Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 660 The Woman Who Was Raided 8

Chapter 660 The Woman Who Was Raided 8
Since she didn't come here to kill herself, she didn't need to buy any appraisal ability for the time being, so after much deliberation, An Ran chose to break the barrier.

After paying a huge amount, An Ran got this piece of equipment—a necklace, which looked rather inconspicuous and unpretentious.

Although plain and unpretentious, Anran already had a space ring before, and this time she added a necklace. As she does more and more tasks in the future, she may buy some equipment and wear it on her body. Anran thinks that one day, Can't hang jewelry everywhere to make yourself look weird?
But now is not the time to think about these things, so An Ran immediately put the necklace on her body. Of course, she didn't feel anything. She wondered if this equipment would give any hints when the enemy attacked her.

After wearing such equipment, An Ran felt a little relieved, thinking that Li Yan's control ability would not be so strong that this equipment could not resist it. Of course, if the other party had such a strong ability, she probably didn't have to think too much about it. It must be an irresistible life.

It’s no wonder that An Ran is so jealous of Li Yan. Apart from the pressure she felt when she saw Li Yanshi earlier, there is also the pressure of countless seniors who did not complete the task. There must be a reason why so many people did not complete the task, causing this task to become purple. And for this reason, after An Ran looked at Li Yan and felt the pressure, she felt that the pressure might be on Li Yan. It might be that Li Yan was too strong, which caused the seniors to fail to complete the task.

After shopping, An Ran felt relieved and continued to practice.

Li Yan was obviously unwilling to fail, so within two days, An Ran ran into Li Yan again at school.

The other party pretended to meet him by chance, stopped himself, and said, "Huh? Aren't you the classmate I bumped into that day? So you are studying in this school?"

An Ran silently watched him act, and nodded in order not to arouse his suspicion, "Yes."

Li Yan hurriedly smiled in surprise and said, "It's really a predestined relationship. I just happened to have a sponsorship to discuss with the school today. I came here to discuss business. I didn't expect to meet you here."

On the one hand, Li Yan explained why he was here, on the other hand, he said that he wanted to discuss business, which vaguely revealed that he was rich.

He knows that most heroines in the world are not the kind of people who are greedy for money. However, a strong economic power is better than a waste, which can attract a girl's attention. After all, it is nature, and a strong male is more attractive to females. So Li Yan naturally had to quietly hint to An Ran that he was a rich man.

It's a pity that after hearing this, Yu Anran still had no expression on her face, she just nodded and said, "Oh, so that's the case."

Seeing that she was not moved, Li Yan was not discouraged, and then said gracefully: "It just so happened that last time I said I would invite you to dinner, although you said no, but I always feel sorry for it. Now, can you save me and let me treat you to a meal?"

Of course, An Ran would not eat with him, besides she really didn't want to, she also wanted to see if she didn't like him, what kind of means would he use to force herself to like him.

Since he wants to force Li Yan to show his feet, then Li Yan's pursuit is bound to fail.

So An Ran shook her head and said, "No need."

After finishing speaking, it was time to leave again. Li Yan looked at it and couldn't help being anxious. He couldn't let her run away this time, otherwise it would be a waste of time, so he immediately stopped An Ran and said, "Student, don't worry." Let’s go, I really want to treat you to a meal.” After a pause, he seemed a little shy and said: “To tell the truth, I...I want to pursue you...Please give me a pursuit Your chance..."

An Ran watched the other party's performance, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded, thinking that this Li Yan is really amazing, in which world is he in, has he been an actor, right?Otherwise, can you act so vividly?He obviously doesn't like himself at all, but he can still pretend to be affectionate. Although the original body has this person's pretended affection in his memory, the memory is separated by a layer, and he doesn't have the shock of seeing a real performance directly, so at this moment Seeing that the other party's performance was flawless, An Ran, who had been an actor in the previous world, still felt ashamed.

Ashamed of myself, but of course Anran would not really agree to his request because of this, so Anran said indifferently at the moment: "I'm sorry, I don't think we know each other well, so we don't like it, so since you have this If I don’t have this idea, then I won’t be able to have dinner with you and cause you to misunderstand.”

After finishing speaking, An Ran got on the electric motor and ran away. Li Yan, who wanted to hold An Ran back, had no time to react. When An Ran ran away from him again, Li Yan unavoidably kicked off the car again angrily, and secretly said: He knew that this time it didn't go well at the beginning, and it really wasn't a good omen. Look, he failed again and again, and he was almost irritable when he was defeated.

In the afternoon, An Ran was in class. As soon as she entered the classroom, Yang Mo stopped her and said, "Who is that man talking to you in the morning?"

In the morning, he looked down from the classroom and saw An Ran talking to a person. The shy look of that person clearly meant that he liked An Ran, but they were far away, and the two of them spoke in a low voice, so he I couldn't hear what the two were saying at all.

But it's not that he doesn't know the person, he has already found out that the other party is an investor, his name is Li Yan, so asking this question at this time is knowingly asking, and he wants to find out about the situation at that time.

Regarding Yang Mo's question, An Ran, who wanted to say something about you, thought about it, and answered honestly, so as not to keep this guy from holding on, and said: "The suitor."

Yang Mo knew in secret that this was the case, the guy saw that he was interested in An Ran, and he guessed right.

But this answer made him very upset, so Yang Mo immediately asked An Ran's thoughts, and said, "What about you, what do you think?"

An Ran said: "I'm still a student, and I should focus on studying. Those are not things I want to consider for the time being."

Yang Mo couldn't help laughing, clapped his hands and said, "You're absolutely right! That's right."

You have to know that Li Yan, who is obviously a successful elite person, has put a lot of pressure on Yang Mo even though he glanced at him from a distance. sure.

Well now, An Ran's words are simply instant kills. Seeing Li Yan being gagged by An Ran like this, what kind of expression did Li Yan make? Thinking of this, Yang Mo couldn't help gloating, thinking that he was being bullied by An Ran So many times, even being beaten, now it's your turn, I don't believe it, I can't handle Yu Anran, but you can handle it.

 Thank you Meng Wulan for the gift~~Thank you for your monthly pass, subscription, recommendation and collection~~Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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