Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 663 The Woman Who Was Raided 11

Chapter 663 The Woman Who Was Raided 11
An Ran came to school in Yang Mo's luxury car, and many people in the school saw it, so those girls who were hostile to An Ran couldn't trouble An Ran face to face, but started to attack An Ran on campus forums. Post an anonymous post, saying that An Ran, the flower of the animation department, has misbehavior and has been taken care of by others. Anyway, it is just pouring black water on An Ran to spread hatred. You can't live in school. After all, people are social animals. If you are excluded by a group, life will definitely not be easy.

Not to mention, there are really some good people who don't know the truth or who are sour on An Ran. Watching An Ran get off a luxury car, being tempted by others, they really say nasty things about An Ran.

And the influence of this incident has indeed spread to reality—in reality, An Ran walked on campus, and indeed many people began to look at An Ran with contempt or discussion.

It's a pity that they underestimated An Ran's ability to withstand pointing and pointing. No matter how the group of people pointed at An Ran, An Ran would pretend that she didn't see it.

The people who knew that Yang Mo liked her would at best point fingers at her, or despise her with their eyes, but they didn't dare to really surround her to trouble her, for fear that Yang Mo would be unhappy if he found out and trouble them.

Knowing that this group of people are war scum, they dare not do anything to themselves, and An Ran is naturally even less afraid.

On the contrary, some buddies told Yang Mo about the Internet, and Yang Mo, who knew that someone was blackmailing Anran in the forum, couldn't help being furious. scolded.

"Yo! I really don't know. It turns out that falling in love is called nurturing. It turns out that I can't pursue people anymore. How dare you be kind? In the future, no one is allowed to fall in love with me, and no one is allowed to pursue people. Otherwise, it is nurturing." ! See if I don't beat you to death!"

"Congratulations to our university, which is about to become a temple for monks and a nunnery! Remember anyone who hacked Enron! Don't think I can't find out if you're anonymous!"

When Yang Mo yelled like this, everyone immediately fell silent. After all, many people knew that Yang Mo’s family had a background, and they were afraid that Yang Mo would find out and deal with them. Therefore, those who were jumping up and down before now not only dare not jump up and down, but also I was afraid that Yang Mo would find out about him and retaliate against him at that time, so after Yang Mo said this, who dared to say anything, and even many people secretly regretted, thinking that they knew that Yang Mo really liked Yu Anran, and they should not have followed Those people jumped up and down and said those things, now it's fine, if Yang Mo finds out and targets them, it will be bad.

Having put an end to the online attack on An Ran, Yang Mo was about to find Li Yan, but unexpectedly, Li Yan found him first.

After class this day, he walked out of the school gate, intending to get in the car to go back, but found Li Yan's "Saobao" parked at the door (this is purely jealous, in fact, he wants it too, but as a person who has no income and is supported by his family , if the family doesn’t buy it, he won’t have one, so Li Yanyou is naturally jealous) of the luxury car.

He secretly thought that he was going to talk to Li Yan, and Li Yan appeared, so he could have a "good" talk with him.

As a result, before he could walk over, the other party came over and said, "Talk?"

Yang Mo didn't expect that the other party would talk to him first, so when he heard Li Yan talk about it, he said flatly, "Okay, let's talk."

Secretly thought that I didn't look for you, but you came to me first, then, well, if you want to talk, then let's have a good "talk"!
But the place of this conversation, Yang Mo will not be arranged by Li Yan. He suffered a few times with An Ran, Yang Mo is cautious now, afraid that at the place arranged by Li Yan, Li Yan will arrange someone to beat him up But it was not good, so after agreeing immediately, he pointed to a well-known global chain fast food restaurant next to the school, and said, "How about going there to talk?"

In such a lively place, this guy can't do anything to himself.

Li Yan glanced at it, frowned and said, "It's too noisy, it's not suitable."

The main reason is that he has done well in almost all worlds, so he naturally despises such low-grade places and is unwilling to go to such places.

Pointing to the small school park, he said, "There's no need to look for a place, let's talk here."

Yang Mo looked at it, thinking that the small park was inside the school anyway, and Li Yan would not dare to make trouble for him in the school, so he nodded immediately and said, "Okay."

But remembering the last time An Ran beat up those girls, because there was no camera in the small park, the other party couldn't tell her about it, Yang Mo still kept an eye out and turned on the video on his phone, thinking that if Li Yan dared to Hit yourself, if he has the video, you can sue him.

It wasn't that he was afraid of not being able to beat Li Yan. He had never been afraid of anyone except An Ran when he hit someone one-on-one, but he was afraid that Li Yan would find someone to deal with him, so he had to be careful.

Yang Mo thought he was doing it secretly, but he didn't know that Li Yan, who had the spiritual power, had already seen Yang Mo's actions in his eyes, and immediately curled his lips in disdain, pretending not to know, and letting Yang Mo open the video into the small room. garden.

"Actually, if you don't talk to me, I want to talk to you too." Yang Mo preemptively said, "You should know that I'm after Yu Anran. If that's the case, what's the matter with you? Are you against me?"

Hearing Yang Mo's words, Li Yan couldn't help feeling amused, and said, "As long as she hasn't married you, why can't I pursue her? Have you been domineering the second generation ancestor for a long time, thinking that the whole world revolves around you?"

Hearing Li Yan's mocking words, Yang Mo laughed instead of anger, and said: "If An Ran likes you, then I have nothing to say, but An Ran obviously has a crush on me, but she doesn't want to talk to you at all. Under normal circumstances, if you pester her, it will make her feel troubled, so I have to talk to you about it."

"If she finds me annoying, she will talk to me herself, and it's not your turn to make decisions for her!" Li Yan said flatly. "So I warn you, don't meddle in my affairs, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Who are you, you dare to talk to me like that! Do you think how much money is so great? You have to open your eyes and take a good look. If you dare to mess with me, you don't want to live anymore, right?!" Yang Mo said.

Li Yan sneered, and said, "You don't think that your family background is so powerful that I'm afraid of you, do you? Be careful that the misfortune comes out of your mouth, and it will bring disaster to your family!"

"You dare to threaten me!" Yang Mo said.

Not only threatening, but also crazy, but he has some money and has not yet obtained power, so he dares to make such a threat to someone with a powerful background like him, what is it if it is not crazy?
"That's because I have the ability to threaten." Li Yanyun said calmly.

This is not bragging, Li Yan is quite ambitious, so he can always stand at the top of the world in every world he goes to, and all those who have offended him will not end well.

Li Yan left after speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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