. Strange, I automatically feel that this is the reason An Ran's real person doesn't show his face.

And the reason why An Ran is not afraid of OOC characters is mainly because the original body has been a day student, and there are very few people in school, and naturally there are very few people who know her, so there is no need to worry about her abnormal behavior.

As for Yang Mo investigating her real situation and finding out that her force should not be high, she is not afraid, because from the local items in the system mall, there are martial arts cheats and even cultivation cheats. It can be seen that this world has power beyond nature. That being the case, even if Yang Mo finds something is wrong with her and finds it strange, she can still say that she has obtained the inheritance secretly, which is why she is so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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