Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 893 The Ultimate Scholar's Wife 5

Chapter 893 The Ultimate Scholar's Wife 5
Because of An Ran's life and death, she was unwilling to go, and in the end, Mrs. Li had nothing to do with her. After all, it was not easy for her to say that she disobeyed her. She said she would tell the patriarch and let the clan teach her a lesson. The fourth daughter-in-law's natal family came to make trouble, so I could only forget it at the moment, thinking about how to deal with this matter after discussing it with the old man later.

And even though she entered the house, Li Sansao, who was still eavesdropping on the conversation outside, was worried that Shen Anran would be persuaded by Mrs. Li, and she would really run to the field. Then she would have no excuse to separate, and she was very nervous. At this time, seeing that Shen Anran foolishly and resolutely refused, and just refused to go, she couldn't help but smiled happily, secretly thinking that now she has an excuse to continue arguing about the separation of the family.

Because An Ran was not persuaded, Mrs. Li could only let Sansao Li hide in the house and not go to the field.

Fortunately, although Mrs. Li and Mrs. Li looked at each other, they didn't say the same thing about going to the field at this time, so Mrs. Li was a little relieved.

She didn't know that although Sister-in-law Li and Sister-in-law Li had gone to the field, she was actually thinking in her heart that the fourth daughter-in-law was making such a fuss, and she was afraid that the separation of the family would really make the third daughter-in-law come true. After all, the fourth daughter-in-law What they have done is too much. If the third daughter-in-law wants to talk about separating the family, the old lady and the others have no reason not to separate.

I feel that the separation of the family may be successful, so Mrs. Li and Sister-in-law Li stopped arguing for now, and went to the field. Anyway, if the separation is successful, the future harvest of the crops in this field may be my own , Busy for their own things, they are still willing.

In the evening, when the men came back and went to bed after eating, Mrs. Li told Mr. Li about the day's affairs, and then said, "Old man, what do you think we should do? Leave this matter alone, I think Next, the third daughter-in-law will definitely argue about the separation of the family."

And as parents, they naturally want to live with their children and don't want to separate.

After listening to Mrs. Li's words, Mrs. Li naturally understood her worry. After a moment of silence, he said, "You can talk to the fourth son about this matter. We said that the fourth daughter-in-law would not listen, but the fourth daughter-in-law said maybe she would. After all, I It seems that she has a good relationship with the fourth child."

After hearing this, Mrs. Li thought that this was a solution, so she nodded immediately and said: "Okay, I will go and talk to the fourth child tomorrow, alas, I hope this matter can be resolved, I don't want to separate."

Early the next morning, after Mrs. Li and the others went to the field, Mrs. Li went into Li Silang's room, and saw that her youngest son was studying hard there, and she couldn't help feeling relieved—if An Ran knew what she was thinking, she would probably roll her eyes Because God knows before she came in, Li Silang was playing there and didn't read at all.

At that moment, Mrs. Li glanced at An Ran who was fanning Li Silang on the side—well, she can act, she can do it, and when she heard the knock on the door, she fanned Li Silang with her fan—and she was also very happy. I was relieved, thinking that although this girl was lazy, she still had nothing to say to her son, so she immediately said: "I have something to talk to the fourth child, you go and clean up the main room."

Although she was curious about what Mrs. Li had to say, she wanted to talk to Li Silang behind her back, but since he said so, she naturally wouldn't insist on staying here, so An Ran immediately said "Yes" and went out .

Although the person went out, An Ran was absent-mindedly sweeping the ground with a broom, while mobilizing her internal energy, she listened carefully to the conversation between Mrs. Li and Li Silang.

Immediately, I heard Mrs. Li say to Li Silang: "Fourth, if you want to study, I naturally can't let you go to the farm like your brothers, but, the fourth daughter-in-law, she doesn't need to study, so it's not appropriate for her to go to the farm." Ah, if she continues like this, your brothers and sisters-in-law will definitely be arguing to separate the family. When the time comes, the family will really be separated. Me and your father alone cannot afford you, so you must persuade you Daughter-in-law, let her go to work in the field, so as not to break up the family, which is not good for you."

Li Silang didn't quite understand what his old lady meant when she said this, so he immediately said inexplicably: "It's not suitable, then you can tell Mrs. Shen, why do you tell me?"

Mrs. Li said awkwardly: "Isn't it because she doesn't listen to me? I think she seems to listen to you, so why don't you persuade me?"

Li Silang thought to himself, it's strange that she listened to me, if she really listened, why didn't she never serve tea and fan?Is it sometimes just for the family to look at as a pretense?

But he is a face-saving person, so when he heard his mother say that An Ran listened to him very much and asked him to help persuade him, he didn't deny it. He pretended to be difficult and agreed, but he still looked like he was afraid that he might not be able to handle it. , said: "Although she usually listens to me, I don't know if she will listen to this matter, so I will say it anyway. If it doesn't work, mother, don't blame me."

He was afraid that it would not be possible, so he made a preset in advance.

Seeing that Li Silang agreed, Mrs. Li breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's natural, but I believe Mrs. Chen should be willing to listen to you."

After saying this, Mrs. Li came out.

Seeing her coming out, An Ran quickly pretended not to hear her, and swept the floor earnestly.

Mrs. Li then called her and said, "My fourth daughter-in-law, my fourth is calling you."

An Ran used her internal strength just now, so she naturally understood what Mrs. Li said, so now Mrs. Li let herself in, saying that Li Silang had something to say to herself, she knew what she was thinking and nodded immediately, saying : "Okay, I'll go right away."

Immediately, he forgot about sweeping the floor, opened the door and went in.

"What's the matter?" An Ran asked, pretending not to know.

Li Silang glanced at her, and said: "It's not a big deal, but mother asked me to tell you that you will also go to the field to do things in the future."

Since An Ran had already rejected it before, she naturally wouldn't change her mind here, so she immediately said, "I said, I don't know how to do things in the fields, so what are I going to do?"

"If you don't know how to do it, learn it. I don't believe that you can never fail to learn it." Li Silang said.

An Ran said angrily: "Why should I learn? You are a big man, you don't go, you are lazy at home, but let me go to the field, is it reasonable?"

"What do you mean I'm lazy at home? I want to study." Li Silang said plausibly.

An Ran curled her lips and said, "Come on, whether you have read or not, outsiders don't know, how can I not know?"

Li Silang choked on being blocked by her, and after a while, he became a little annoyed and said: "It's not me who asked you to go to the field, I'm the messenger, whether you like to go or not, don't go down."

At the same time, he secretly thought in his heart, luckily he didn't make a big deal earlier, otherwise Shen Shi wouldn't go now, and he would be ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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