Chapter 193 In The Gu
He raised his brows and frowned tightly, since he entered Xin Mei's room, there was a suspicion, and now he felt his pulse, and the guess in his heart got an accurate answer, but the suspicion deepened.

"Peng Luo, come and take a look."

Zhang Qi stood up, his brows still not stretched, he glanced at Peng Luo beside him, and said coldly.

Peng Luo sat down in front of Xin Mei's bed in fear, feeling uneasy, and he also smelled some familiar smells from the air, but, it shouldn't be what he guessed, right?
Unfortunately, the facts are always completely opposite to what Peng Luo imagined.

After Peng Luo gave Xin Mei his pulse, he stood aside with his head down, but he didn't speak. Everyone could feel his fear.

"what happened?"

Ning Xiner looked at Shen Youxia in surprise. Ning Xiner was not very familiar with these two Shen Youxias, but she also knew that they were both fearless, and there must be some major event that made Peng Luo react like this.

He Pingping looked at Xin Mei on the bed with a worried expression on her face. She also completely trusted the people brought by Shen Youxia. Looking at Zhang Qi and Peng Luo's worried expressions, what He Pingping directly guessed was that her mother's condition was not good. Somewhat flustered, she stepped forward and grabbed her mother's hand, holding it tightly and refusing to let go.

Shen Youxia looked at Zhang Qi and Peng Luo, and when he saw Peng Luo's appearance, he knew that Xin Mei's illness might have something to do with him.

"Peng Luo, did you do it?"

He hadn't spoken before, and everyone in the room was waiting for the result. Although Shen Youxia guessed it, he was seventy to eighty percent sure, so he asked directly.

"No, Shen Youxia, don't talk nonsense, it has nothing to do with me."

Hearing Shen Youxia's words, Peng Luo jumped up in fright, yelling bluffing, really afraid that someone would listen to Shen Youxia's words and put this matter on himself.

"Say it again, it has nothing to do with you?"

Before Shen Youxia finished speaking, Zhang Qi, who had been standing by the side with an extremely ugly expression, suddenly spoke.

Peng Luo shut his mouth on the spot.


Zhang Qi's voice raised several syllables again, so startled that no one in the room dared to say anything, and could only stare at the two of them in a daze.

I was thinking in my heart: what are the origins of these two people brought by Shen Youxia?Don't want to see a doctor, so you are playing awe-inspiring here?

Peng Luo raised his head and glanced at his angry face, walked timidly in front of Shen Youxia, moved his position quietly, and blocked Shen Youxia in front of him, he was really worried that his senior brother would get angry and beat him up a meal.

"Well, the lady on the bed is not sick, but has been poisoned."

"Bewitched? Yours?"

From Peng Luo's words, coupled with Zhang Qi's reaction just now, it is not difficult for Shen Youxia to guess the result.

People in Xiyang City don't know much about Miao Jiang's voodoo, especially the Shenhe clan that Zhang Qipengluo belongs to, which has never appeared in Xiyang City, and what people know is only some legends about Miao Jiang That's all.

However, Shen Youxia had dealt with Zhang Qi, Pengluo, and even Miao Jiang and the Shenhe tribe in his previous life. It is not surprising to know this. What did Peng Luo tell her before.

"It's mine, but I can't say it's mine. It's quite complicated..."

Peng Luo faltered in answering Shen Youxia's words, with his head down, he didn't even dare to look at Shen Youxia, let alone look at Zhang Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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