Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 882 Unlimited Copy 55

Chapter 882 Unlimited Copy 55
But Li Zheng's worries are unnecessary.

Xia Guo executives heard that Ping Anxile was found, and Ping Anxile said that she didn't want to move, she just wanted to stay in Zhongzhichengcheng, and didn't force her to come here. She only said that if necessary, she hoped that Anran could help.

Naturally, An Ran would not refuse, and immediately agreed.

So An Ran continued to stay in the United Wills as a City guild as she wished, and as the people of the United Wills Chengcheng wished.

In fact, it was normal that Xia Guo's high-level officials didn't force An Ran to leave the All Wills to Fortress guild, because they had to consider many factors.

One is An Ran's own wishes.

Since people don’t want to move, if you insist on moving them, if they don’t have that kind of gentle character, but that kind of strong character, don’t annoy the other party, if the other party just won’t go, if you don’t help them in the end, or even hate them All right.

The second is the wishes of the Unite Wills Association and even Li Zheng himself.

If they found An Ran secretly, it would be fine if they could communicate with her in secret, but they found An Ran in public. They all know that the peace and joy of possessing the resurrection technique is in their guild, and naturally they all hope that An Ran will be in their guild. In this way, if they want to take An Ran away forcibly, it will not only annoy An Ran, but also the members of the All Wills Fortress guild. Although the All Wills Fortress guild It is not the most powerful guild in the military, but it is not too small. If there is such a group of people who are divorced from the high-level, at a time when the various military guilds are faintly divorced from the high-level and tend to become warlords, adding another enemy, obviously It's not cost-effective, so it's better to let An Ran stay in the guild of united will, and let her help when there is something serious.

An Ran naturally didn't know what the higher-ups were thinking, she just saw that the higher-ups agreed to her request, and she felt happy after nothing happened, and then followed Li Zheng's arrangement, and demonstrated the resurrection technique, bringing the few guild elites who died in this guild battle be resurrected.

In this game, when a person dies, the corpse will not be refreshed until the player is offline. Only when the player is offline and then online, the game will be clean. No matter how many people died before, the corpse will disappear.

And people have three urgencies, and they are also hungry, so no matter how long they spend in the game, it is impossible for them to exceed one day. Therefore, it is said that there is no refresh time for corpses, but in fact, the longest time is probably not more than one day.

Don't try to guard the corpse by taking turns going offline, thinking that the corpse will never be refreshed, no, because as long as you go offline, you will not be able to re-enter the game until the next game time - everyone guesses that this is a game in order to refresh the data.

The ones who brought An Ran back to life now were the guild elites who died in the matchmaking battle, their corpses hadn't been refreshed yet.

In this guild battle, although the defense of the city was as expected by the high-level, before the time came, no one could do anything to anyone, and it was a tie, so no one was obliterated, but in the matching battle, people died , So at this time, the high-level officials asked An Ran to save these people.

An Ran asked them to arrange five people, and after entering the game, they activated the resurrection technique for the first time. After a long read, the five guild elites were resurrected from the dead.

When these five people died, they didn't know that there were holders of the blessings of the gods in the guild, so when they came back to life, they couldn't help being a little confused, saying: "I... what's wrong? I... am not dead Is it? Why... alive again?"

One of his friends burst into tears with excitement, stepped forward and patted him, saying: "You boy, you are lucky, the owner of the magic staff blessed by the gods is here! She brought you back to life!"

"What... what?! The gods bless you?!" The man's eyes widened. "The guild actually found the blessing of the legendary gods?!"

"Isn't it? How else can I say that you are so lucky!"

The man confirmed that he was indeed alive, and he couldn't help crying with joy. After all, except for those lunatics messing around on the street in reality, most people can live. Who wants to die?

"Which one is peace and joy? I want to express my gratitude to TA." That person said.

His friend pointed to An Ran, who was surrounded by the crowd, and said: "Here, that's it, but I guess you won't be able to squeeze in for the time being, because she is surrounded by people, and I will thank you later." Bar."

An Ran will be surrounded by people, naturally there is a reason.

But after An Ran rescued these five people, the scene was full of joy, but at this time someone came over, found An Ran, and said: "Can you please save my brother, as long as you can save my brother, in the future, I will The life of my brother and I is yours, you can ask us to do anything, if you have no other requirements for the time being, then we will reward you with 10000 game coins for each copy."

An Ran said in embarrassment: "Although I have the resurrection technique, the cooling time is extremely long. Now the resurrection technique is level 20, and I can only save five people, and then it will cool down for [-] hours, so even if I want to save your brother, I have saved it just now." Five people, now the skills are useless, and there is nothing they can do."

The man said: "Can I ask you to wait for 20 hours, after the time has passed, I can use the resurrection technique, and then go offline after resurrecting my brother? I know this is a bit difficult, but human life is at stake, please send me a message." mercy."

"I understand your feelings, and I am indeed willing to save them, but I spent a lot of time fighting guild battles before, and now I have to last another 20 hours. My body can't bear it. Even if I am hungry and thirsty, I can Endure it, can I still endure it when I go to the bathroom?"

She is a supernatural being, and she is in good health. She can bear this hunger, but when going to the bathroom, supernatural beings are no different from ordinary people, how can she bear it!
That person also knew that his request was a bit difficult, but seeing that his brother had hope to be rescued, he couldn't let him watch his brother die, so he still begged for An Ran right now, and even knelt down to beg for An Ran .

Seeing him like this, An Ran could only reluctantly say: "Okay, I'll try to persevere."

"Thank you! Thank you! You are safe and happy, you are such a good person." The man thanked him happily and said.

Seeing that An Ran agreed to insist, someone sent his relatives and friends here again. This time it was not Li Zheng's arrangement, so unlike before, they were all prepared to bring An Ran back to life. Knowing who to choose, I had to draw lots directly.

Fortunately, this is the military headquarters, and it is not a large crowd outside, or there are more people outside, watching An Ran help people revive, there will probably be a bunch of people begging An Ran to revive their relatives and friends.

 Thank you Zhao Yilin for the gift personally sent by Ziyan~~Thank you for your monthly pass, subscription, recommendation and collection~~Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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