Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 841 Unlimited Copy 14

Chapter 841 Unlimited Copy 14
Seeing that she left the game, and there was no movement from Yixiao Hongchen and the others, An Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, she couldn't help thinking that if she continued to worry like this, she would get old sooner or later. It would be great if she could join the army, although she couldn't. It is guaranteed that the army is full of good people, but it is better than this kind of wild team, and the rules seem to be less demanding than those guilds. After calculation, joining the army is the most cost-effective choice, but unfortunately joining the army does not allow anonymity This is what makes her afraid to go—well, it seems that she has to save money to buy a name-changing charm quickly, and when she changes her name, she will join the army, and then she will be guaranteed. God knows not long ago, she She also thought about not needing to buy the name-changing talisman for the time being, but obviously the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and now An Ran felt that the sooner she bought the name-changing talisman, the better.

After the dungeon ended this time, there was no particularly important news on the Internet, but there were many posts about applying to join the guild, and the guild recruiting people.

It seems that after another dungeon, more and more people have guild props, so it is normal that many people will emerge to form a guild.

It stands to reason that the dungeons have been downloaded six times. The news of the guild props should have been known long ago. It should not be known until now. The reason why these news have only appeared now is because the first three dungeons did not hide the boss. The fourth dungeon only came out, the fourth dungeon came out, everyone knew about the fifth dungeon, and now the sixth dungeon has become like this, the whole world is joining guilds, guild members People are looking for someone to join the guild.

An Ran read a lot of guild recruiting notices, and found that many of them were similar and had a lot of requirements, so An Ran thought about it, and before there was no danger, she decided to join the team and not join the guild for the time being, so as not to add to herself. trouble.

After reading the news on the forum, An Ran continued to practice supernatural powers—although there is no chaos yet, but it is necessary to prevent problems before they happen.

As a result, the rest time this time was not as peaceful as before. There were cries, screams and abuse from time to time, and it seemed that the world was gradually becoming chaotic.

In fact, the general order is still there, the army, the police and other systems are still there, and the national level has not yet become chaotic, but because of the panic below, many people have become chaotic, and they naturally fought.

In peaceful times, everyone has the idea of ​​living, so sometimes even if there are some extreme thoughts in their hearts, they can be controlled by themselves, but now, the end is coming, and it seems impossible to live in this day, so some people can't control it. Keep your emotions in check and wreak havoc everywhere, even with the police and army, you can't control the madman going crazy.

Although it was chaotic, there was no big riot at this time, so An Ran was only disturbed by the noise a few times, and soon it was time for the seventh dungeon.

As An Ran knew from the memory of the original body, the seventh dungeon showed that this time, 1000 points of combat power were needed, and the next time, 2000 points of combat power were needed, unlike before, which only increased by 200 points at a time, this time, it increased by 1000 points.

It is estimated that this increase will scare everyone, right?
In addition, An Ran noticed that when the combat power is increased by 1000 next time, the number of people entering the team this time has also been increased from 5 to 10 people. The difficulty has increased a lot, otherwise so many people would not need to place the book.

This is also for sure, to increase combat power by 1000 points, it will definitely need to drop better or more drops, and better or more drops will often increase the difficulty of the dungeon, so ten people will be needed, which is very easy. normal now.

And when there are more people, it is easy to breed troubles. After all, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Five people are better, but ten people are often prone to discord.

An Ran was worried that she would meet the top players in the team formed with Yixiao Hongchen and others, and it would be a disaster if she couldn't beat the dungeons.

Although she can't break through the dungeon, she will die, but she has the resurrection technique, and it seems that she can be resurrected in this situation. However, the time for the dungeon has passed by then, and everyone else has made a dungeon - those who haven't done a dungeon will also die That's it - how can she survive the ten-player dungeon by herself?Even if she chooses the easiest difficulty, she might not be able to pass. It will not be a word of death by then, and if she dies then, her resurrection technique is in the cooldown period, but she will never be resurrected again.

So even if she has the resurrection technique, she is the same as others, the dungeon must be cleared once.

After entering the game, after a while, Xiao Hongchen sent an application for forming a team. An Ran clicked Join the team, and then clicked Teleport, and it was quickly teleported to his teammates.

When I saw it, the line was full.

At that moment, An Ran looked at the people in the team one by one, wanting to see if there was anyone who knew the original person well, so as to make sure that the other party was extremely good or not.

Then An Ran was surprised to find that in this ten-member team, there really appeared someone she was familiar with—to be exact, someone Yuan Chen knew well, that is, the scumbag that Yuan Chen wanted to avenge her by herself. The bitch in the middle, pear pollen white.

I don't know what the real name is, anyway, the name of the game is this.

People who play this game, except for close relatives and friends, generally will not tell each other their names in reality, and of course they will not tell others their own addresses. After all, if someone with ulterior motives finds you in reality, what will they do if they destroy you humanely? ?
But generally close relatives and friends still talk about it—so Lihua Fenbai, who never told the original body's real name and address, obviously doesn't regard the original body as a real friend at all. The original body didn't realize this, and the original body is not enough. Sophistication's sake.

Although I have done many dungeons before, An Ran has never met this woman. It is probably because there were too many people before, so it was difficult to meet. Now the number of people in this area has been greatly reduced - there are only about 3000 people. ——The probability that they will be grouped into the same team is greatly increased, and it is normal to meet each other.

Li Huafenbai is in the same area as the original body. When the original body was making the fifth dungeon, he ran into the other party during a chase. Because the other party helped him, he was grateful to her, and later became good friends. .

But the original body didn't know at all, Li Huafenbai knew that she was the one who possessed the magic staff of the gods' protection, and seeing those who chased her down, they couldn't achieve their goal at all, one by two came to kill the original body, But because the original body has the resurrection technique, all the original body was resurrected and returned to the small room, and escaped, so he changed his strategy and approached her slowly, preparing to grab the original body's equipment after gaining the original body's trust. It's almost done——the reason why I say almost is that in Yuanshen's memory, her magic staff was finally stolen by a scumbag, not by a slut, but the two were lovers at the time, and they were stolen by a scumbag. Leaving is almost equivalent to being taken away by a bitch.

Now that An Ran is anonymous, Lihua Fenbai naturally doesn't know that there is a person in the team who knows his details, let alone that person, who is the person with the blessing equipment of the gods that he has been looking for, and is still there smiling to introduce everyone. myself.

(End of this chapter)

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