Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 918 The Ultimate Scholar's Wife 30

Chapter 918 The Ultimate Scholar's Wife 30
An Ran thought, when the time comes, she will use spiritual energy to regulate his intelligence, and let him maintain the memory of his youth. In addition, she will continue to write questions and ask him to brush the questions. If she still fails the exam, then she will not There is a solution, and I can only accept my fate, and let this task fail. Fortunately, this is only a blue task, and the loss of failure is not big. No wonder you're not depressed.

Now I only hope that Li Silang can pass the Jinshi examination and save her a fortune in Lingshi.

Although An Ran felt that with Li Silang's current grades, Chun Wei after the new year would definitely not be able to pass the Jinshi exam, but she still asked Li Silang if he wanted to give it a try.

In fact, she herself is also conflicted, and she doesn't know whether to let Li Silang end.

If it were her own, she would definitely give it a try no matter how good or bad it was, and see if the water was deep or the water was shallow. That was because she had a good psychological quality and was not afraid of failure.

But Li Silang is afraid that he does not have such a good psychological quality. If he passes the county examination smoothly and fails the examination as before when he is a Jinshi, will his mentality collapse.

But after conflicting for a long time, it's useless to think about this matter and decide on your own. The key still depends on Li Silang's thoughts. After all, if you don't want him to go, Li Silang wants to participate. Could she still prevent Li Silang from failing the exam?So at this time, I asked Li Silang.

Hearing An Ran's question, Li Silang said without hesitation: "Next spring, of course I will end up, even if I don't win, it's good to go and see the world."

If the family has no money, he may not take the exam to save some money, but now that the family has money, then go and have a look.

An Ran listened to what he said, nodded and said: " are right."

Put away the sentence that if you fail the exam, will it hurt your confidence, lest Li Silang fail the exam in the future and blame her for being crowed.

"Since you're going to leave, you'll have to leave after the New Year."

The spring of this era is considered to be too early and cold, so it is set in March of Yangchun.

Although Dongfeng Village is not too far from the capital city, it is still [-] kilometers away. According to the speed of the horse-drawn carriage in this era, it would take at least ten days. Leave some time to deal with possible accidents, so it is natural to leave early, so as not to be late, and then don't delay the exam, that would be bad.

Li Silang nodded and said, "I will."

Li Silang decided in this way, after the new year, and the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he set off with his money.

On such a long road, An Ran actually wanted to go with her. After all, in that way, if something happened, she could find a way to deal with it at any time, so as not to be by Li Silang's side. If something happened, she didn't know that Li Silang had I don't have the ability to deal with it.

It’s just that she’s pregnant, which is inconvenient, so An Ran can only forget about it. Fortunately, Li Silang didn’t go alone for the Beijing exam, and Li Dalang and Li Erlang accompanied each other. It should be fine to take care of each other——Jing Beijing exam It is more important, so this time the two brothers Li Dalang and Li Erlang went together.

After Li Silang left, Mrs. Li saw that An Ran was alone in the city and was afraid that it would be inconvenient for her—after all, even if there were servants, but servants were servants after all, how could family members treat you so well, so she came to visit from time to time.

Then An Ran discovered that Mrs. Li's superstition towards her seemed to be too much, because this time Li Silang was admitted to Jinshi, from An Ran's point of view, there was no possibility at all, but Mrs. Li felt that she could flourish Li Silang, so Li Silang Surely he could pass the exam, but he couldn't help but think that if Li Silang didn't pass the exam this time, he wondered if the old lady would be disappointed, and at the same time, he was no longer so superstitious about her.

But even if she is not so superstitious and treats her not as well as before, she will not be afraid. After all, Mrs. Li is not the kind of evil mother-in-law. Before she feels that she is prosperous, she dare not mess with herself. Even if she was disappointed after that, at most it was because she was not that kind to herself, but it was impossible to treat herself in any way; secondly, she had seen so many house fighting methods, after all, Mrs. Li was a country old lady, Even if she really wants to do something to herself, she can handle it, so don't be afraid.

This time, Li Silang's Chunwei exam did not meet An Ran's expectations, and he failed. Although she brushed the questions for him, after all, she couldn't make her get the test questions right every time, and then let Li Silang pick up the cheap ones, so it was normal for her to fail.

Li Silang set off in the middle of the first lunar month and came back at the end of April. He has been there for more than three months. This is because he has won the exam now and has some spare money. Otherwise, he can't afford to live in Beijing for more than three months—but more In just one month, it cost Li Silang more than 100 taels of silver, and this is almost Sifang's total income for a year now.

Fortunately, Chunwei only takes the exam once every three years, and Li Silang has enough time to save money, so he doesn't have to worry about running out of money for the exam after three years.

As for the news of failing the ranking, An Ran and the others only found out about it after Li Silang returned home.

Fortunately, seeing Li Silang's expression, he was not very depressed. An Ran wanted to ask Li Silang why he could hold his breath. Seeing An Ran's question, Li Silang said in a very simple way: "If you haven't won the exam before, you have never passed the exam. I may have to worry about my future life, but now that I have won the exam, my life is guaranteed. In this case, I have the confidence. Anyway, I will take the exam. It will be good if I pass the exam, and my senses will be better; It doesn't matter if you don't pass the exam, if you don't pass the exam at the age of 40, I will go to the election."

After An Ran heard this, she finally understood—oh, it seems that Li Silang has no ambitions, as long as he can have an income to support himself, and in Zhongju, he has no psychological burden when he has a guarantee. Don't worry if you don't pass the exam.

This state has both good and bad sides.

Needless to say the good side, at least she doesn't have to worry about him failing the exam all the time, and he will have negative emotions due to frustration.

The downside is that unambitious people often have no motivation. Now that he has an attitude of dawdling, it's no wonder that he hasn't made any progress in his homework for a while. There is one reason for talent, and the lack of motivation is probably another reason.

This is not easy to deal with. If I can cultivate the truth by then, I can help him become smarter, but he has the mentality of dawdling. If she doesn't work hard, wouldn't she practice in vain?After all, if Lingqi sorts out his brain, at most it will make him smarter, and it is impossible to become a genius. In that case, if he does not work hard, it is still impossible to pass the exam.

So seeing what Li Silang said, An Ran couldn't help but worry, thinking about how to do this.

But soon An Ran had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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