Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 706 The Daughter Is a Cannon Fodder Female Match 9

Chapter 706 The Daughter Is a Cannon Fodder Female Match 9
Knowing that Princess Jing'an meant to have a private conversation with them, Miss Wen immediately turned her away again.

Mrs. Zhen Guogong wanted to go out too, but An Ran naturally waved her hand to stop her.

This outsider was brought out to make it easier for her to ask questions, but Mrs. Zhen Guogong could not let her go. After all, she was only left with Miss Wen. If something happened to Miss Wen, it was obviously not caused by her If it is suspected that she caused it, she will have nothing to say.

After all the idlers had left, An Ran said softly, "I noticed that you seem to be very afraid of the eldest lady. Is there something wrong with her?"

Because she was afraid of frightening Miss Wen, An Ran, who was not as serious as Mrs. Yang, spoke in a gentler voice.

When An Ran asked this, Mrs. Zhen Guogong's wife remembered it, so she quickly asked, "That's right, because you never said what your mother-in-law did to you, so I didn't think about it. Now that the princess asks, It reminded me of it, you seem to be really afraid of your mother-in-law, girl, tell me the truth, did your mother-in-law bully you? If so, just say it, don’t cover it up for her! You can make your son give birth to the eldest son For this kind of thing, I shouldn't think that she didn't bully you or ask you about this kind of thing just because you didn't say it. "

An Ran observed that when Mrs. Zhen Guogong talked about the eldest son of the concubine, Miss Wen obviously flashed a guilty look, which made An Ran wonder, is there something strange in this?
But right now is obviously not the time to ask this question, An Ran can only suppress the doubts in her heart, and is going to wait until the time is right before asking or understanding in private.

Not mentioning An Ran's conjecture, but said that after hearing An Ran and her mother's inquiry, Miss Wen hurriedly said: "No, no, my wife didn't make things difficult for me, it's just... that's..." Miss Wen stammered: "She It's too serious, I'm afraid when I see her, sometimes she speaks a little harshly, I'm even more afraid, for fear that she will scold others..."

"So that's the case." Mrs. Zhen Guogong nodded knowingly, and said with deep understanding: "This is also normal. Even if she doesn't scold, she looks frightening even if she looks at her with a straight face. , let alone you, no wonder you are afraid of her."

An Ran nodded, secretly thinking that this was the reason, but it was the past, after all, as Mrs. Zhen Guogong said, she was afraid of Mrs. Yang, not to mention her daughter who was much younger than her, would look at Yang It's normal for Da Furen to be serious and afraid - after all, no one is afraid of anyone like An Ran.

So he said immediately: "So that's the case. I saw that you were very afraid of Mrs. Yang, and thought she had bullied you, so I asked this way. If you don't have one, that's fine."

An Ran figured this out, so she had nothing else to ask.

And Mrs. Zhen Guo obviously has nothing else to say.

Now that everything is fine, the two of them bid farewell to Mrs. Yang and went back.

After returning, Mrs. Zhen Guogong said gratefully: "Thank you princess for calling a doctor in time today, otherwise the eldest girl is in danger."

An Ran said: "You don't need to look out of the way, the eldest girl is my niece after all, so if she can help, she will naturally help."

Although An Ran said so, Mrs. Zhen Guogong expressed her thanks again and again. After returning to the yard, Mrs. Zhen Guogong sent someone to send 1000 taels of silver bills, saying that she was grateful for her help, and insisted on accepting it safely, saying If she doesn't accept it, she won't be ashamed to ask her for help next time.

As the most favored princess of the dynasty, she originally had money, so naturally An Ran would not covet the 1000 taels of silver from Mrs. Zhen Guo. To avoid wasting her precious training time by wrangling, after all, she has too many things to do, and the training time is squeezed out, so it is better not to waste it.

There are many things about Enron, so it's not a fake.

No, after dinner, An Ran was about to wash up and go to bed early—in fact, of course she didn’t go to bed that early, but after washing, she turned off the servants and practiced by herself—the original husband Ding Yuanhou came to find her, Asked: "I told you last time, I asked you to help introduce a better teacher to the second child, have you found it?"

The second child that Marquis Dingyuan mentioned was naturally not Yuanchen and Marquis Dingyuan's son, but Marquis Dingyuan's concubine.

Needless to say, the original son, the eldest son inherits the title, the youngest son, Dingyuanhou, as the Marquis, can seal a son of the seventh rank. This seal is naturally given to the youngest son of the princess. I am afraid that the emperor will not agree, and because the original body is favored, Emperor Yong'an also gave the original body's younger son an additional title of Viscount. Although it is not as good as the earl title that the eldest son will inherit in the future, but because there is still a seal in his body, he has double salary , in the future, I will not worry about that.

But for those bastard sons of the Marquis of Dingyuan, Emperor Yong'an naturally wouldn't give them any titles or official titles, so they had to fight for themselves.

If they struggle on their own, it is nothing more than the imperial examination. In order for them to pass the imperial examination, Marquis Dingyuan asked his well-connected original body—now An Ran—to help them find a good teacher, thinking of having a good teacher If you help teach, the imperial examination hope will be higher.

You must know that the second son, Dingyuanhou, is also 12 years old this year, but the teacher that Dingyuanhou hired for him before probably did not teach well, and the boy's test scores were not satisfactory. If you are a Jinshi, it is estimated that you may not even pass the exam as a scholar.

Marquis Dingyuan couldn't find any good contacts, so he thought of Yuanshen, so he asked Yuanshen to help him find a better teacher.

Before An Ran came, Marquis Ding Yuan asked the original body, and the original body agreed, but after An Ran came, because what was received was the original body's memory, some trivial things were forgotten, so he didn't think about it. From time to time, Marquis Dingyuan asked, she didn't look for it at all, where did she find someone?
But if you say you didn't find it, isn't that going back on your word?An Ran is not afraid of making Marquis Dingyuan unhappy, but she doesn't want to discredit Yuanshen. If Yuanshen finds out that she used her body to complete the task, not only did it not improve her reputation, but tarnished her reputation, she is probably going to be annoyed. It affects the evaluation, so An Ran immediately said: "There is a candidate, but the other party is currently working, it is impossible to stay at the house all day as a teacher, but the other party's level is very good, and it should be better than asking the other party to give me some advice occasionally. A good teacher is even better, so you can find an ordinary teacher for the second child, and then let him take the time to give advice."

"Who is it?" Marquis Dingyuan asked.

"Last year's Tanhua, and now Hanlin Lang Chengwei, both in examinations and poems and songs, are quite good. I'm afraid I won't be invited, as long as I can be invited, it will definitely benefit the second child's imperial examination." An Ran said.

She couldn't think of anyone for a while, so she used Cheng Weila to make up the number.

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(End of this chapter)

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