Chapter 689 Reality 4
After dinner, Father Jin went upstairs. Before going upstairs, he said to An Ran: "Come with me to the study, I have something to tell you."

An Ran secretly thought, here she is, probably to tell her why she was brought back here, and it doesn't hurt to listen, after all, the purpose of her coming back is to trouble Father Jin, and to see what he has to say, she has something to say. There is no room to operate.

So at that moment, under the eyes of a group of people with different expressions, they went upstairs with Father Jin.

Seeing her coming, Father Jin pointed to the chair in front of the large desk and said, "Sit."

An Ran sat down.

Jin's father looked at her and couldn't help admiring. The girls in the secret road's family were all pretty good-looking, but none of them could match the appearance of the eldest daughter. She is a bit older, but this unique temperament is really beyond the reach of the other daughters. I don't know if it is because the other party is writing novels that she has such a unique temperament.

Thinking of the golden thighs I want to embrace, after being born in a famous family, choosing a woman will definitely not only look at the face, but also the talent. The other girls in my family just have no temperament, so it's normal that the person didn't like it. This The eldest daughter, with such a temperament, let her try to see if she can get close to that person. As long as she can get on line with that person, the Jin family will be able to change from an ordinary businessman to a businessman with a background in the future.

These days, money alone is not enough, without a big background, if someone covets the property of the Jin family, he can make himself fall into a big fight, but with a big background, not only will others not dare to mess with him, but If you want to compete to give yourself business, it is completely different.

That's right, the golden father wanted to embrace the golden thigh of a certain rich man, but unfortunately, the girl in the family was either married, or the other party didn't like it, or was too young. If he wanted to take the road of marriage, he couldn't do it at all. Then he remembered, I also have an elder daughter whom I have never met, so I immediately asked people to investigate this elder daughter, and found that An Ran was very beautiful, and what was even more satisfying was that she was not married yet, so she couldn't help being overjoyed, moved to bring An Ran back Marriage thoughts.

So at that moment Father Jin went straight to the point and explained his purpose of finding An Ran back - he was not afraid of An Ran at all, so naturally he didn't have to go around in circles with her, he could tell her directly.

Immediately, Father Jin said: "I came back to bring you to meet someone."

Father Jin paused after saying such a sentence, obviously waiting for An Ran to ask a question.

An Ran was impatient with his appetite, but in order to hear him continue, she still asked cooperatively, "Who?"

She dared to swear that if Jin's father would continue to talk like this halfway, and not finish it quickly, she would not beat him up.

Fortunately, Jin's father did not continue to speak, and said: "The head of the Lu family, Lu Zhanxing."

"You may not know who the Lu family is, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words. Here are the materials of the Lu family and Lu Zhanxing. Take it back and have a look. I will take you to a reception in three days. Lu Zhanxing will appear. Try Let's see if we can talk to him." Father Jin said unquestionably while handing An Ran a document bag.

As An Ran took the file bag, she said with a strange expression on her face: "I just came, so you let me meet people, are you afraid that if I don't understand anything, I will make a joke and mess up your business?"

Father Jin couldn't help but jump when he heard An Ran's words.

In fact, what An Ran said is right, she has never been trained in the etiquette of An Ran's high society, and there are some rules in this circle, it is really rash to take her there, but... Now the situation of the Jin family is very bad, there are big people who are putting pressure on them, trying to make them Divide dry shares to the other party.

Of course he didn't want to give away his hard-earned money so easily, but he knew that if he didn't find a big backer, he might still give away the dry stock, but he couldn't bear it, so he planned to Before he died, he still struggled to see if he could catch up with Lu Zhanxing. If he could catch up with Lu Zhanxing, no one would be afraid.

When Father Jin heard An Ran's words, although his heart was beating wildly, he still said: "You are so outstanding, I believe you will not disappoint my expectations, besides, this is also a good opportunity for you, if you really pair up with Lu Zhanxing Once you have a relationship, you will benefit from it for the rest of your life."

An Ran secretly thought, whoever has a relationship with her can be said to be useful for a lifetime.

But she naturally wouldn't reveal her hole cards, so she nodded immediately and said, "Okay, I'll take a look, but I can't guarantee that there won't be any jokes then."

Then it depends on your mood. If you are in a good mood, you may not punish Father Jin. If you are in a bad mood, you can make some jokes and embarrass Father Jin. An Ran thinks very openly, and has already made plans .

Father Jin always had an ominous premonition when he heard An Ran's words, but then he thought, An Ran would definitely not make a joke, after all, who would want others to see his own jokes.

As long as it is not intentional, be careful, and add your own points, at best it will not be brilliant, and it should not be a joke.

Thinking like this, Jin's father said: "Don't worry, I will go with you. If there is something undecided, I will remind you."

An Ran nodded, and immediately went back to the room with the stack of documents.

After returning home, An Ran did not throw aside the materials Father Jin had given her, but read them.

Although he has no interest in Father Jin's plan, An Ran is interested in learning about some big figures in this world. After all, as his practice improves, he will probably have to deal with such big figures in the future, so he needs to know the information in advance for future convenience. Dealing with each other is also very necessary.

The Lu Zhanxing and the Lu family that Father Jin asked her to hook up with seemed to be a hermit family from the introduction.

The family is huge, so I don't know how many properties and contacts there are, and you don't even know how many people are in the military, business, and political circles of the other family's children. I only know that they are giants with backgrounds, and they are not new rich like the Jin family. The small businessmen who got up were comparable, and it was no wonder that Jin's father wanted to hook up.

This is the situation of the Lu family. As for this Lu Zhanxing... An Ran looked at the stern-faced and tall man in the profile photo, secretly thinking that Father Jin had sent Jin Xingmei to hook up with him before, and it was normal for him to return home in failure, because this man always It's not easy to mess with.

After reading the materials given by Jin's father and writing down some important materials, An Ran continued to practice.

In the early morning of the next day, Jin's father found someone and said that he would give her an emergency training - obviously, An Ran's previous words still had some influence on him, Jin's father was still a little worried, An Ran, who knew nothing about the upper class , will make jokes at the banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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