Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 875 Unlimited Copy 48

Chapter 875 Unlimited Copy 48
Instant blood recovery, some can instantly recover a few percent, but there are also fixed amount, such as instant recovery of 500 points of blood, these instant recovery of fixed value of blood, it may not be very bad for the player, after all, the player's blood Less, the effect is no different from recovering a few percent instantly. For example, if a player has 1 HP and instantly recovers 1000 HP, what is the difference from recovering 10% instantly? But the blood volume of the city wall is too large. It is not enough to restore a fixed value, because the value that is restored to a fixed value in an instant is definitely not very large, and it is definitely not as good as the one that can instantly restore a few percent.

That's right, the blood volume of the city wall dropped so fast, and there were a few priests in the All Wills Fortress guild that recovered a few percent instantly, but they couldn't stop the blood volume of the city wall from dropping. Fortunately, An Ran was able to instantly recover 25%, pulling the blood up , otherwise I really can't bear it.

This is also normal, if 1 players attack, even if one person can only cause 100 points of damage, it will instantly lose 100 million points of HP. Therefore, even if the priest on Anran's side frantically brushes blood, it cannot withstand the huge damage of the enemy.

Han Bing said: "How can there be so many priests who recover a few percent in an instant? Generally, they recover by a fixed value, so your skill is rare. I have put a few priests who recover by a percentage in the guild into The city wall is broken. But don’t worry, at this speed, the city wall of the FLY guild will be broken long before our city is broken.”

What Han Bing said was true, because about half an hour later, An Ran heard the system prompt that the guild of united will declared war successfully, and the castle of the FLY guild was breached by the guild of united will.

This made An Ran heaving a sigh of relief, thinking to herself, no wonder the saying goes, to be chased by a tiger, you don't have to outrun the tiger, you just need to outrun the other person being chased, they are fighting with the FLY guild , don't worry about your own guild's city wall being unable to hold it, as long as the other party's guild can't hold it first.

Seeing their guild's victory, the guild resident couldn't help but burst into cheers. Although everyone had confidence in their guild's strength, to be honest, seeing their guild castle's blood volume drop "shuashuashua" was still quite a lot. People are worried that they will break the city, and then the system will wipe out 10% of the people. Now they are victorious, and everyone is naturally happy.

Then everyone went to see the spoils.

Because the memory of the original body was gone by now, An Ran didn't know what the spoils of the guild battle would be, so he went to see it with everyone.

"Wow! How come there are so many!" Everyone was shocked when they opened the loot warehouse, and they couldn't help discussing it.

"I thought that as long as I killed the opponent's player in the guild battle, I could get everything from the opponent, but I didn't expect that there are other gains besides this! Where did these things come from?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be contributed by the 10% of the opponent who failed and was obliterated."

"How could you have such a guess?"

"When you click on these things, a person's name will appear on it, and it probably belonged to that person before, so I have this guess."

Be safe, it’s true, every time you click one, a name will appear, and they are all foreign names.

"Wow, that's true! It turns out that winning the guild battle has this benefit, and the other party's things belong to us!"

"It's no wonder that people want to get something for nothing, it's such a good feeling to have a pie in the sky."

"I don't agree with what you said, we fought so hard, and it's called getting something for nothing?"

"Just tell the truth, it's hard for us to defend the city? I didn't even show up, and I just closed my eyes and lost my skills behind the wall. It's easier than playing a dungeon. Is this hard work?"

"How do you divide up so many things?"

"That's right, I feel that no matter how you divide it, it's not appropriate. There are too many people, and it's not easy to score without a standard."

"Look at the arrangement above."

Knowing that everyone wants to know how to distribute these loot, the high-level executives also held a meeting quickly, and the distribution plan came down soon-the defenders of the city will give contribution points according to the output damage of each person, and then everyone will take these contributions Point, go to the warehouse to pick things yourself.

This method is very fair and just, so everyone naturally has no opinion.

This is cheap for An Ran. You must know that An Ran adds blood to the city wall every time the skill cools down. As long as the blood is effective, the output can be calculated, so her output is very amazing. Correspondingly, the contribution point is naturally It's amazing, so many contribution points are enough for her to buy a lot of equipment, but according to her contribution to the guild battle, she is also worthy of so much income.

Because a lot of contribution points were added at once, when An Ran returned the legendary equipment to Han Bing, he also quickly bought a few pieces of legendary equipment from the warehouse. It's an outdated attribute, but legendary equipment can't be found in the market, so it's good to have it, and it's a big deal to save materials to upgrade later.

It is normal that there are not a few of the strongest attributes nowadays. After all, this group of people who were killed due to poor output, except for those whose equipment was given by others, and their output is not strong because of their own skills, as well as equipment merchants, equipment I haven't made a move yet, so except for those who have a few pieces of good equipment in their hands, most of the people whose output is not strong are people with poor equipment. Therefore, although there are many loot, it is normal to have less good equipment.

Of course, in addition to the loot warehouse, the Unity as a City guild also has a guild warehouse, but similarly, there is no legendary equipment in the open warehouse that allows players to exchange automatically. It was stored in a warehouse that was not open to the public. After all, it was impossible for the guild to release legendary equipment for exchange. Because there were so many soldiers in the military that they couldn't use it for themselves, how could it be open to ordinary players for exchange.

Because of the lack of legendary equipment, even if An Ran has contribution points, he can’t redeem them. It’s not bad to be able to grab a few pieces in the loot warehouse. Be happy, otherwise those pieces of legendary equipment will be taken away by the higher-ups and put away in the closed guild warehouse.

Fortunately, An Ran acted quickly, because it was not too late, and all the good equipment in the temporary loot warehouse was snapped up. After all, there are tens of thousands of guild members, and there are always some people who have contribution points and can afford to exchange them.

The guild battle is over, and this game is also over. Now An Ran chatted with Han Bing and others about the situation of this guild battle, exchanged battle experience, and then went offline.

At this time, in the forums on the Internet, the pot exploded.

An Ran entered the Xia Kingdom Military Grand Guild. It can be said that he was able to deal with most of the guilds in the world with ease, so he won easily. However, those ordinary player guilds suffered this time, so many ordinary player guild members, online Started to wail, saying that the game couldn't be played at all.

(End of this chapter)

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