Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 895 The Ultimate Scholar's Wife 7

Chapter 895 The Ultimate Scholar's Wife 7
Now that An Ran has taken over, it can be said that in terms of money, she definitely doesn't have to worry about running out of money, because she can make money by doing whatever she wants.

However, the purpose of this world is not to make money, but to allow Li Silang to obtain fame, which is difficult.

But now that everyone has moved away, it's time for her to get down to business. After all, Li Silang is already 20 years old, but he hasn't even passed the entrance examination for a child student.

There were many people in the family before, so it was inconvenient for her to adjust and teach Li Silang, but now that everyone has left, she can do it.

Just do what you say, this day An Ran waited for the old couple to go out to work, and when there was no one at home, she asked Li Silang: "When the New Year is over, the county will have to test again, are you sure this time?"

"Of course!" Li Silang said, but he felt a little guilty.

If others don't know, doesn't he himself know how much ink he has?So when he said this, he was obviously guilty, but he didn't dare to say that he was not sure, wouldn't that be embarrassing?So it's just a bluff.

"Since there is, let me test you." An Ran said.

An Ran is going to be courteous first and then soldier. If she can do it softly, she will not come hard.

Li Silang was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "You can't!"

"Who said I can't, I followed a few older brothers in my mother's house, and I can also read." An Ran said.

Li Silang thought that although his wife's natal brothers did not take the imperial examination, they were indeed sent to school by his father-in-law for a few years and knew how to read, so it was normal for his wife to learn a little after his brothers, so he didn't question it.

——Actually, Yuanshen’s elder brothers did teach Yuanshen to recognize characters, but Yuanshen’s ambition was not here (that is, he was lazy), and he was absent-minded in learning, so he didn’t know a few characters at all.

At this time Li Silang heard that An Ran was going to test him, but he wasn't too scared. In his opinion, even if An Ran followed her brothers to learn Chinese characters, he couldn't be better than him who went to a private school. Those people, but it is impossible to be worse than a woman who has only read a few words.

So when Li Silang heard An Ran said that he wanted to test him, he calmly said: "Well, you can test."

Who is An Ran? He is a person who has passed the imperial examination, so he naturally knows what the county examination will test—this time the world is similar to the world she lived in before, and the imperial examination process is similar—so the questions that are asked now are also the same. Similar to the county test questions.

Of course, in order to prevent Li Silang from doubting the type of exam questions that she would go out of the county, she excused that she read it from the bookstore-the bookstores of this era naturally also have these exam reference books.

An Ran is based on the tricks of the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination under modern exam-oriented education. It is better to let Li Silang do more questions than to study hard.

These questions are not difficult, but the key is that Li Silang is not good enough, so the articles he wrote are full of typos, and even the dictation articles are not good at dictation, and many of them are forgotten.

An Ran looked at it, shook her head, and said, "Your level is worse than mine!"

Hearing what An Ran said, Li Silang was not convinced, and said: "How is it possible! What are you bragging about!"

"If you don't believe me, you also set a question to test me?" An Ran said.

Naturally, Li Silang didn't want his wife to feel that he was worse than her, so he immediately agreed and said, "Okay."

Immediately, he came up with a few questions, and An Ran took them to do it.

After a while, An Ran finished it and showed it to Li Silang.

Li Silang blushed a little when he scanned the paper on the first day of junior high school, because An Ran's paper was much neater and better-looking than his. He was embarrassed to ask her how she practiced the handwriting. In the end... Shen's test was indeed much better than him. At least, there were no typos in the article, and all the silent writing came out.

It's a bit embarrassing for someone who just learns to take the test better than the person who holds books all day long.

Immediately, An Ran spoke up, and said: "How about it, let me tell you, I am better than you in the exam, right? So hurry up and study with some snacks. After all, no matter what you say, you are not saying that you are better than others, but you always Better than me? Otherwise, a big man is not as good as a woman, isn’t it ridiculous? Or are you born stupid, no matter how you read, you are not as good as a woman?”

Judging from his memory, Li Silang loves face, he would rather starve to death than go to the ground, fearing that people will laugh at him for not being able to study well, or become a muddy leg, so An Ran beat the snake seven inches, so he said.

These words really had some effect. When Li Silang heard it, he couldn't help but blushed and became angry, and said: "Of course I am not stupid, and I am not inferior to a woman. I just didn't read it seriously. I have to read it carefully. I will read it carefully." Not as good as you?!"

Seeing what he said, An Ran clapped her hands and said: "Okay! You read it carefully, and we will compare once a month. If you do not do as well as me in the exam, you will give me all the things your parents gave you." ,how?"

It turned out that in addition to providing food, clothing, housing and transportation for her son, Mrs. Li usually gave Li Silang pocket money for him to buy whatever he wanted. In the past, when the family was together, she gave it secretly, but now the other three sons are separated. She didn't have to give it secretly, she just gave it openly, An Ran looked at it, and she would give Li Silang about [-] Wen for a month's odds and ends, which is already quite remarkable in a farm family.

Li Silang is as lavish as the original body, and if he has this money, he usually spends it all.

Fortunately, when it comes to spending money, the other party doesn't prostitute or gamble. At most, he eats delicious food outside, and sometimes buys some books - not for reading, of course, but for appearance, so that his mother thinks he loves it. Read, and then happy to give him money.

So An Ran is killing two birds with one stone. With this bet, even if this Li Silang fails to study, if the money is saved and not spent randomly, their life will be easier in the future.

Of course, if Li Silang succeeds in studying, then she will be happy to let him take the money. After all, her task this time is to let Li Silang complete the book. As long as he can read the book, let alone pocket money, it is more She is also willing to give him the money. After all, what can be done with money is not a big deal.

For this gamble, Li Silang did not object, because in his mind, he was just lazy and refused to read carefully, so he would lose to Shen Shi. As long as he read carefully, he would definitely win Shen Shi, so he immediately agreed to An Ran's proposal , but he had a little objection to this bet, and immediately said: "What if you don't do as well as me in the exam? You can't just blame me and not you, can you?"

An Ran nodded and said, "If I lose, I'll give you five hundred Wen, how about that?"

Anyway, she has 50 taels of private house. According to the silver-copper price comparison in this era, it is worth about 60000 Wen. If you give Li Silang [-] Wen a month, it is only [-] Wen a year. You can afford it!

Li Silang heard that An Ran was willing to give him so much money, and thought about how much delicious food he could buy, he was overjoyed, and there was no one who was unwilling, so he immediately said: "Okay! It's settled like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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