Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 658 The Woman Who Was Raided 6

Chapter 658 The Woman Who Was Raided 6
On the one hand, the person sent by the school to look for An Ran heard this, and couldn't help but look sideways, wondering about the relationship between Yang Mo, who was said to have a strong background, and An Ran.

Of course, An Ran would not say anything nice to Yang Mo for this matter, so she didn't make a sound after listening to Yang Mo's words.

Yang Mo was naturally upset to see her ignoring him, but he didn't leave because of it, but followed An Ran all the way to the principal's office.

"Oh, Qiao Anran, isn't it? A few girls in the acting department said they were beaten by you. You can explain it..." The principal saw that a girl came in with the person he sent, and knew that it should be that Qiao Anran, so So I started talking like this, and as I was talking, I saw a boy with a familiar face coming in behind the girl. At first, the principal didn't remember who this boy was, and was about to ask why the other party came in, but he sent him earlier. The person who went to invite someone silently reminded him, and the principal only then remembered who this boy was. At the moment, the expressionless question turned into a spring-like question, and he said with a smile, "I don't know who this classmate is?"

"Yang Mo." Yang Mo didn't regard the principal as empty, but answered his question anyway.

When he heard that it was indeed the Yang Mo he knew, the headmaster smiled a little more kindly - not because he wanted people to say that he was flattering, but because he was afraid that he would offend the prince, if he didn't have his own good fruit to eat then he wouldn't Alright, so I can only offer as much as I can - said: "I don't know what's the matter with Student Yang coming over?"

Yang Mo pointed to An Ran and said, "I heard that someone accused her of beating someone, so I'll come and have a look."

The headmaster could tell at a glance that Yang Mo had thoughts about An Ran, so he naturally knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, and immediately said loudly: "A few students have reported this problem, but there must be evidence, we can't let one go A bad student, but a good student can’t be wronged, student Yang, don’t you think so?”

How can those people have evidence? The principal means that he will not pay attention to the claims of those girls, and he will let An Ran go?
Yang Mo understood the meaning: "..."

Thinking about the eyes of the headmaster, he just came to watch the show, why did he automatically think that he wanted to cover Qiao Anran, and even said that?

He cleared his throat, and was about to clarify the relationship between him and An Ran, and asked the principal to act impartially, when suddenly An Ran turned to look at him, her eyes were clear and cold, and for some reason, she immediately Seeing that Yang Mo couldn't speak those words, Yang Mo thought that he didn't dare to say it, it must be because he was afraid of being beaten by her.

Seeing that Yang Mo didn't say anything against it, the principal realized more and more that he was doing the right thing, and immediately looked at the girls who complained with a smile, and said, "Do you guys have any evidence? If you say it, I will accept your words."

When those girls saw Yang Mo coming, they knew that something was wrong. Then they saw that the headmaster had changed his tone. When Yu Anran first came in, the headmaster's tone was obviously very serious, as if he wanted to deal with it. Looking at it now Yang Mo said that, and talked to himself and others like this, and couldn't help but feel depressed, but because Yang Mo was at the scene, they didn't dare to shout, for fear that Yang Mo would be unhappy, so no matter how upset they were, they could only helplessly listen to the principal's words. They said that they had no evidence, and that An Ran was "acquitted" and planned to let An Ran go.

So although An Ran beat her up severely, she couldn't find An Ran's troubles as she wished, which made those girls quite annoyed, but because of Yang Mo's existence, they didn't dare to do anything to An Ran, so they could only secretly hate He gave An Ran a hateful look, and left.

Seeing that the troublemakers had left, An Ran asked the principal, "They won't sue, then I'm fine, so I can leave too?"

The principal nodded and said, "Of course."

That being the case, An Ran naturally followed suit.

And Yang Mo saw her leave, so naturally he followed her.

After leaving the principal's office, Yang Mo said to An Ran: "Thanks to me for what happened today, right? If it wasn't for me, you could have escaped so smoothly? So tell me, how can you thank me?"

An Ran glanced at him and said, "It's not that I asked you to help, it was you who wanted to help on your own initiative, so it's none of my business."

Yang Mo didn't like to hear her say this the most. Seeing her finish her sentence, she left and chased after her. Office, you look at me like that, don’t you just want me to help you? I helped you as you wished, and now I don’t admit it, is it too heartless? "

An Ran was speechless. She just listened to the principal's words and looked at him casually. There was no superfluous meaning at all. It was Yang Mo's own imagination. Can this also be blamed on her?
So he said immediately: "It's your own thought, I don't mean that."

Yang Mo said: "You are meaningless. Although you didn't say it, you obviously meant it. Don't think I didn't see it. Now you don't admit it because you didn't say it. I'm not happy. I want to I'm not happy, and next time something like this happens, I won't help you."

Hearing Yang Mo's words, An Ran really wanted to roll her eyes, but at least she held back, but she still dumped Yang Mo, "Would you like to help me?"

I thought that after saying this, An Ran would express something, but in the end, An Ran actually said "I love to help or not", which made Yang Mo very angry. Looking at An Ran's back, he shouted: "Don't think that I really don't want to help you!" You will be angry, and next time I say no to help, I won’t help.”

But he probably didn't think about it, and soon he would be slapped in the face again.

At that moment, An Ran ignored Yang Mo, returned to the classroom again, and rushed home after class.

At the entrance of the alley that was approaching the house, a luxury car came out from the other side of the alley. It was very fast and almost hit her small electric car. Fortunately, An Ran was good at driving and escaped the danger, otherwise something would happen.

Seeing that something had happened to the luxury car, it stopped, and then a person got out of the car, stopped in front of her, and said softly, "Miss, are you okay?"

An Ran, who was checking her own situation, looked up and saw a man who was more handsome than a celebrity stopped in front of her, she couldn't help but feel tense, for there was no one else, the person who came was Li Yan, the raider who had pursued her in Yuanshen's memory.

Seeing that it was him, An Ran recalled in a daze. In Yuanshen's memory, it seemed that she had met Li Yan in this way—the other car hit her, because Yuanshen was not as good at driving as Anran, so she bumped into her naturally, and then Li Yan Taking this opportunity, he took care of her everywhere, got along with her for a long time, and then pursued her logically.

From An Ran's point of view, today's accident was probably deliberately designed by Li Yan, in order to get acquainted with the original body and himself smoothly, and after hurting himself, he would naturally contact himself as the original body remembered, and then pursue himself .

It's a pity that he was good at driving and escaped the trap he set up. Now the excuse he deliberately made to contact him failed.

(End of this chapter)

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