Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 858 Unlimited Copy 31

Chapter 858 Unlimited Copy 31
Sure enough, because of the addition of vitamins, coupled with An Ran's powerful skills, the 5000-point nightmare dungeon was quickly flattened by everyone, and there was no surprise.

After the dungeon came out, Yixiao Hongchen made an appointment with Vitamin, and they will play the dungeon together next time.

An Ran watched Wei Wei talking and laughing happily with Yixiao Hongchen, and then thought about the last dungeon, and what Wei Wei sent to him privately just now, and wanted to invite himself to his team and his guild, secretly thinking that this world is really dangerous, Who would know that the person who talks and laughs with you is actually planning to poach you in private?

But she really admires this vitamin, she dared to dig people in front of Yixiao Hongchen, and she was not afraid that if she said it, he would be hammered to death by Yixiao Hongchen and others. He would never think that he could beat eight people alone Bar?
Last time, she did not tell Yixiao Hongchen and others that Vitamin was going to poach her - not to help Vitamin, but because she felt that Vitamin was very powerful in combat, so maybe she could play a few more nightmare dungeons with him , It’s a good deal. It’s said that the vitamins will definitely be driven away by Yixiao Hongchen and others. Then Yixiao Hongchen and others will only be able to download hard dungeons, so it will be difficult to get purple outfits. It’s not worth it, she thinks Vitamin won't invite me once if I don't succeed, I'm afraid I will continue to contact me, so I didn't say it at the time.

Sure enough, vitamins are at it again this time.

But after two dungeons in a row, An Ran felt that she had to tell Yixiao Hongchen and others, because she didn't think vitamins would continue to help them, so after this dungeon, she would remind Yixiao Hongchen to find a new team member, so as not to Sky Vitamin sees that they can’t poach themselves, so they leave, and they will no longer play dungeons with them. They will face the same embarrassing situation as when Coke left. At that time, they may not be able to meet the second Great person, don't talk about the nightmare dungeon, don't even talk about the hard difficulty dungeon, because if you don't have people in the group, you can't even fight, then it's not good.

Vitamin naturally didn't know what An Ran was thinking, and planned to sharpen this 123 who had the best skills and excellent operations he had ever seen, to see if he could poach his own team and his own guild.

That's right, the reason why Vitamin has such a high combat effectiveness is not in the team. It's not that he has a bad temper and no one wants him. It's because he already has his own team, but he has been lacking a powerful priest. But at this time, the teams are basically Fixed, it is too difficult to find a powerful priest, so we can only go to each team to dig.

He thought he would have to dig a lot of teams, but luckily, there was a lack of people in the team, and he tried his luck to add them. As a result, he met a priest who can increase blood by 15.00%. More importantly, this priest not only Luckily, the operation was not bad, which made Vitamin naturally set its sights on An Ran, added friends with An Ran after the dungeon, and sent her a message, but An Ran refused at the time, even though he offered a better offer than Yixiao Hongchen , An Ran also didn't agree, saying that he didn't know the situation of their team and didn't want to change teams.

Vitamin doesn't want to let go, so Yixiao Hongchen invites him to make another dungeon together this time, and Vitamin agrees, and plans to get in touch with An Ran again, to see if he can poach her away.

——So even if no one discloses information about Enron on the Internet, the gold of Enron will still shine, and people will come to poach them.

As a result, An Ran still failed to impress An Ran this time.

But this time when faced with Yixiao Hongchen's invitation, although Vitamin agreed, in his heart, as An Ran thought, he planned not to help them—although Yixiao Hongchen and others offered him good conditions, it was still He helped them, after all, as far as he knew, before he joined, they never dared to play the nightmare dungeon, so it wasn't him who helped them, and helping them twice was considered cheap, how could he do it once? Help again and again, besides, he has his own team and guild, so he can't hang around all the time, so that the team members will have less trouble playing dungeons individually.

Although he doesn't intend to help Xiao Hongchen anymore, 123 still wants to continue inviting her. After all, he has never seen a priest who is more powerful than her. It would be a pity to give up without putting in a lot of effort, especially knowing the powerful priest discussed on the Internet. It's An Ran, An Ran will be able to add blood to the team by 20.00% in the future, and it will be even more impossible for him to stop there after his strength improves. After all, it is conceivable that many people are looking for her, and he is the first to find out. If you don't fight hard, you really can't live up to this luck.

As for how he dared to poach him under Yixiao Hongchen's nose, he wasn't afraid of An Ran's words at all, and what Yixiao Hongchen did to him was also because his team was very powerful. It will definitely not be him who will die then, but Yixiao Hongchen and others.

After sending away the vitamins, An Ran reminded Yixiao Hongchen.

"This vitamin has high combat effectiveness, and can join other teams at any time. Some people are rushing to ask for it, but if we lack him, it will be difficult to form people with as good combat effectiveness as him. What if he doesn't come in the next dungeon? , we are about to face the same difficulties as before, so should we start looking for someone now to see if anyone is willing to play a copy with us?"

With a smile, Hongchen said: "I have already agreed with him. Next time we will play a dungeon together and find someone else. How bad would it be to lose faith? And if you find someone, next time you will play with vitamins instead of that person. It’s not good to lose faith in others.”

Others also echoed Xiao Hongchen's words.

This is the reasoning, but for the sake of safety, you should ask Vitamin if you would like to form a fixed team. If not, you should find someone new and form a regular teammate, instead of not looking for someone because of Vitamin’s high combat effectiveness. When people are unwilling, An Ran understands that it is because they have taken a fancy to the high combat effectiveness of vitamins, are used to playing nightmare dungeons, have developed an appetite, and do not want to group other ordinary people.

Seeing that they didn't listen to her persuasion, An Ran had no choice but to say what she hadn't planned to say, to dig her up. Xiao Hongchen and the others couldn't help but look ugly when they heard it, and secretly thought they just said, how could such a capable person be formed? As for people, it turned out that they came to pry the wall.

Although their faces were ugly, the temptation to play the nightmare dungeon twice in a row made them reluctant to give up, so Hongchen and the others still muttered in their mouths, "He didn't invite you, I'm afraid he will continue to play with us Yes, fight him again and find someone."

Not only the team members think this way, but even the captain Yixiao Hongchen can't resist the temptation. Thinking this way, An Ran can't help but be disappointed, but she can only forget it. Anyway, she has already said the matter. If they don't agree, that's their business. When the time comes If something goes wrong, you can't blame her. After all, she can't force them to accept it. Everyone continues to play the guild dungeon.

(End of this chapter)

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