Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 749 The Daughter Is a Cannon Fodder Female Match 52

Chapter 749 The Daughter Is a Cannon Fodder Female Match 52
Emperor Yong'an looked at An Ran's appearance, and couldn't help laughing, secretly saying that the elder sister was really duplicity, she obviously liked it very much, otherwise she wouldn't have such an expression.

Naturally, Cheng Wei would not only work on the people around An Ran and ignore her as the protagonist, so last night, Cheng Wei came over to propose marriage.

Although An Ran is not in Zhen Guogong's mansion, but lives in her own Princess Mansion, it stands to reason that Cheng Wei doesn't have to worry about running into Miss Wen Er - in fact, before An Ran left, Miss Wen Er was already married, even if An Ran was in Zhen Guo The Duke's Mansion will never come across again—but Cheng Wei is looking for An Ran, and I don't know if he is used to it, and he still likes to come at night.

Of course, it is probably mainly because, in the past, in the Zhen Guogong Mansion, a large family lived together, and Cheng Wei came to An Ran, and no one else would say anything, but now, An Ran lives in the Princess Mansion, and she is the only one. If Cheng Wei wanted to go there often during the day, Cheng Wei was afraid that someone would spread rumors about An Ran, so he still came at night like he used to do in the Zhen Guogong Mansion to avoid the second girl Wen.

Before Cheng Wei came to see An Ran, although he would sometimes bring things to An Ran, but the amount would not be large, not because Cheng Wei was reluctant, but because he was afraid that An Ran would suddenly pop up a lot of things, and it was hard to explain the source—— He didn't know that An Ran had a space ring, and how many things she gave her, she also had a place to hide, so don't worry about explaining.

But when Cheng Wei came yesterday, he brought a lot of things, including jewellery, clothes, calligraphy and paintings, and a pair of geese carved from jade. When the marriage proposal is actually proposed, it will be given away, but now this is just for her to play with.

Fortunately, Cheng Wei is good at carrying a big bag of things without any effort, otherwise, it would be troublesome to sneak in, and he is easy to be found with a big bag of things.

In fact, Cheng Wei's martial arts has improved a lot recently, mainly because he saw that An Ran's martial arts is high, and he didn't want to be inferior to his wife's martial arts in the future, so he practiced hard to improve.

"I know Your Majesty treats you well. Do you have any good things? If I give these, you may not like them. I hope you don't dislike them. If there is anything else you want, just tell me and I will help you." Find it."

"I don't want anything, I just want to continue to be friends with you." An Ran said.

Cheng Wei said: "If you want to be friends with me, we can still get along like friends after we get married."

"...I really have no intention of getting married." An Ran said.

"Are you worried about serving your in-laws in the future? You know, my parents have passed away, and you will be the hostess as soon as you pass away, and you don't have to serve anyone." Cheng Wei said.

"It's not the reason, it's just that you don't want to marry, so you can find someone else, I'm really not suitable." An Ran said.

Cheng Wei saw that An Ran didn't agree with what he said, so he couldn't help but said pitifully: "Princess, since I have tried my best to marry you, and it is obvious that I am very sincere, you should take pity on me, you know For my background, I really want to have a family, a family with the princess."

Cheng Wei's pitiful appearance, even a very hungry tiger would not be able to help but soften his heart, let alone An Ran, so when An Ran saw Cheng Wei's pitiful appearance, she couldn't help saying no. .

And Cheng Wei is the kind of person who is best at climbing up the pole. Seeing that An Ran didn't refuse, he assumed that An Ran agreed. He couldn't help being overjoyed at the moment. Afraid that An Ran would change his mind, he dropped his things and ran away. Before leaving, he said: "wait for my good news."

So at this time An Ran heard Emperor Yong'an ask herself this question, and remembered Cheng Wei's pitiful appearance last night, so she lost her mind for a moment.

And this appearance obviously misunderstood Emperor Yong'an.

Because she felt that An Ran was duplicity and shyness that women are used to, so at this moment Emperor Yong'an did not continue to ask, but directly issued an imperial edict.

An Ran never thought that Emperor Yong'an would misinterpret his own meaning and issue such an imperial edict.

Looking at the imperial decree, An Ran couldn't help but feel a headache, because she knew that, in this way, it was a done deal, because the emperor spoke with golden words, once the imperial decree was issued, it was impossible to change it.

Even though she knew this was the result, An Ran still took the imperial decree and entered the palace, trying to make Emperor Yong'an withdraw the imperial decree.

But it was obviously impossible, Emperor Yong'an saw that his sister said that he would withdraw the imperial edict, he only thought that she was still embarrassed, so he smiled and said that he was waiting for his sister's wedding wine, as for the withdrawal of the imperial edict, he did not mention a word.

An Ran sees that no matter what she says, Emperor Yong'an will treat her as a joke, and she is not too angry to express that she is serious, so as not to make Emperor Yong'an unhappy, and in the future affect her completion of the original body entrusted to her by Changle County Lord. The task of An'an and happiness, so it seems that Emperor Yong'an has no choice but to forget it if he doesn't withdraw the imperial decree - otherwise, what should I do, she can't use monk methods to interfere with his sanity and make him withdraw the imperial decree.

The only good thing is that Cheng Wei is not the kind of person who disgusts her, otherwise she would be depressed.

Seeing that the Tian family issued an imperial decree to marry Cheng Wei and Princess Jing'an, people who didn't know the truth thought it was Princess Jing'an, an old woman, who fell in love with Cheng Wei, a beautiful man, and did not hesitate to rely on Emperor Yong'an's good relationship with her to let Emperor Yong'an marry her. With such an edict, the old cow eats tender grass, taking advantage of Cheng Wei's tender grass.

People who are angry with Princess Jing'an who can do whatever they want want to see Princess Jing's jokes, because how could the young and handsome Mr. Cheng really want to marry a princess who is more than 30 years old and half-mature? He must have been forced by the emperor, even if it wasn't forced by the emperor. , It was the man who first proposed it, and it must not be sincere. It must be because Cheng Wei wants to climb up, and they are destined not to be happy in the future.

No one knows how much effort Cheng Wei has spent in order to marry Princess Jing'an.

When Cheng Wei saw that the imperial decree had been issued and his wish came true, he couldn't help being satisfied, so he happily prepared for the wedding.

On the ninth day of June, it's time to get married. Cheng Wei's wish for many years has been fulfilled, and he finally married the beautiful girl he wanted. The excitement in his heart is beyond words.

Afraid that drinking too much would affect the bridal chamber, Cheng Wei declined many people's drinking, and came to the bridal chamber early, with a feeling of excitement, he lifted An Ran's red hijab to see that the person sitting under the red hijab was really An Ran, Cheng Wei I couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I was really worried that the princess would find someone to marry instead, but I was wrong. The princess has a very good character, and it is impossible to do such a thing."

What Cheng Wei said was true, An Ran was too embarrassed to ask someone to marry her, fearing that someone else would marry her, and would bear Cheng Wei's anger, so after thinking about it, she decided to go by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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