Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 887 Unlimited Copy 60

Chapter 887 Unlimited Copy 60
God knows that at the beginning of the game, some small countries were glad that the game was divided according to the country, not randomly arranged. At that time, they thought it was better not to arrange randomly, because they had few people. In a district, don't dilute them and be bullied.

In the beginning, it was indeed beneficial for them to divide by country, but now they are fighting guild wars. According to the country, there are too few people, which is disadvantageous, and they have to merge with others.

Because many small countries and small and medium-sized guilds merged, the number of guilds in the world has decreased rapidly. Unlike the beginning, as long as the guild props were found, someone would build a guild, and guilds bloomed everywhere.

Now, even in the populous country of Xia, the number of guilds has dropped to less than 1000, among which there are as many as 10 large guilds with more than 100 people.

The All Wills Fortress guild that An Ran belongs to is naturally one of the best in terms of numbers.

After such a long period of development, the Guild of All Wills has risen to level 120, with as many as 12 members.

It seems to be more prosperous than before, but An Ran knows that this is just an illusion of population concentration. In fact, there are fewer and fewer adults over the age of 16 in Xia Kingdom.

In order to prevent the extinction of human beings, all countries, including the Xia Kingdom, have passed the 14-year-old fertility decree. Not only have they been passed, but in order to ensure that people are willing to give birth, rewards are also given. You can choose the real rewards or the rewards in the game.

At the same time, the women's protection plan is implemented. In the game, women should be given priority in protecting women, especially pregnant women, who will receive the most appropriate arrangements to ensure that the other party will not die during pregnancy.

Not to mention, in order to survive and get priority protection, many women are actually pregnant. After all, as long as they have more chances of survival than others, pregnancy and childbirth are nothing. Although childbirth is hard work, it is better than death ?
So for a while, the number of pregnancies in Xia Kingdom increased sharply. Although the adult population is only 5000 million, according to the data, there are at least 1000 million pregnant people. Logically, according to the age distribution before the end of the world, the population of 5000 million would not be so many Women of childbearing age, but after the end of the world, not many elderly people survived, so almost all of the 5000 million people are young and middle-aged, so it is normal for 1000 million people to become pregnant.

Because the outside is getting more and more chaotic, in order to ensure the safety of these pregnant women, the government has established safety zones in major cities. The safety zones are guarded by soldiers, and those lunatics can't get in.

After all, this is not the kind of monster in the last days, so the safe zone is easy to build, and it is not difficult to bring pregnant women to the safe zone. After all, it is not like that kind of monster in the last days, and you will be attacked by monsters when you walk on the road; although there are lunatics, those people Military equipment is obviously incomparable with the military, so it is not difficult for the military to search for survivors and access the safe zone.

In view of the worsening situation outside, Han Bing said to An Ran this day: "Flowers bloom and wealth, are you safe in reality? Do you want to go to the safe zone?"

After all, An Ran's safety is not only about her, but also the entire guild. You must know that after such a long period of development, An Ran's resurrection and rejuvenation skills have been upgraded to level seven. It can revive 7 people each time, and the rejuvenation technique can increase blood by 35% each time, which is more and more effective for the guild. There was a slight mistake, so Han Bing would naturally make such a suggestion. This is not only his own suggestion, but also the opinion of the guild's high-level, and even higher-ups.

An Ran naturally didn't want to go to the safe zone.

Although the military is treating her very well right now, she is very worried that once she enters their sphere of influence, will she be controlled by them, and she will not be able to stick to her ideas in the guild like before.

After all, although she has supernatural powers, she is not very powerful at present, and she is not strong enough to withstand the powerful hot weapons of the military.

So now, after hearing Han Bing's proposal, An Ran naturally rejected it, shaking her head and saying, "No, I'm pretty safe in reality, so I don't need to bother going to the safe zone."

Han Bing more or less knew what An Ran was worried about, because the other party had a lot of worries before joining the guild. Now that she is sent to the military in real life, she must have more worries, so Han Bing immediately reassured her and said: " You don't have to worry about going to our side, we will treat you badly, don't worry, just like in the guild, we will give you preferential treatment, in reality, we will also give you preferential treatment at our place, and will not restrict you .”

Although what Han Bing said was very good, An Ran naturally wouldn't believe it. After all, what she said was pretty good now, but when her people entered the safe zone, she would be out of control, so An Ran immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, if I really can't live outside, I will contact you at any time, but I am really safe, don't worry, so just let me outside, anyway, I think I will be in danger then , It is estimated that you can send a helicopter to pick me up in time."

In fact, of course she would not be in danger, after all her abilities and maze defense magic weapon is not vegetarian.

Han Bing couldn't persuade her anyway, so she had no choice but to think that what she said was right. If there was an emergency, as long as she reported the address, she could mobilize the nearest army to protect her as soon as possible. After all, the plane was Soon, as she said with certainty, it should be that the protective measures are not bad. If the protective measures are not bad, once danger is found, it should not be a problem to wait for a few 10 minutes until the military arrives.

Reporting An Ran's answer to the top, Li Zheng and others naturally disagreed, but because An Ran was unwilling to go to the safe zone, they had no choice but to forget it for the time being. Can't find this person, there is no progress, obviously, An Ran should be very vigilant, changed his real appearance, and used a re-pinched face, so they couldn't find it at all.

People don't want to tell them the address, and they can't find anyone, so what if they forget it?
In this way, An Ran continued to stay in her house.

And because this area has been searched countless times, many people know that they have searched here, and they can't find anything, so gradually, no one comes to knock on the door, that is, occasionally there is a little noise on the street, but every now and then As time went by, those lunatics died, and many normal people left with the army, and even the noise on the streets became less and less. Gradually, the small city where An Ran was located became quieter and quieter, like It's like the whole world is gone.

If you want to change someone, seeing such a quiet world outside, I am afraid that you will go crazy. After all, human beings live in groups, and people who are too quiet can't stand it. However, An Ran can't wait for this quietness. After all, she has experienced many worlds and has a tough heart. She was never afraid of being quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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